20 research outputs found

    Detection Guided Decision Feedback IIR Equalizer for sparse channels

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    For the 4 wire-loop telephony circuit echo paths [1], mobile radio channels [2] and other channels, the impulse response of the channel has sparsely active" characteristics. We consider a discrete NLMS adaptive IIR equalizer connected in cascade with the channel to compensate for the system degradation due to Intersymbol Interference (ISI) [3]. The conventional NLMS adaptive IIR equalizer adapts each and every tap at each sample interval. However, this approach suffers from the slow convergence problem. Motivated by the sparse channel characteristics, we investigate the use of active parameter detection technique within the NLMS adapted IIR equalizer. The proposed detection technique is based on that employed for channel estimation applications in [4] [5]. The aim is to adapt only the active (or significant) taps of the equalizer. Improved convergence rates are achieved. The decision feedback technique is also incorporated in the IIR equalizer to cancel ISI [6]. Simulations of this newly proposed active-parameter detection guided IIR equalizer show the favourable accelerated convergence

    On Improvement of Proportionate Adaptive Algorithms for Sparse Impulse Response

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    高知工科大学博士(工学) 平成21年9月30日授与 (甲第168号

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    Temperature aware power optimization for multicore floating-point units

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    Signal processing techniques for cardiovascular monitoring applications using conventional and video-based photoplethysmography

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    Photoplethysmography (PPG)-based monitoring devices will probably play a decisive role in healthcare environment of the future, which will be preventive, predictive, personalized and participatory. Indeed, this optical technology presents several practical advantages over gold standard methods based on electrocardiography, because PPG wearable devices can be comfortably used for long-term continuous monitoring during daily life activities. Contactless video-based PPG technique, also known as imaging photoplethysmography (iPPG), has also attracted much attention recently. In that case, the cardiac pulse is remotely measured from the subtle skin color changes resulting from the blood circulation, using a simple video camera. PPG/iPPG have a lot of potential for a wide range of cardiovascular applications. Hence, there is a substantial need for signal processing techniques to explore these applications and to improve the reliability of the PPG/iPPG-based parameters. \par A part of the thesis is dedicated to the development of robust processing schemes to estimate heart rate from the PPG/iPPG signals. The proposed approaches were built on adaptive frequency tracking algorithms that were previously developed in our group. These tools, based on adaptive band-pass filters, provide instantaneous frequency estimates of the input signal(s) with a very low time delay, making them suitable for real-time applications. In case of conventional PPG, a prior adaptive noise cancellation step involving the use of accelerometer signals was also necessary to reconstruct clean PPG signals during the regions corrupted by motion artifacts. Regarding iPPG, after comparing different regions of interest on the subject face, we hypothesized that the simultaneous use of different iPPG signal derivation methods (i.e. methods to derive the iPPG time series from the pixel values of the consecutive frames) could be advantageous. Methods to assess signal quality online and to incorporate it into instantaneous frequency estimation were also examined and successfully applied to improve system reliability. \par This thesis also explored different innovative applications involving PPG/iPPG signals. The detection of atrial fibrillation was studied. Novel features derived directly from the PPG waveforms, designed to reflect the morphological changes observed during arrhythmic episodes, were proposed and proven to be successful for atrial fibrillation detection. Arrhythmia detection and robust heart rate estimation approaches were combined in another study aimed at reducing the number of false arrhythmia alarms in the intensive care unit by exploiting signals from independent sources, including PPG. Evaluation on a hidden dataset demonstrated that the number of false alarms was drastically reduced while almost no true alarm was suppressed. Finally, other aspects of the iPPG technology were examined, such as the measurement of pulse rate variability indexes from the iPPG signals and the estimation of respiratory rate from the iPPG interbeat intervals

    Signal-perturbation-free semi-blind channel estimation for MIMO-OFDM systems

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    Multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) has been considered as a strong candidate for the beyond 3G (B3G) wireless communication systems, due to its high data-rate wireless transmission performance. It is well known that the advantages promised by MIMO-OFDM systems rely on the precise knowledge of the channel state information (CSI). In real wireless environments, however, the channel condition is unknown. Therefore, channel estimation is of crucial importance in MIMO-OFDM systems. Semi-blind channel estimation as a combination of the training-based or pilot-assisted method and the pure blind approach is considered to be a feasible solution for practical wireless systems due to its better estimation accuracy as well as spectral efficiency. In this thesis, we address the semi-blind channel estimation issue of MIMO-OFDM systems with an objective to develop very efficient channel estimation approaches. In the first part of the dissertation, several nulling-based semi-blind approaches are presented for the estimation of time-domain MIMO-OFDM channels. By incorporating a blind constraint that is derived from MIMO linear prediction (LP) into a training-based least-square method, a semi-blind solution for the time-domain channel estimation is first obtained. It is revealed through a perturbation analysis that the semi-blind solution is not subject to signal perturbation and therefore is superior to pure blind estimation methods. The LP-based semi-blind method is then extended for the channel estimation of MIMO-OFDM systems with pulse-shaping. By exploiting the pulse-shaping filter in the transmitter and the matched filter in the receiver, a very efficient semi-blind approach is developed for the estimation of sampling duration based multipath channels. A frequency-domain correlation matrix estimation algorithm is also presented to facilitate the computation of time-domain second-order statistics required in the LP-based method. The nulling-based semi-blind estimation issue of sparse MIMO-OFDM channels is also addressed. By disclosing and using a relationship between the positions of the most significant taps (MST) of the sparse channel and the lags of nonzero correlation matrices of the received signal, a novel estimation approach consisting of the MST detection and the sparse channel estimation, both in a semi-blind fashion, is developed. An intensive simulation study of all the proposed nulling-based methods with comparison to some existing techniques is conducted, showing a significant superiority of the new methodologies. The second part of the dissertation is dedicated to the development of two signal-perturbation-free (SPF) semi-blind channel estimation algorithms based on a novel transmit scheme that bears partial information of the second-order statistics of the transmitted signal to receiver. It is proved that the new transmit scheme can completely cancel the signal perturbation error in the noise-free case, thereby improving largely the estimation accuracy of correlation matrix for channel estimation in noisy conditions. It is also shown that the overhead caused by the transmission of the 8PF data is negligible as compared to that of regular pilot signals. By using the proposed transmit scheme, a whitening rotation (WR)-based algorithm is first developed for frequency-domain MIMO-OFDM channel estimation. It is shown through both theoretical analysis and simulation study that the new WR-based algorithm significantly outperforms the conventional WR-based method and the nulling-based semi-blind method. By using MIMO linear prediction, the new WR-based algorithm utilizing the 8PF transmit scheme is then extended for time-domain MIMO-OFDM channel estimation. Computer simulations show that the proposed signal-perturbation-free LP-based semi-blind solution performs much better than the LP semi-blind method without using the proposed transmit scheme, the LS method as well as the nulling-based semi-blind method in terms of the MSE of the channel estimate

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Convergence of Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems

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    This book is a collection of published articles from the Sensors Special Issue on "Convergence of Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems". It includes extended versions of the conference contributions from the 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS’2019), Metz, France, as well as external contributions