5 research outputs found

    An Opportunistic Reconfiguration Strategy for Environmentally Powered Devices

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    Environmental energy is becoming a feasible alternative to traditional energy sources for ultra low-power devices such as sensor nodes and smart watches. Moreover, the increas- ing need for exibility and recon gurability of such devices makes its energy management even more challenging. As a result, to e ciently exploit the potentially unlimited envi- ronmental energy, new adaptation strategies are required. In this paper we present a novel system recon guration strat- egy that exploits the intrinsic unpredictability of environ- mental energy to opportunistically recon gure the device. To assess the e ectiveness of the proposed recon guration strategy we rst perform a theoretical evaluation using sta- tistical energy pro le distribution and then we evaluate its energy e ciency on a prototype device in the presence of bursty energy pro les that we emulate using a programmable energy source

    Interim research assessment 2003-2005 - Computer Science

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    This report primarily serves as a source of information for the 2007 Interim Research Assessment Committee for Computer Science at the three technical universities in the Netherlands. The report also provides information for others interested in our research activities

    Energy-Efficiency of the Montium Reconfigurable Tile Processor

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    Primary requirements of wireless multimedia handheld computers are high-performance, flexibility, energy-efficiency and low costs. A compromise for these contradicting requirements can be found in a heterogeneous SoC. Besides conventional architectures such a SoC contains domain specific coarse grain reconfigurable processors and fine-grain reconfigurable entities. The MONTIUM is a prototype of a novel coarsegrain reconfigurable processor. The SoC template offers a balance between flexibility, efficiency and performance. In this paper the energy and performance characteristics of the MONTIUM are compared with the characteristics of other state-of-the-art (reconfigurable) architectures

    Dynamisch und partiell rekonfigurierbare Hardwarearchitektur mit adaptivem hardwaregestĂĽtzten Routing zur Laufzeit

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    Die Vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung einer rekonfigurierbaren Hardwarearchitektur für dynamische Funktionsmuster. Hierbei war die Zielsetzung neue und bestehende adaptive Konzepte in einer neuen Hardwarearchitektur, der HoneyComb-Architektur, zu vereinen und die Machbarkeit zu präsentieren. Zu den neuen Features dieser Architektur gehören Multikontextfähigkeiten, multigranulare Datentypen, programmierbare Ein-/Ausgabelogik und adaptives Routing zur Laufzeit