103,746 research outputs found

    An integrated vector-scalar design on an in-order ARM core

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    In the low-end mobile processor market, power, energy, and area budgets are significantly lower than in the server/desktop/laptop/high-end mobile markets. It has been shown that vector processors are a highly energy-efficient way to increase performance; however, adding support for them incurs area and power overheads that would not be acceptable for low-end mobile processors. In this work, we propose an integrated vector-scalar design for the ARM architecture that mostly reuses scalar hardware to support the execution of vector instructions. The key element of the design is our proposed block-based model of execution that groups vector computational instructions together to execute them in a coordinated manner. We implemented a classic vector unit and compare its results against our integrated design. Our integrated design improves the performance (more than 6Ă—) and energy consumption (up to 5Ă—) of a scalar in-order core with negligible area overhead (only 4.7% when using a vector register with 32 elements). In contrast, the area overhead of the classic vector unit can be significant (around 44%) if a dedicated vector floating-point unit is incorporated. Our block-based vector execution outperforms the classic vector unit for all kernels with floating-point data and also consumes less energy. We also complement the integrated design with three energy/performance-efficient techniques that further reduce power and increase performance. The first proposal covers the design and implementation of chaining logic that is optimized to work with the cache hierarchy through vector memory instructions, the second proposal reduces the number of reads/writes from/to the vector register file, and the third idea optimizes complex memory access patterns with the memory shape instruction and unified indexed vector load.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant GA no 321253 and is supported in part by the European Union (FEDER funds) under contract TIN2015-65316-P. This research has been also supported the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR - FI-DGR 2014). O. Palomar is funded by a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Flexible Multiple-Precision Fused Arithmetic Units for Efficient Deep Learning Computation

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    Deep Learning has achieved great success in recent years. In many fields of applications, such as computer vision, biomedical analysis, and natural language processing, deep learning can achieve a performance that is even better than human-level. However, behind this superior performance is the expensive hardware cost required to implement deep learning operations. Deep learning operations are both computation intensive and memory intensive. Many research works in the literature focused on improving the efficiency of deep learning operations. In this thesis, special focus is put on improving deep learning computation and several efficient arithmetic unit architectures are proposed and optimized for deep learning computation. The contents of this thesis can be divided into three parts: (1) the optimization of general-purpose arithmetic units for deep learning computation; (2) the design of deep learning specific arithmetic units; (3) the optimization of deep learning computation using 3D memory architecture. Deep learning models are usually trained on graphics processing unit (GPU) and the computations are done with single-precision floating-point numbers. However, recent works proved that deep learning computation can be accomplished with low precision numbers. The half-precision numbers are becoming more and more popular in deep learning computation due to their lower hardware cost compared to the single-precision numbers. In conventional floating-point arithmetic units, single-precision and beyond are well supported to achieve a better precision. However, for deep learning computation, since the computations are intensive, low precision computation is desired to achieve better throughput. As the popularity of half-precision raises, half-precision operations are also need to be supported. Moreover, the deep learning computation contains many dot-product operations and therefore, the support of mixed-precision dot-product operations can be explored in a multiple-precision architecture. In this thesis, a multiple-precision fused multiply-add (FMA) architecture is proposed. It supports half/single/double/quadruple-precision FMA operations. In addition, it also supports 2-term mixed-precision dot-product operations. Compared to the conventional multiple-precision FMA architecture, the newly added half-precision support and mixed-precision dot-product only bring minor resource overhead. The proposed FMA can be used as general-purpose arithmetic unit. Due to the support of parallel half-precision computations and mixed-precision dot-product computations, it is especially suitable for deep learning computation. For the design of deep learning specific computation unit, more optimizations can be performed. First, a fixed-point and floating-point merged multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit is proposed. As deep learning computation can be accomplished with low precision number formats, the support of high precision floating-point operations can be eliminated. In this design, the half-precision floating-point format is supported to provide a large dynamic range to handle small gradients for deep learning training. For deep learning inference, 8-bit fixed-point 2-term dot-product computation is supported. Second, a flexible multiple-precision MAC unit architecture is proposed. The proposed MAC unit supports both fixed-point operations and floating-point operations. For floating-point format, the proposed unit supports one 16-bit MAC operation or sum of two 8-bit multiplications plus a 16-bit addend. To make the proposed MAC unit more versatile, the bit-width of exponent and mantissa can be flexibly exchanged. By setting the bit-width of exponent to zero, the proposed MAC unit also supports fixed-point operations. For fixed-point format, the proposed unit supports one 16-bit MAC or sum of two 8-bit multiplications plus a 16-bit addend. Moreover, the proposed unit can be further divided to support sum of four 4-bit multiplications plus a 16-bit addend. At the lowest precision, the proposed MAC unit supports accumulating of eight 1-bit logic AND operations to enable the support of binary neural networks. Finally, a MAC architecture based on the posit format, a promising numerical format in deep learning computation, is proposed to facilitate the use of posit format in deep learning computation. In addition to the above mention arithmetic units, an improved hybrid memory cube (HMC) architecture is proposed for weight-sharing deep neural network processing. By modifying the HMC instruction set and HMC logic layer, the major part of the deep learning computation can be accomplished inside memory. The proposed design reduces the memory bandwidth requirements and thus reduces the energy consumed by memory data transfer

