125 research outputs found

    Phonetic inventory for an Arabic speech corpus

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    Corpus design for speech synthesis is a well-researched topic in languages such as English compared to Modern Standard Arabic, and there is a tendency to focus on methods to automatically generate the orthographic transcript to be recorded (usually greedy methods). In this work, a study of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) phonetics and phonology is conducted in order to create criteria for a greedy meth-od to create a speech corpus transcript for recording. The size of the dataset is reduced a number of times using these optimisation methods with different parameters to yield a much smaller dataset with identical phonetic coverage than before the reduction, and this output transcript is chosen for recording. This is part of a larger work to create a completely annotated and segmented speech corpus for MSA

    Time-domain concatenative text-to-speech synthesis.

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    A concatenation framework for time-domain concatenative speech synthesis (TDCSS) is presented and evaluated. In this framework, speech segments are extracted from CV, VC, CVC and CC waveforms, and abutted. Speech rhythm is controlled via a single duration parameter, which specifies the initial portion of each stored waveform to be output. An appropriate choice of segmental durations reduces spectral discontinuity problems at points of concatenation, thus reducing reliance upon smoothing procedures. For text-to-speech considerations, a segmental timing system is described, which predicts segmental durations at the word level, using a timing database and a pattern matching look-up algorithm. The timing database contains segmented words with associated duration values, and is specific to an actual inventory of concatenative units. Segmental duration prediction accuracy improves as the timing database size increases. The problem of incomplete timing data has been addressed by using `default duration' entries in the database, which are created by re-categorising existing timing data according to articulation manner. If segmental duration data are incomplete, a default duration procedure automatically categorises the missing speech segments according to segment class. The look-up algorithm then searches the timing database for duration data corresponding to these re-categorised segments. The timing database is constructed using an iterative synthesis/adjustment technique, in which a `judge' listens to synthetic speech and adjusts segmental durations to improve naturalness. This manual technique for constructing the timing database has been evaluated. Since the timing data is linked to an expert judge's perception, an investigation examined whether the expert judge's perception of speech naturalness is representative of people in general. Listening experiments revealed marked similarities between an expert judge's perception of naturalness and that of the experimental subjects. It was also found that the expert judge's perception remains stable over time. A synthesis/adjustment experiment found a positive linear correlation between segmental durations chosen by an experienced expert judge and duration values chosen by subjects acting as expert judges. A listening test confirmed that between 70% and 100% intelligibility can be achieved with words synthesised using TDCSS. In a further test, a TDCSS synthesiser was compared with five well-known text-to-speech synthesisers, and was ranked fifth most natural out of six. An alternative concatenation framework (TDCSS2) was also evaluated, in which duration parameters specify both the start point and the end point of the speech to be extracted from a stored waveform and concatenated. In a similar listening experiment, TDCSS2 stimuli were compared with five well-known text-tospeech synthesisers, and were ranked fifth most natural out of six

    On the automatic segmentation of transcribed words

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    Segmental and prosodic improvements to speech generation

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    Festival 2 – Build Your Own General Purpose Unit Selection Speech Synthesiser

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    This paper describes version 2 of the Festival speech synthesis system. Festival 2 provides a development environment for concatenative speech synthesis, and now includes a general purpose unit selection speech synthesis engine. We discuss various aspects of unit selection speech synthesis, focusing on the research issues that relate to voice design and the automation of the voice development process

    Arabic Speech Corpus

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    Concept-to-speech synthesis by phonological structure matching

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    This paper presents a new way of generating synthetic-speech waveforms from a linguistic description. The algorithm is presented as a proposed solution to the speech-generation problem in a concept-to-speech system. Off-line, a database of recorded speech is annotated so as to produce a phonological tree for each sentence in that database. Synthesis is performed by generating a phonological tree called the target tree, and searching the database of trees to find nodes that are the same in both trees. A search strategy using target and concatenation costs is then used to find the optimal sequence of units for the target sentence. This paper explains this algorithm, compares it with existing algorithms, and concludes with a discussion of future directions

    Improving on hidden Markov models: An articulatorily constrained, maximum likelihood approach to speech recognition and speech coding

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    Real-time dynamic articulations in the 2-D waveguide mesh vocal tract model

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    Time domain articulatory vocal tract modeling in one-dimensional (1-D) is well established. Previous studies into two-dimensional (2-D) simulation of wave propagation in the vocal tract have shown it to present accurate static vowel synthesis. However, little has been done to demonstrate how such a model might accommodate the dynamic tract shape changes necessary in modeling speech. Two methods of applying the area function to the 2-D digital waveguide mesh vocal tract model are presented here. First, a method based on mapping the cross-sectional area onto the number of waveguides across the mesh, termed a widthwise mapping approach is detailed. Discontinuity problems associated with the dynamic manipulation of the model are highlighted. Second, a new method is examined that uses a static-shaped rectangular mesh with the area function translated into an impedance map which is then applied to each waveguide. Two approaches for constructing such a map are demonstrated; one using a linear impedance increase to model a constriction to the tract and another using a raised cosine function. Recommendations are made towards the use of the cosine method as it allows for a wider central propagational channel. It is also shown that this impedance mapping approach allows for stable dynamic shape changes and also permits a reduction in sampling frequency leading to real-time interaction with the model