35,132 research outputs found

    User's guide for NETS/PROSSS

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    Expensive analysis programs are often combined with optimization procedures to solve engineering problems. To obtain an optimal solution requires numerous iterations between the analysis program and the optimizer. This often becomes prohibitive due to the cost and amount of computer time needed to converge to an optimal solution. NETS/PROSSS was developed to address this problem. The purpose of this paper is to serve as a user's guide for NETS/PROSSS. The key features include the neural network, determining the training pairs for the neural network, and the approximated analysis/optimization process. A small problem is given to serve as an example of how to apply the system

    ADS: A FORTRAN program for automated design synthesis, version 1.00

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    A new general-purpose optimization program for engineering design is described. ADS-1 (Automated Design Synthesis - Version 1) is a FORTRAN program for solution of nonlinear constrained optimization problems. The program is segmented into three levels, being strategy, optimizer, and one-dimensional search. At each level, several options are available so that a total of over 100 possible combinations can be created. Examples of available strategies are sequential unconstrained minimization, the Augmented Lagrange Multiplier method, and Sequential Linear Programming. Available optimizers include variable metric methods and the Method of Feasible Directions as examples and one-dimensional search options include polynomial interpolation and the Golden Section method as examples. Emphasis is placed on ease of use of the program. All information is transferred via a single parameter list. Default values are provided for all internal program parameters such as convergence criteria, and the user is given a simple means to over-ride these, if desired. The program is demonstrated with a simple structural design example

    A Multi Hidden Recurrent Neural Network with a Modified Grey Wolf Optimizer

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    Identifying university students' weaknesses results in better learning and can function as an early warning system to enable students to improve. However, the satisfaction level of existing systems is not promising. New and dynamic hybrid systems are needed to imitate this mechanism. A hybrid system (a modified Recurrent Neural Network with an adapted Grey Wolf Optimizer) is used to forecast students' outcomes. This proposed system would improve instruction by the faculty and enhance the students' learning experiences. The results show that a modified recurrent neural network with an adapted Grey Wolf Optimizer has the best accuracy when compared with other models.Comment: 34 pages, published in PLoS ON

    The ADS general-purpose optimization program

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    The mathematical statement of the general nonlinear optimization problem is given as follows: find the vector of design variables, X, that will minimize f(X) subject to G sub J (x) + or - 0 j=1,m H sub K hk(X) = 0 k=1,l X Lower I approx less than X sub I approx. less than X U over I i = 1,N. The vector of design variables, X, includes all those variables which may be changed by the ADS program in order to arrive at the optimum design. The objective function F(X) to be minimized may be weight, cost or some other performance measure. If the objective is to be maximized, this is accomplished by minimizing -F(X). The inequality constraints include limits on stress, deformation, aeroelastic response or controllability, as examples, and may be nonlinear implicit functions of the design variables, X. The equality constraints h sub k(X) represent conditions that must be satisfied precisely for the design to be acceptable. Equality constraints are not fully operational in version 1.0 of the ADS program, although they are available in the Augmented Lagrange Multiplier method. The side constraints given by the last equation are used to directly limit the region of search for the optimum. The ADS program will never consider a design which is not within these limits

    Load relief and gust alleviation control study

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    The results of a study are presented in which a computerized optimal control techique was applied to the synthesis of a load relief control system for an advanced Saturn 5 derivative launch vehicle. This technique included selection of a load relief control law and computerized optimization of the controller gain schedules for a set of preselected adverse synthetic wind speed profiles. The gain optimization was effected using a hybrid optimizer program to minimize (optimize) a direct performance functional which specified the design goal (load relief) in engineering terms (explicit representation of maximum bending moments)

    Deductive Optimization of Relational Data Storage

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    Optimizing the physical data storage and retrieval of data are two key database management problems. In this paper, we propose a language that can express a wide range of physical database layouts, going well beyond the row- and column-based methods that are widely used in database management systems. We use deductive synthesis to turn a high-level relational representation of a database query into a highly optimized low-level implementation which operates on a specialized layout of the dataset. We build a compiler for this language and conduct experiments using a popular database benchmark, which shows that the performance of these specialized queries is competitive with a state-of-the-art in memory compiled database system

    Design enhancement tools in MSC/NASTRAN

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    Design sensitivity is the calculation of derivatives of constraint functions with respect to design variables. While a knowledge of these derivatives is useful in its own right, the derivatives are required in many efficient optimization methods. Constraint derivatives are also required in some reanalysis methods. It is shown where the sensitivity coefficients fit into the scheme of a basic organization of an optimization procedure. The analyzer is to be taken as MSC/NASTRAN. The terminator program monitors the termination criteria and ends the optimization procedure when the criteria are satisfied. This program can reside in several plances: in the optimizer itself, in a user written code, or as part of the MSC/EOS (Engineering Operating System) MSC/EOS currently under development. Since several excellent optimization codes exist and since they require such very specialized technical knowledge, the optimizer under the new MSC/EOS is considered to be selected and supplied by the user to meet his specific needs and preferences. The one exception to this is a fully stressed design (FSD) based on simple scaling. The gradients are currently supplied by various design sensitivity options now existing in MSC/NASTRAN's design sensitivity analysis (DSA)