1,820 research outputs found

    Optimisation of piping network design for district cooling system

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    A district cooling system (DeS) is a.scheme for centralised cooling energy distribution which takes advantage of economies of scale and load diversity. . A cooling medium (chilled water) is generated at a central refrigeration plant and then supplied to a district area, comprising multiple buildings, through a closed-loop piping circuit. Because of the substantial capital investment involved, an optimal design of the distribution piping . configuration is one of the crucial factors for successful implementation of a district 1'. cooling scheme. Since there. exists an enormous number of different combinations of the piping configuration, it is not feasible to evaluate each individual case using an exhaustive approach. This thesis exammes the problem of determining an optimal distribution piping configuration using a genetic algorithm (GA). In order to estimate the spatial and temporal distribution of cooling loads; the climatic conditions of Hong Kong were investigated and a weather database in the form of a typical meteorological year (TMY) was developed. Detailed thermal modelling of a number of prototypical buildings was carried out to determine benchmark cooling loads. A novel Local Search/Looped Local Search algorithm was developed for finding optimal/near-optimal distribution piping configurations. By means of computational . experiments, it was demonstrated that there is a promising improvement to GA performance by including the Local Search/Looped Local Search algorithm, in terms of both solution quality and computational efficiency. The effects on the search performance of a number of parameters were systematically investigated to establish the most effective settings. In order to illustrate the effectiveness of the Local Search/Looped Local Search algorithm, a benchmark problem - the optimal communication,spanning tree (OCST) was used for comparison. The results showed that the Looped Local Search method developed in this work was an effective tool for optimal network design of the distribution piping system in DCS, as well as for optimising the OCST problem.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    MT-EA4Cloud: A Methodology For testing and optimising energy-aware cloud systems

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    Currently, using conventional techniques for checking and optimising the energy consumption in cloud systems is unpractical, due to the massive computational resources required. An appropriate test suite focusing on the parts of the cloud to be tested must be efficiently synthesised and executed, while the correctness of the test results must be checked. Additionally, alternative cloud configurations that optimise the energetic consumption of the cloud must be generated and analysed accordingly, which is challenging. To solve these issues we present MT-EA4Cloud, a formal approach to check the correctness – from an energy-aware point of view – of cloud systems and optimise their energy consumption. To make the checking of energy consumption practical, MT-EA4Cloud combines metamorphic testing, evolutionary algorithms and simulation. Metamorphic testing allows to formally model the underlying cloud infrastructure in the form of metamorphic relations. We use metamorphic testing to alleviate both the reliable test set problem, generating appropriate test suites focused on the features reflected in the metamorphic relations, and the oracle problem, using the metamorphic relations to check the generated results automatically. MT-EA4Cloud uses evolutionary algorithms to efficiently guide the search for optimising the energetic consumption of cloud systems, which can be calculated using different cloud simulatorsThis work was supported by the Spanish MINECO/FEDER projects DArDOS, FAME and MASSIVE under Grants TIN2015-65845-C3-1-R, RTI2018-093608-B-C31 and RTI2018-095255- B-I00, and the Comunidad de Madrid project FORTE-CM under grant S2018/TCS-4314. The first author is also supported by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Santander Universidades grant (CT17/17-CT18/17

    An Alignment Optimization Model for a Simple Highway Network

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    A new highway addition to an existing road network is typically considered for improving traffic performance in that road network. However, finding the new highway that best improves the existing network is a very complex problem since many factors affect the road construction. Besides changes in traffic flow patterns due to the new highway, various costs associated with highway construction as well as design specifications, safety, environmental, and political issues affect such a project. Until recently, many studies have dealt separately with the problems of highway alignment optimization and network design. However, no models have been found that integrate these problems comprehensively and effectively. This dissertation seeks to find a realistic three-dimensional highway alignment that best improves an existing network, while considering its costs, geometric design, and environmental impacts on the study area. To fulfill this objective, an effective network model is developed that can simultaneously optimize (i) highway alignments and (ii) junction points with existing roads. In addition, the model's optimization process considers traffic impacts due to the highway addition as well as factors associated with its construction. This dissertation starts by investigating the major cost components and important constraints in the highway design processes. Next, existing models for optimizing highway alignments are reviewed by assessing their advantages and disadvantages. Effective solution search methods are then developed to help solve the complex optimization problem. Development of the search methods is essential since an equilibrium traffic assignment as well as alignment optimization is undertaken in the proposed network model. Precise formulations of various highway costs and constraints are also developed for evaluating the various candidate alternatives. Cost functions for system improvements that can be obtained from the new highway addition are proposed. These are calculated based on the equilibrium traffic flows found from the assignment process. Complex geographical constraints including user preferences and environmentally sensitive areas are realistically represented, along with design standards required for highways. To represent highway alignments, sets of tangents, circular curves and transition spirals are used; in addition, three-leg structure models are also developed for representing the highway endpoints. Finally, several case studies are conducted to test the performance of the proposed models

