13 research outputs found

    Hypernode Graphs for Learning from Binary Relations between Groups in Networks

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to propose methods for learning from interactions between groups in networks. We introduced hypernode graphs in Ricatte et al (2014) a formal model able to represent group interactions and able to infer individual properties as well. Spectral graph learning algorithms were extended to the case of hypern-ode graphs. As a proof-of-concept, we have shown how to model multiple players games with hypernode graphs and that spectral learning algorithms over hyper-node graphs obtain competitive results with skill ratings specialized algorithms. In this paper, we explore theoretical issues for hypernode graphs. We show that hypernode graph kernels strictly generalize over graph kernels and hypergraph kernels. We show that hypernode graphs correspond to signed graphs such that the matrix D − W is positive semidefinite. It should be noted that homophilic relations between groups may lead to non homophilic relations between individ-uals. Moreover, we also present some issues concerning random walks and the resistance distance for hypernode graphs

    Apprentissage d'une hiérarchie de modèles à paires spécialisés pour la résolution de la coréférence

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    National audienceNous proposons une nouvelle méthode pour améliorer significativement la performance des modèles à paires de mentions pour la résolution de la coréférence. Étant donné un ensemble d'indicateurs, notre méthode apprend à séparer au mieux des types de paires de mentions en classes d'équivalence, chacune de celles-ci donnant lieu à un modèle de classification spécifique. La procédure algorithmique proposée trouve le meilleur espace de traits (créé à partir de combinaisons de traits élémentaires et d'indicateurs) pour discriminer les paires de mentions coréférentielles. Bien que notre approche explore un très vaste ensemble d'espaces de trait, elle reste efficace en exploitant la structure des hiérarchies construites à partir des indicateurs. Nos expériences sur les données anglaises de la CoNLL-2012 Shared Task indiquent que notre méthode donne des gains de performance par rapport au modèle initial utilisant seulement les traits élémentaires, et ce, quelque soit la méthode de formation des chaînes ou la métrique d'évaluation choisie. Notre meilleur système obtient une moyenne de 67.2 en F1-mesure MUC, B3 et CEAF ce qui, malgré sa simplicité, le situe parmi les meilleurs systèmes testés sur ces données

    Neural Coreference Resolution for Turkish

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    Coreference resolution deals with resolving mentions of the same underlying entity in a given text. This challenging task is an indispensable aspect of text understanding and has important applications in various language processing systems such as question answering and machine translation. Although a significant amount of studies is devoted to coreference resolution, the research on Turkish is scarce and mostly limited to pronoun resolution. To our best knowledge, this article presents the first neural Turkish coreference resolution study where two learning-based models are explored. Both models follow the mention-ranking approach while forming clusters of mentions. The first model uses a set of hand-crafted features whereas the second coreference model relies on embeddings learned from large-scale pre-trained language models for capturing similarities between a mention and its candidate antecedents. Several language models trained specifically for Turkish are used to obtain mention representations and their effectiveness is compared in conducted experiments using automatic metrics. We argue that the results of this study shed light on the possible contributions of neural architectures to Turkish coreference resolution.119683

    Hypernode Graphs for Spectral Learning on Binary Relations over Sets

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    Paper accepted for publication at ECML/PKDD 2014International audienceWe introduce hypernode graphs as weighted binary relations between sets of nodes: a hypernode is a set of nodes, a hyperedge is a pair of hypernodes, and each node in a hypernode of a hyperedge is given a non negative weight that represents the node contribution to the relation. Hypernode graphs model binary relations between sets of individuals while allowing to reason at the level of individuals. We present a spectral theory for hypernode graphs that allows us to introduce an unnormalized Laplacian and a smoothness semi-norm. In this framework, we are able to extend spectral graph learning algorithms to the case of hypernode graphs. We show that hypernode graphs are a proper extension of graphs from the expressive power point of view and from the spectral analysis point of view. Therefore hypernode graphs allow to model higher order relations whereas it is not true for hypergraphs as shown in~\cite{Agarwal2006}. In order to prove the potential of the model, we represent multiple players games with hypernode graphs and introduce a novel method to infer skill ratings from game outcomes. We show that spectral learning algorithms over hypernode graphs obtain competitive results with skill ratings specialized algorithms such as Elo duelling and TrueSkill

