2 research outputs found


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    This research proposes a new dynamic energy management framework for a backbone Internet Protocol over Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (IP over DWDM) network. Maintaining the logical IP-layer topology is a key constraint of our architecture whilst saving energy by infrastructure sleeping and virtual router migration. The traffic demand in a Tier 2/3 network typically has a regular diurnal pattern based on people‟s activities, which is high in working hours and much lighter during hours associated with sleep. When the traffic demand is light, virtual router instances can be consolidated to a smaller set of physical platforms and the unneeded physical platforms can be put to sleep to save energy. As the traffic demand increases the sleeping physical platforms can be re-awoken in order to host virtual router instances and so maintain quality of service. Since the IP-layer topology remains unchanged throughout virtual router migration in our framework, there is no network disruption or discontinuities when the physical platforms enter or leave hibernation. However, this migration places extra demands on the optical layer as additional connections are needed to preserve the logical IP-layer topology whilst forwarding traffic to the new virtual router location. Consequently, dynamic optical connection management is needed for the new framework. Two important issues are considered in the framework, i.e. when to trigger the virtual router migration and where to move virtual router instances to? For the first issue, a reactive mechanism is used to trigger the virtual router migration by monitoring the network state. Then, a new evolutionary-based algorithm called VRM_MOEA is proposed for solving the destination physical platform selection problem, which chooses the appropriate location of virtual router instances as traffic demand varies. A novel hybrid simulation platform is developed to measure the performance of new framework, which is able to capture the functionality of the optical layer, the IP layer data-path and the IP/optical control plane. Simulation results show that the performance of network energy saving depends on many factors, such as network topology, quiet and busy thresholds, and traffic load; however, savings of around 30% are possible with typical medium-sized network topologies

    Contribution à l'amélioration de l'efficacité des réseaux IP sur WDM en évaluant et en dépassant les limites du dimensionnement multicouche

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    The traffic passing through core networks grows by nearly 25% each year. To bring the costs under control, the different network layers of the network should work together to include more and more parameters during the network planning phase. This is called “multilayer network planning”. We study the multilayer network planning of static networks composed of two circuit switched layers (typically IP-over-WDM). We propose a semi-analytical model explaining the behavior of algorithms responsible for aggregation and routing in both layers. This theory allows comparing multilayer planning algorithms between them, but also explaining and enhancing their efficiency. We then describe the impact of the optical reach constraint in WDM networks on the results of a multilayer planning algorithm. Finally, we explain how these results apply to the design of future networks (dynamic and with heterogeneous optical layers)La quantité de données devant être transportée via les réseaux de cœur croit de près de 25% par an. Pour maîtriser les coûts, les différentes couches du réseau doivent mettre des informations en commun pour inclure de plus en plus de paramètres lors du dimensionnement du réseau. Cela s’appelle « dimensionnement multicouche ». Nous étudions le dimensionnement multicouche de réseaux statiques composés de deux couches utilisant la commutation en mode circuit (typiquement IP-sur-WDM). Nous proposons un modèle semi-analytique expliquant le comportement des algorithmes responsables de l’agrégation et du routage dans les deux couches. Ce cadre théorique permet de comparer les algorithmes de dimensionnement multicouche entre eux, mais aussi d’expliquer et d’améliorer leur efficience. Nous décrivons ensuite comment la contrainte de portée optique affecte les résultats d’un algorithme de dimensionnement multicouche. Enfin, nous expliquons comment ces résultats s'appliquent au dimensionnement des réseaux de nouvelle génération (dynamiques et hétérogènes en capacité optique