3,286 research outputs found

    ESPOON: Enforcing Encrypted Security Policies in Outsourced Environments

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    The enforcement of security policies in outsourced environments is still an open challenge for policy-based systems. On the one hand, taking the appropriate security decision requires access to the policies. However, if such access is allowed in an untrusted environment then confidential information might be leaked by the policies. Current solutions are based on cryptographic operations that embed security policies with the security mechanism. Therefore, the enforcement of such policies is performed by allowing the authorised parties to access the appropriate keys. We believe that such solutions are far too rigid because they strictly intertwine authorisation policies with the enforcing mechanism. In this paper, we want to address the issue of enforcing security policies in an untrusted environment while protecting the policy confidentiality. Our solution ESPOON is aiming at providing a clear separation between security policies and the enforcement mechanism. However, the enforcement mechanism should learn as less as possible about both the policies and the requester attributes.Comment: The final version of this paper has been published at ARES 201

    ESPOONERBAC_{{ERBAC}}: Enforcing Security Policies In Outsourced Environments

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    Data outsourcing is a growing business model offering services to individuals and enterprises for processing and storing a huge amount of data. It is not only economical but also promises higher availability, scalability, and more effective quality of service than in-house solutions. Despite all its benefits, data outsourcing raises serious security concerns for preserving data confidentiality. There are solutions for preserving confidentiality of data while supporting search on the data stored in outsourced environments. However, such solutions do not support access policies to regulate access to a particular subset of the stored data. For complex user management, large enterprises employ Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) models for making access decisions based on the role in which a user is active in. However, RBAC models cannot be deployed in outsourced environments as they rely on trusted infrastructure in order to regulate access to the data. The deployment of RBAC models may reveal private information about sensitive data they aim to protect. In this paper, we aim at filling this gap by proposing \textbf{ESPOONERBAC\mathit{ESPOON_{ERBAC}}} for enforcing RBAC policies in outsourced environments. ESPOONERBAC\mathit{ESPOON_{ERBAC}} enforces RBAC policies in an encrypted manner where a curious service provider may learn a very limited information about RBAC policies. We have implemented ESPOONERBAC\mathit{ESPOON_{ERBAC}} and provided its performance evaluation showing a limited overhead, thus confirming viability of our approach.Comment: The final version of this paper has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computers & Security 2013. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1306.482

    Privacy Preserving Enforcement of Sensitive Policies in Outsourced and Distributed Environments

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    The enforcement of sensitive policies in untrusted environments is still an open challenge for policy-based systems. On the one hand, taking any appropriate security decision requires access to these policies. On the other hand, if such access is allowed in an untrusted environment then confidential information might be leaked by the policies. The key challenge is how to enforce sensitive policies and protect content in untrusted environments. In the context of untrusted environments, we mainly distinguish between outsourced and distributed environments. The most attractive paradigms concerning outsourced and distributed environments are cloud computing and opportunistic networks, respectively. In this dissertation, we present the design, technical and implementation details of our proposed policy-based access control mechanisms for untrusted environments. First of all, we provide full confidentiality of access policies in outsourced environments, where service providers do not learn private information about policies. We support expressive policies and take into account contextual information. The system entities do not share any encryption keys. For complex user management, we offer the full-fledged Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policies. In opportunistic networks, we protect content by specifying expressive policies. In our proposed approach, brokers match subscriptions against policies associated with content without compromising privacy of subscribers. As a result, unauthorised brokers neither gain access to content nor learn policies and authorised nodes gain access only if they satisfy policies specified by publishers. Our proposed system provides scalable key management in which loosely-coupled publishers and subscribers communicate without any prior contact. Finally, we have developed a prototype of the system that runs on real smartphones and analysed its performance.Comment: Ph.D. Dissertation. http://eprints-phd.biblio.unitn.it/1124

    Privacy-preserving data outsourcing in the cloud via semantic data splitting

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    Even though cloud computing provides many intrinsic benefits, privacy concerns related to the lack of control over the storage and management of the outsourced data still prevent many customers from migrating to the cloud. Several privacy-protection mechanisms based on a prior encryption of the data to be outsourced have been proposed. Data encryption offers robust security, but at the cost of hampering the efficiency of the service and limiting the functionalities that can be applied over the (encrypted) data stored on cloud premises. Because both efficiency and functionality are crucial advantages of cloud computing, in this paper we aim at retaining them by proposing a privacy-protection mechanism that relies on splitting (clear) data, and on the distributed storage offered by the increasingly popular notion of multi-clouds. We propose a semantically-grounded data splitting mechanism that is able to automatically detect pieces of data that may cause privacy risks and split them on local premises, so that each chunk does not incur in those risks; then, chunks of clear data are independently stored into the separate locations of a multi-cloud, so that external entities cannot have access to the whole confidential data. Because partial data are stored in clear on cloud premises, outsourced functionalities are seamlessly and efficiently supported by just broadcasting queries to the different cloud locations. To enforce a robust privacy notion, our proposal relies on a privacy model that offers a priori privacy guarantees; to ensure its feasibility, we have designed heuristic algorithms that minimize the number of cloud storage locations we need; to show its potential and generality, we have applied it to the least structured and most challenging data type: plain textual documents

    Tunable Security for Deployable Data Outsourcing

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    Security mechanisms like encryption negatively affect other software quality characteristics like efficiency. To cope with such trade-offs, it is preferable to build approaches that allow to tune the trade-offs after the implementation and design phase. This book introduces a methodology that can be used to build such tunable approaches. The book shows how the proposed methodology can be applied in the domains of database outsourcing, identity management, and credential management
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