    Vector processing-aware advanced clock-gating techniques for low-power fused multiply-add

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    The need for power efficiency is driving a rethink of design decisions in processor architectures. While vector processors succeeded in the high-performance market in the past, they need a retailoring for the mobile market that they are entering now. Floating-point (FP) fused multiply-add (FMA), being a functional unit with high power consumption, deserves special attention. Although clock gating is a well-known method to reduce switching power in synchronous designs, there are unexplored opportunities for its application to vector processors, especially when considering active operating mode. In this research, we comprehensively identify, propose, and evaluate the most suitable clock-gating techniques for vector FMA units (VFUs). These techniques ensure power savings without jeopardizing the timing. We evaluate the proposed techniques using both synthetic and “real-world” application-based benchmarking. Using vector masking and vector multilane-aware clock gating, we report power reductions of up to 52%, assuming active VFU operating at the peak performance. Among other findings, we observe that vector instruction-based clock-gating techniques achieve power savings for all vector FP instructions. Finally, when evaluating all techniques together, using “real-world” benchmarking, the power reductions are up to 80%. Additionally, in accordance with processor design trends, we perform this research in a fully parameterizable and automated fashion.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant GA 321253 and is supported in part by the European Union (FEDER funds) under contract TTIN2015-65316-P. The work of I. Ratkovic was supported by a FPU research grant from the Spanish MECD.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Combined Integer and Floating Point Multiplication Architecture(CIFM) for FPGAs and Its Reversible Logic Implementation

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    In this paper, the authors propose the idea of a combined integer and floating point multiplier(CIFM) for FPGAs. The authors propose the replacement of existing 18x18 dedicated multipliers in FPGAs with dedicated 24x24 multipliers designed with small 4x4 bit multipliers. It is also proposed that for every dedicated 24x24 bit multiplier block designed with 4x4 bit multipliers, four redundant 4x4 multiplier should be provided to enforce the feature of self repairability (to recover from the faults). In the proposed CIFM reconfigurability at run time is also provided resulting in low power. The major source of motivation for providing the dedicated 24x24 bit multiplier stems from the fact that single precision floating point multiplier requires 24x24 bit integer multiplier for mantissa multiplication. A reconfigurable, self-repairable 24x24 bit multiplier (implemented with 4x4 bit multiply modules) will ideally suit this purpose, making FPGAs more suitable for integer as well floating point operations. A dedicated 4x4 bit multiplier is also proposed in this paper. Moreover, in the recent years, reversible logic has emerged as a promising technology having its applications in low power CMOS, quantum computing, nanotechnology, and optical computing. It is not possible to realize quantum computing without reversible logic. Thus, this paper also paper provides the reversible logic implementation of the proposed CIFM. The reversible CIFM designed and proposed here will form the basis of the completely reversible FPGAs.Comment: Published in the proceedings of the The 49th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2006), Puerto Rico, August 2006. Nominated for the Student Paper Award(12 papers are nominated for Student paper Award among all submissions

    Computer Architectures to Close the Loop in Real-time Optimization

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    © 2015 IEEE.Many modern control, automation, signal processing and machine learning applications rely on solving a sequence of optimization problems, which are updated with measurements of a real system that evolves in time. The solutions of each of these optimization problems are then used to make decisions, which may be followed by changing some parameters of the physical system, thereby resulting in a feedback loop between the computing and the physical system. Real-time optimization is not the same as fast optimization, due to the fact that the computation is affected by an uncertain system that evolves in time. The suitability of a design should therefore not be judged from the optimality of a single optimization problem, but based on the evolution of the entire cyber-physical system. The algorithms and hardware used for solving a single optimization problem in the office might therefore be far from ideal when solving a sequence of real-time optimization problems. Instead of there being a single, optimal design, one has to trade-off a number of objectives, including performance, robustness, energy usage, size and cost. We therefore provide here a tutorial introduction to some of the questions and implementation issues that arise in real-time optimization applications. We will concentrate on some of the decisions that have to be made when designing the computing architecture and algorithm and argue that the choice of one informs the other

    An energy-efficient memory unit for clustered microarchitectures

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    Whereas clustered microarchitectures themselves have been extensively studied, the memory units for these clustered microarchitectures have received relatively little attention. This article discusses some of the inherent challenges of clustered memory units and shows how these can be overcome. Clustered memory pipelines work well with the late allocation of load/store queue entries and physically unordered queues. Yet this approach has characteristic problems such as queue overflows and allocation patterns that lead to deadlocks. We propose techniques to solve each of these problems and show that a distributed memory unit can offer significant energy savings and speedups over a centralized unit. For instance, compared to a centralized cache with a load/store queue of 64/24 entries, our four-cluster distributed memory unit with load/store queues of 16/8 entries each consumes 31 percent less energy and performs 4,7 percent better on SPECint and consumes 36 percent less energy and performs 7 percent better for SPECfp.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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