    Neutral Networks of Real-World Programs and their Application to Automated Software Evolution

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    The existing software development ecosystem is the product of evolutionary forces, and consequently real-world software is amenable to improvement through automated evolutionary techniques. This dissertation presents empirical evidence that software is inherently robust to small randomized program transformations, or \u27mutations. Simple and general mutation operations are demonstrated that can be applied to software source code, compiled assembler code, or directly to binary executables. These mutations often generate variants of working programs that differ significantly from the original, yet remain fully functional. Applying successive mutations to the same software program uncovers large \u27neutral networks\u27 of fully functional variants of real-world software projects. These properties of \u27mutational robustness\u27 and the corresponding \u27neutral networks\u27 have been studied extensively in biology and are believed to be related to the capacity for unsupervised evolution and adaptation. As in biological systems, mutational robustness and neutral networks in software systems enable automated evolution. The dissertation presents several applications that leverage software neutral networks to automate common software development and maintenance tasks. Neutral networks are explored to generate diverse implementations of software for improving runtime security and for proactively repairing latent bugs. Next, a technique is introduced for automatically repairing bugs in the assembler and executables compiled from off-the-shelf software. As demonstration, a proprietary executable is manipulated to patch security vulnerabilities without access to source code or any aid from the software vendor. Finally, software neutral networks are leveraged to optimize complex nonfunctional runtime properties. This optimization technique is used to reduce the energy consumption of the popular PARSEC benchmark applications by 20% as compared to the best available public domain compiler optimizations. The applications presented herein apply evolutionary computation techniques to existing software using common software engineering tools. By enabling evolutionary techniques within the existing software development toolchain, this work is more likely to be of practical benefit to the developers and maintainers of real-world software systems

    Optimal and intelligent decision making in sustainable development of electronic products

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    Increasing global population and consumption are causing declining natural and social systems. Multi-lifecycle engineering and sustainable development address these issues by integrating strategies for economic successes, environmental quality, and social equity. Based on multi-lifecycle engineering and sustainable development concepts, this doctoral dissertation aims to provide decision making approaches to growing a strong industrial economy while maintaining a clean, healthy environment. The research develops a methodology to complete both the disassembly leveling and bin assignment decisions in demanufacturing through balancing the disassembly efforts, value returns, and environmental impacts. The proposed method is successfully implemented into a demanufacturing module of a Multi-LifeCycle Assessment and Analysis tool. The methodology is illustrated by a computer product example. Since products during the use stage may experience very different conditions, their external and internal status can vary significantly. These products, when coming to a demanufacturing facility, are often associated with incomplete/imprecise information, which complicates demanufacturing process decision making. In order to deal with uncertain information, this research proposes Fuzzy Reasoning Petri nets to model and reason knowledge-based systems and successfully applies them to demanufacturing process decision making to obtain the maximal End-of-Life (BOL) value from discarded products. Besides the BOL management of products by means of product/material recovery to decrease environmental impacts, the concepts of design for environment and sustainable development are investigated. Based on Sustainability Target Method, a sensitivity analysis decision-making method is proposed. It provides a company with suggestions to improve its product\u27s sustainability in the most cost-effective manner

    An Adaptive Modular Redundancy Technique to Self-regulate Availability, Area, and Energy Consumption in Mission-critical Applications

