5 research outputs found

    Transmission Convergence Layer of NG-PON2 in VPIphotonics Tool

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    Passive optical networks are the most promising solution for access networks. The first standard provided only 155 Mbit/s but current networks work according to ITU-T G.984.3 with 2.5 Gbit/s in downstream. However, NG-PON2 offers up to 40 Gbit/s in downstream by 4 different wavelengths. This article deals with an implementation of transmission convergence layer in VPIphotonics. This tool is dedicated only for simulations of physical layer. The main aim is to present a simulation of physical layer for NG-PON2 in comparison with our implementation of transmission convergence layer and encapsulated frames according to ITU-T G.989.3. Our results confirm expanding the entire system reach with the real encapsulation method of 3 sublayers model and error correction mechanism. The 3 sublayers model can be easily extended to all passive optical networks simulations in VPIphotonics simulation tool

    Simulations of Grant Allocation in NG-PON2 Networks Using OPNET Modeler

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    Passive optical networks are the most promising networks for the future. In 1998, the first standard of PONs was developed. Since that time, quality of optical transmissions and technologies has been massively improved and today\u27s standards are capable of transferring an enormous amount of data. For example, NG-PON2 networks are able to transfer up to 40 Gbit/s, which means these networks provide subscribers with a symmetric bandwidth up to 10 Gbit/s using 4 different wavelengths. The higher transmission speeds are required, the more sophisticated bandwidth allocation reflecting requirements of each ONU in real-time is necessary. This article deals with implementation of NG-PON2 networks using OPNET Modeler and simulations of static and dynamic grants allocations. We also present a modification of dynamic bandwidth allocation for increasing the free bandwidth of idle ONU to heavily loaded ONU(s). We propose a simplified NG-PON2 network, for example, activation machine for ONUs is not implemented

    Simulations of Grant Allocation in NG-PON2 Networks Using OPNET Modeler

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    Passive optical networks are the most promising networks for the future. In 1998, the first standard of PONs was developed. Since that time, quality of optical transmissions and technologies has been massively improved and today's standards are capable of transferring an enormous amount of data. For example, NG-PON2 networks are able to transfer up to 40 Gbit/s, which means these networks provide subscribers with a symmetric bandwidth up to 10 Gbit/s using 4 different wavelengths. The higher transmission speeds are required, the more sophisticated bandwidth allocation reflecting requirements of each ONU in real-time is necessary. This article deals with implementation of NG-PON2 networks using OPNET Modeler and simulations of static and dynamic grants allocations. We also present a modification of dynamic bandwidth allocation for increasing the free bandwidth of idle ONU to heavily loaded ONU(s). We propose a simplified NG-PON2 network, for example, activation machine for ONUs is not implemented

    Services Optimization in FTTx Optical Access Networks

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    Tato práce se zabývá optimalizací služeb Triple Play a bezpečností v optických přístupových sítích. První kapitola poskytuje teoretický základ pro vyhodnocení výsledků práce. Druhá kapitola popisuje optické přístupové sítě definované podle ITU. Popsány jsou parametry optických sítí: přenosové rychlosti, dělicí poměr, linkový kód, limitní bitovou chybovost aj. Třetí kapitola vysvětluje současný stav v oblasti budování optických sítí v souladu s plánem rozvoje podle Evropské unie. Praktická část práce je rozdělena do několika podkapitol. Významná část výsledků se věnuje zabezpečení pasivních optických sítí a navržením vhodného zabezpečení pro stávající sítě. K tomuto účelu slouží mimo jiné unikátní parametr doba šíření ve spojení s přepracovaným zabezpečovacím mechanismem. Další podkapitoly se věnují analýze řídicího a datového provozu v gigabitových optických sítích. Výsledky měření byly použitý pro návrh nového algoritmu připojování koncových jednotek, který zkrátí tuto dobu a dále pro návrh algoritmu pro detekci modifikované koncové jednotky. Předposlední kapitola se zabývá vytvořením ILP modelu pro přenos Triple Play služeb. Poslední kapitola sestává ze simulací vlastní implementace přenosové vrstvy v simulačním nástroji VPIphotonics.This thesis deals with an optimization of Triple play services and security in optical access networks. The first chapter provides theory basics which are necessary for results evaluation. The second chapter describes optical access networks with their parameters such as transmission speed, split ratio, line code, bit error rate etc. defined by ITU. Next chapter summaries the current state in optical networks construction field according to the European Union developing plan. The practical part of this thesis is divided into several subchapters. The significant part of the thesis is dedicated to the security of passive optical networks and design of proper security model for current networks. For this purpose, the unique parameter time propagation Tprop, with the novel security model was developed. Next part of the thesis provides an analysis of control traffic and data traffic in the gigabit passive optical networks. For a novel algorithm in activation process in gigabit passive optical networks the measurement results were used. The novel algorithm decreases the total time needed for this process. The last but one subchapter deals with an ILP model for Triple Play services. The last subchapter contains the own implementation of the transmission converge layer in VPIphotonics simulation tool.

    Energy Management in NG-PON2

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