    Hypernode Graphs for Learning from Binary Relations between Groups in Networks

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    The aim of this paper is to propose methods for learning from interactions between groups in networks. We propose a proper extension of graphs, called hypernode graphs as a formal tool able to model group interactions. A hypernode graph is a collection of weighted relations between two disjoint groups of nodes. Weights quantify the individual participation of nodes to a given relation. We define Laplacians and kernels for hypernode graphs and prove that they strictly generalize over graph kernels and hypergraph kernels. We then proceed to prove that hypernode graphs correspond to signed graphs such that the matrix D − W is positive semi-definite. As a consequence, homophilic relations between groups may lead to non homophilic relations between individuals. We also define the notion of connected hypernode graphs and a resistance distance for connected hypernode graphs. Then, we propose spectral learning algorithms on hypernode graphs allowing to infer node ratings or node labelings. As a proof of concept, we model multiple players games with hypernode graphs and we define skill rating algorithms competitive with specialized algorithms

    Review of coreference resolution in English and Persian

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    Coreference resolution (CR) is one of the most challenging areas of natural language processing. This task seeks to identify all textual references to the same real-world entity. Research in this field is divided into coreference resolution and anaphora resolution. Due to its application in textual comprehension and its utility in other tasks such as information extraction systems, document summarization, and machine translation, this field has attracted considerable interest. Consequently, it has a significant effect on the quality of these systems. This article reviews the existing corpora and evaluation metrics in this field. Then, an overview of the coreference algorithms, from rule-based methods to the latest deep learning techniques, is provided. Finally, coreference resolution and pronoun resolution systems in Persian are investigated.Comment: 44 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    HYDRA: Large-scale Social Identity Linkage via Heterogeneous Behavior Modeling

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    We study the problem of large-scale social identity linkage across different social media platforms, which is of critical importance to business intelligence by gaining from social data a deeper understanding and more accurate profiling of users. This paper proposes HYDRA, a solution framework which consists of three key steps: (I) modeling heterogeneous behavior by long-term behavior distribution analysis and multi-resolution temporal information matching; (II) constructing structural consistency graph to measure the high-order structure consistency on users' core social structures across different platforms; and (III) learning the mapping function by multi-objective optimization composed of both the supervised learning on pair-wise ID linkage information and the crossplatform structure consistency maximization. Extensive experiments on 10 million users across seven popular social network platforms demonstrate that HYDRA correctly identifies real user linkage across different platforms, and outperforms existing state-of-the-art algorithms by at least 20% under different settings, and 4 times better in most settings.? 2013 ACM.EI

    Structured learning from heterogeneous behavior for social identity linkage

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    Singapore National Research Foundation under International Research Centre @ Singapore Funding Initiativ

    Structured Learning from Heterogeneous Behavior for Social Identity Linkage

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    Deep Learning Data and Indexes in a Database

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    A database is used to store and retrieve data, which is a critical component for any software application. Databases requires configuration for efficiency, however, there are tens of configuration parameters. It is a challenging task to manually configure a database. Furthermore, a database must be reconfigured on a regular basis to keep up with newer data and workload. The goal of this thesis is to use the query workload history to autonomously configure the database and improve its performance. We achieve proposed work in four stages: (i) we develop an index recommender using deep reinforcement learning for a standalone database. We evaluated the effectiveness of our algorithm by comparing with several state-of-the-art approaches, (ii) we build a real-time index recommender that can, in real-time, dynamically create and remove indexes for better performance in response to sudden changes in the query workload, (iii) we develop a database advisor. Our advisor framework will be able to learn latent patterns from a workload. It is able to enhance a query, recommend interesting queries, and summarize a workload, (iv) we developed LinkSocial, a fast, scalable, and accurate framework to gain deeper insights from heterogeneous data