6 research outputs found

    Energy Disaggregation for Real-Time Building Flexibility Detection

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    Energy is a limited resource which has to be managed wisely, taking into account both supply-demand matching and capacity constraints in the distribution grid. One aspect of the smart energy management at the building level is given by the problem of real-time detection of flexible demand available. In this paper we propose the use of energy disaggregation techniques to perform this task. Firstly, we investigate the use of existing classification methods to perform energy disaggregation. A comparison is performed between four classifiers, namely Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine and AdaBoost. Secondly, we propose the use of Restricted Boltzmann Machine to automatically perform feature extraction. The extracted features are then used as inputs to the four classifiers and consequently shown to improve their accuracy. The efficiency of our approach is demonstrated on a real database consisting of detailed appliance-level measurements with high temporal resolution, which has been used for energy disaggregation in previous studies, namely the REDD. The results show robustness and good generalization capabilities to newly presented buildings with at least 96% accuracy.Comment: To appear in IEEE PES General Meeting, 2016, Boston, US

    Deep learning methods for on-line flexibility prediction and optimal resource allocation in smart buildings

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    Unprecedented high volume of data is available with the upward growth of the advanced metering infrastructure. Because the built environment is the largest user of electricity, a deeper look at building energy consumption holds promise for helping to achieve overall optimization of the energy system. Yet, a knowledge transfer from the fusion of extensive data is under development. To overcome this limitation, in the big data era, more and more machine learning methods appear to be suitable to automatically extract, predict and optimized building electrical patterns by performing successive transformation of the data. More recently, there has been a revival of interest in deep learning methods as the most advance on-line solutions for large-scale and real databases. Enabling real-time applications from the high level of aggregation in the smart grid will put end-users in position to change their consumption patterns, offering useful benefits for the system as a whole.<br/

    Deep learning methods for on-line flexibility prediction and optimal resource allocation in smart buildings

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    Unprecedented high volume of data is available with the upward growth of the advanced metering infrastructure. Because the built environment is the largest user of electricity, a deeper look at building energy consumption holds promise for helping to achieve overall optimization of the energy system. Yet, a knowledge transfer from the fusion of extensive data is under development. To overcome this limitation, in the big data era, more and more machine learning methods appear to be suitable to automatically extract, predict and optimized building electrical patterns by performing successive transformation of the data. More recently, there has been a revival of interest in deep learning methods as the most advance on-line solutions for large-scale and real databases. Enabling real-time applications from the high level of aggregation in the smart grid will put end-users in position to change their consumption patterns, offering useful benefits for the system as a whole.<br/

    On the sensitivity of local flexibility markets to forecast error : A bi-level optimization approach

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    The large-scale integration of intermittent distributed energy resources has led to increased uncertainty in the planning and operation of distribution networks. The optimal flexibility dispatch is a recently introduced, power flow-based method that a distribution system operator can use to effectively determine the amount of flexibility it needs to procure from the controllable resources available on the demand side. However, the drawback of this method is that the optimal flexibility dispatch is inexact due to the relaxation error inherent in the second-order cone formulation. In this paper we propose a novel bi-level optimization problem, where the upper level problem seeks to minimize the relaxation error and the lower level solves the earlier introduced convex second-order cone optimal flexibility dispatch (SOC-OFD) problem. To make the problem tractable, we introduce an innovative reformulation to recast the bi-level problem as a non-linear, single level optimization problem which results in no loss of accuracy. We subsequently investigate the sensitivity of the optimal flexibility schedules and the locational flexibility prices with respect to uncertainty in load forecast and flexibility ranges of the demand response providers which are input parameters to the problem. The sensitivity analysis is performed based on the perturbed Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. We investigate the feasibility and scalability of the proposed method in three case studies of standardized 9-bus, 30-bus, and 300-bus test systems. Simulation results in terms of local flexibility prices are interpreted in economic terms and show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.</p

    Distribution Level Building Load Prediction Using Deep Learning

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    Load prediction in distribution grids is an important means to improve energy supply scheduling, reduce the production cost, and support emission reduction. Determining accurate load predictions has become more crucial than ever as electrical load patterns are becoming increasingly complicated due to the versatility of the load profiles, the heterogeneity of individual load consumptions, and the variability of consumer-owned energy resources. However, despite the increase of smart grids technologies and energy conservation research, many challenges remain for accurate load prediction using existing methods. This dissertation investigates how to improve the accuracy of load predictions at the distribution level using artificial intelligence (AI), and in particular deep learning (DL), which have already shown significant progress in various other disciplines. Existing research that applies the DL for load predictions has shown improved performance compared to traditional models. The current research using conventional DL tends to be modeled based on the developer\u27s knowledge. However, there is little evidence that researchers have yet addressed the issue of optimizing the DL parameters using evolutionary computations to find more accurate predictions. Additionally, there are still questions about hybridizing different DL methods, conducting parallel computation techniques, and investigating them on complex smart buildings. In addition, there are still questions about disaggregating the net metered load data into load and behind-the-meter generation associated with solar and electric vehicles (EV). The focus of this dissertation is to improve the distribution level load predictions using DL. Five approaches are investigated in this dissertation to find more accurate load predictions. The first approach investigates the prediction performance of different DL methods applied for energy consumption in buildings using univariate time series datasets, where their numerical results show the effectiveness of recursive artificial neural networks (RNN). The second approach studies optimizing time window lags and network\u27s hidden neurons of an RNN method, which is the Long Short-Term Memory, using the Genetic Algorithms, to find more accurate energy consumption forecasting in buildings using univariate time series datasets. The third approach considers multivariate time series and operational parameters of practical data to train a hybrid DL model. The fourth approach investigates parallel computing and big data analysis of different practical buildings at the DU campus to improve energy forecasting accuracies. Lastly, a hybrid DL model is used to disaggregate residential building load and behind-the-meter energy loads, including solar and EV

    Energy disaggregation for real-time building flexibility detection

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    Energy is a limited resource which has to be managed wisely, taking into account both supply-demand matching and capacity constraints in the distribution grid. One aspect of the smart energy management at the building level is given by\u3cbr/\u3ethe problem of real-time detection of flexible demand available. In this paper we propose the use of energy disaggregation techniques to perform this task. Firstly, we investigate the use of existing classification methods to perform energy disaggregation. A comparison is performed between four classifiers, namely Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine and AdaBoost. Secondly, we propose the use of Restricted Boltzmann Machine to automatically perform feature extraction. The extracted features are then used as inputs to the four classifiers and consequently shown to improve their accuracy. The efficiency of our approach is demonstrated on a real database consisting of detailed appliance-level measurements with high temporal\u3cbr/\u3eresolution, which has been used for energy disaggregation in previous studies, namely the REDD. The results show robustness and good generalization capabilities to newly presented buildings with at least 96% accuracy