8 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Semantics and Unifying Theories

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    Model-driven development is being used increasingly in the development of modern computer-based systems. In the case of cyber-physical systems (including robotics and autonomous systems) no single modelling solution is adequate to cover all aspects of a system, such as discrete control, continuous dynamics, and communication networking. Instead, a heterogeneous modelling solution must be adopted. We propose a theory engineering technique involving Isabelle/HOL and Hoare & He’s Unifying Theories of Programming. We illustrate this approach with mechanised theories for building a contractual theory of sequential programming, a theory of pointer-based programs, and the reactive theory underpinning CSP’s process algebra. Galois connections provide the mechanism for linking these theories

    Cyber-Physical Systems Design: Formal Foundations, Methods and Integrated Tool Chains

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    The engineering of dependable cyber-physical systems (CPSs) is inherently collaborative, demanding cooperation between diverse disciplines. A goal of current research is the development of integrated tool chains for model-based CPS design that support co-modelling, analysis, co-simulation, testing and implementation. We discuss the role of formal methods in addressing three key aspects of this goal: providing reasoning support for semantically heterogeneous models, managing the complexity and scale of design space exploration, and supporting traceability and provenance in the CPS design set. We briefly outline an approach to the development of such a tool chain based on existing tools and discuss ongoing challenges and open research questions in this area

    Towards Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems with UTP and Isabelle/HOL

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    In this paper, we outline our vision for building verification tools for Cyber-Physical Systems based on Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) and interactive proof technology in Isabelle/HOL. We describe our mechanisation and explain some of the design decisions that we have taken to get a convenient and smooth implementation. In particular, we describe our use of lenses to encode state. We illustrate our work with an example UTP theory and describe the implementation of three foundational theories: designs, reactive processes, and the hybrid relational calculus. We conclude by reflecting on how tools are linked by unifying theories

    UTP By Example : Designs

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    Probabilistic Semantics for RoboChart A Weakest Completion Approach

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    We outline a probabilistic denotational semantics for the RoboChart language, a diagrammatic, domain-specific notation for de- scribing robotic controllers with their hardware platforms and operating environments. We do this using a powerful (but perhaps not so well known) semantic technique: He, Morgan, and McIver’s weakest completion semantics, which is based on Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming. In this approach, we do the following: (1) start with the standard semantics for a nondeterministic programming language; (2) propose a new probabilistic semantic domain; (3) propose a forgetful function from the probabilistic semantic domain to the standard semantic domain; (4) use the converse of the forgetful function to embed the standard semantic domain in the probabilistic semantic domain; (5) demonstrate that this embedding preserves program structure; (6) define the probabilistic choice operator. Weakest completion semantics guides the semantic definition of new languages by building on existing semantics and, in this case, tackling a notoriously thorny issue: the relationship between demonic and probabilistic choice. Consistency ensures that programming intuitions, development techniques, and proof methods can be carried over from the standard language to the probabilistic one. We largely follow He et al., our contribution being an explication of the technique with meticulous proofs suitable for mechanisation in Isabelle/UTP

    Unifying Theories of Reactive Design Contracts

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    Design-by-contract is an important technique for model-based design in which a composite system is specified by a collection of contracts that specify the behavioural assumptions and guarantees of each component. In this paper, we describe a unifying theory for reactive design contracts that provides the basis for modelling and verification of reactive systems. We provide a language for expression and composition of contracts that is supported by a rich calculational theory. In contrast with other semantic models in the literature, our theory of contracts allow us to specify both the evolution of state variables and the permissible interactions with the environment. Moreover, our model of interaction is abstract, and supports, for instance, discrete time, continuous time, and hybrid computational models. Being based in Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP), our theory can be composed with further computational theories to support semantics for multi-paradigm languages. Practical reasoning support is provided via our proof framework, Isabelle/UTP, including a proof tactic that reduces a conjecture about a reactive program to three predicates, symbolically characterising its assumptions and guarantees about intermediate and final observations. This allows us to verify programs with a large or infinite state space. Our work advances the state-of-the-art in semantics for reactive languages, description of their contractual specifications, and compositional verification