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    As reconfigurable devices\u27 capacities and the complexity of applications that use them increase, the need for self-reliance of deployed systems becomes increasingly prominent. A Sustainable Modular Adaptive Redundancy Technique (SMART) composed of a dual-layered organic system is proposed, analyzed, implemented, and experimentally evaluated. SMART relies upon a variety of self-regulating properties to control availability, energy consumption, and area used, in dynamically-changing environments that require high degree of adaptation. The hardware layer is implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-4 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to provide self-repair using a novel approach called a Reconfigurable Adaptive Redundancy System (RARS). The software layer supervises the organic activities within the FPGA and extends the self-healing capabilities through application-independent, intrinsic, evolutionary repair techniques to leverage the benefits of dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (PR). A SMART prototype is evaluated using a Sobel edge detection application. This prototype is shown to provide sustainability for stressful occurrences of transient and permanent fault injection procedures while still reducing energy consumption and area requirements. An Organic Genetic Algorithm (OGA) technique is shown capable of consistently repairing hard faults while maintaining correct edge detector outputs, by exploiting spatial redundancy in the reconfigurable hardware. A Monte Carlo driven Continuous Markov Time Chains (CTMC) simulation is conducted to compare SMART\u27s availability to industry-standard Triple Modular Technique (TMR) techniques. Based on nine use cases, parameterized with realistic fault and repair rates acquired from publically available sources, the results indicate that availability is significantly enhanced by the adoption of fast repair techniques targeting aging-related hard-faults. Under harsh environments, SMART is shown to improve system availability from 36.02% with lengthy repair techniques to 98.84% with fast ones. This value increases to five nines (99.9998%) under relatively more favorable conditions. Lastly, SMART is compared to twenty eight standard TMR benchmarks that are generated by the widely-accepted BL-TMR tools. Results show that in seven out of nine use cases, SMART is the recommended technique, with power savings ranging from 22% to 29%, and area savings ranging from 17% to 24%, while still maintaining the same level of availability

    Data Center Resource Allocation: a Genetic Algorithm Approach.

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    In the recent years, data centers changed the way to provide hardware and software resources for high performance, scientific and business computing: with this facility is possible to reach good performances or virtually unlimited computational power without buying the whole needed infrastructure. Data center owner instead has to deal with different problematics respect to end user like for example hardware maintenance and redundancy (because with a large number of devices fault probability of some of them increases), energy and power consumption needed to keep turned on the whole infrastructure, hot air dissipation and cooling for servers and switches and also other internal organization problems regarding for example the proper design of a network topology without bottlenecks providing the best quality of service as possible. In this thesis is introduced a task allocation algorithm for data centers aiming to find a reasonable trade off between task’s completion time and devices power consumption. This algorithm is designed using Genetic heuristics that allow both to explore solutions space and to search for the optimal solution in an efficient manner, and it is implemented on a dedicated framework for multi-objective Genetic algorithms, called jMetal. Network flows are allocated and managed with the help of Software Defined Networking (SDN) architecture. SDN decouples control plane from data plane in switches; SDN control plane is centralized and every switch receives the proper forwarding rules according to the controller network view. Through this approach is possible to allocate perfectly connections in the network avoiding congestions and bottlenecks, as first step to realize energy saving also in the networking part

    Data Challenges and Data Analytics Solutions for Power Systems

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    Big Data Supervised Pairwise Ortholog Detection in Yeasts

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    Ortholog are genes in different species, evolving from a common ancestor. Ortholog detection is essential to study phylogenies and to predict the function of unknown genes. The scalability of gene (or protein) pairwise comparisons and that of the classification process constitutes a challenge due to the ever-increasing amount of sequenced genomes. Ortholog detection algorithms, just based on sequence similarity, tend to fail in classification, specifically, in Saccharomycete yeasts with rampant paralogies and gene losses. In this book chapter, a new classification approach has been proposed based on the combination of pairwise similarity measures in a decision system that consider the extreme imbalance between ortholog and non-ortholog pairs. Some new gene pair similarity measures are defined based on protein physicochemical profiles, gene pair membership to conserved regions in related genomes, and protein lengths. The efficiency and scalability of the calculation of these measures are analyzed to propose its implementation for big data. In conclusion, evaluated supervised algorithms that manage big and imbalanced data showed high effectiveness in Saccharomycete yeast genomes
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