6 research outputs found

    Energy-Availability-QoS Trade-off for Future Converged Fixed-Mobile Networks

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    Abstract-In the access part of the Future Internet the fixed and mobile access is expected to converge not only to better utilize the resources, but also to decrease the power consumption, to increase the availability and also to improve the QoS/QoE of uesrs. We present architectures and algorithms to show what EnergyAvailability-QoS tradeoffs can be reached. We support our approach by intensive simulations. The electric energy consumption [kWh] grows from year to year. The share of InfoCommunications Technologies (ICT) grows even faster. In this paper we focus primarily onto reducing energy consumption of the access part of modern heterogeneous mobile networks that leads to "greening" of this part of the network. The idea of our "greening" algorithm is based on selective switch-off and on consolidation of resources, employed jointly with both, the vertical and the horisontal handover (handoff). We show by simulations the energy saving benefits of our approach

    Optimal Distributed Vertical Handoff Strategies in Vehicular Heterogeneous Networks

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    Energy-efficient vertical handover parameters, classification and solutions over wireless heterogeneous networks: a comprehensive survey

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    In the last few decades, the popularity of wireless networks has been growing dramatically for both home and business networking. Nowadays, smart mobile devices equipped with various wireless networking interfaces are used to access the Internet, communicate, socialize and handle short or long-term businesses. As these devices rely on their limited batteries, energy-efficiency has become one of the major issues in both academia and industry. Due to terminal mobility, the variety of radio access technologies and the necessity of connecting to the Internet anytime and anywhere, energy-efficient handover process within the wireless heterogeneous networks has sparked remarkable attention in recent years. In this context, this paper first addresses the impact of specific information (local, network-assisted, QoS-related, user preferences, etc.) received remotely or locally on the energy efficiency as well as the impact of vertical handover phases, and methods. It presents energy-centric state-of-the-art vertical handover approaches and their impact on energy efficiency. The paper also discusses the recommendations on possible energy gains at different stages of the vertical handover process

    Energy-efficient vertical handover parameters, classification and solutions over wireless heterogeneous networks: a comprehensive survey

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    In the last few decades, the popularity of wireless networks has been growing dramatically for both home and business networking. Nowadays, smart mobile devices equipped with various wireless networking interfaces are used to access the Internet, communicate, socialize and handle short or long-term businesses. As these devices rely on their limited batteries, energy-efficiency has become one of the major issues in both academia and industry. Due to terminal mobility, the variety of radio access technologies and the necessity of connecting to the Internet anytime and anywhere, energy-efficient handover process within the wireless heterogeneous networks has sparked remarkable attention in recent years. In this context, this paper first addresses the impact of specific information (local, network-assisted, QoS-related, user preferences, etc.) received remotely or locally on the energy efficiency as well as the impact of vertical handover phases, and methods. It presents energy-centric state-of-the-art vertical handover approaches and their impact on energy efficiency. The paper also discusses the recommendations on possible energy gains at different stages of the vertical handover process

    Conservation de l'énergie sur des environnements de réseaux d'accès radio hétérogènes : vers des réseaux auto-organisants et verts

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    Since the last decades, environmental issues are becoming among the major concerns for most human activities, including the Information and Communication Technologies sector. This will surely influence upcoming networking technologies, architectures and usage practices. New approaches and methodologies are required in order to evaluate and to reduce the Carbon Footprint toward what is commonly denoted as Green Networks. Within the ICT sector, the main efforts are related to energy saving techniques. These efforts started in early stages within wireless technologies, mainly because of energy limitations on mobile devices such as mobile phones and wireless sensors. Additionally, because of health considerations, standardization bodies and government had set stringent policies and limits on electromagnetic radiation levels that can be emitted by radio stations. For these reasons, many academic and industrial research and development activities had led to a number of relatively energy efficient solutions. In this thesis, we consider energy efficiency in the context of Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks. These are composed of multi-standards wireless network solutions, with non uniform topologies and cell sizes and Multi-Modal mobile terminals able to manage simultaneously different connections. The main contributions of our studies include the proposal of new optimization solutions regarding user association and scheduling techniques at both flow and packet levels for multi-homed mobile terminals. An overall context-based solution is also proposed in order to provide end-to-end energy efficient networking solutionsLa préservation de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles pour les prochaines générations est aujourd’hui considérée comme un des axes les plus prioritaires dans presque tous les secteurs économiques. Le secteur des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication est loin d’être épargné de cette tendance écologique. Nous considérons dans cette thèse la problématique de la conservation d’énergie dans le contexte technologique actuel caractérisé par: •La coexistence d’une multitude de technologies d’accès sans fil offrant un environnement riche et dynamique • Des terminaux mobiles multimodaux • Limitations persistantes des sources d’énergie sur les terminaux mobiles. Dans ce contexte très riche, les possibilités offertes aux usagers sont à double tranchant. D’un côté, elles peuvent très bien améliorer la QoS en offrant toujours la meilleure connectivité en fonction du contexte de l’utilisateur. D’un autre côté, et sans une bonne optimisation de la consommation d’énergie sur le terminal, la disponibilité de celui-ci peut vite diminuer et donc faire baisser la QoE à cause de l’énergie nécessaire pour gérer plusieurs interfaces radio en parallèle. Nous considérons essentiellement les liens entre les stations de base (ou les point d’accès) et les terminaux mobiles. Notre objectif étant d’analyser la consommation d’énergie sur ces liens pour ensuite proposer des contributions permettant de mieux la maitriser. Nous focalisons essentiellement sur l’exploitation des multiples interfaces et du multi-flux pour étudier, analyser et proposer des solutions dynamiques et adaptatives d’ordonnancement, de sélection et de gestion d’interfaces minimisant la consommation d’énergi

    Security and Privacy for Modern Wireless Communication Systems

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    The aim of this reprint focuses on the latest protocol research, software/hardware development and implementation, and system architecture design in addressing emerging security and privacy issues for modern wireless communication networks. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: deep-learning-based security and privacy design; covert communications; information-theoretical foundations for advanced security and privacy techniques; lightweight cryptography for power constrained networks; physical layer key generation; prototypes and testbeds for security and privacy solutions; encryption and decryption algorithm for low-latency constrained networks; security protocols for modern wireless communication networks; network intrusion detection; physical layer design with security consideration; anonymity in data transmission; vulnerabilities in security and privacy in modern wireless communication networks; challenges of security and privacy in node–edge–cloud computation; security and privacy design for low-power wide-area IoT networks; security and privacy design for vehicle networks; security and privacy design for underwater communications networks