482 research outputs found

    Boosting End-to-End Multilingual Phoneme Recognition through Exploiting Universal Speech Attributes Constraints

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    We propose a first step toward multilingual end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) by integrating knowledge about speech articulators. The key idea is to leverage a rich set of fundamental units that can be defined "universally" across all spoken languages, referred to as speech attributes, namely manner and place of articulation. Specifically, several deterministic attribute-to-phoneme mapping matrices are constructed based on the predefined set of universal attribute inventory, which projects the knowledge-rich articulatory attribute logits, into output phoneme logits. The mapping puts knowledge-based constraints to limit inconsistency with acoustic-phonetic evidence in the integrated prediction. Combined with phoneme recognition, our phone recognizer is able to infer from both attribute and phoneme information. The proposed joint multilingual model is evaluated through phoneme recognition. In multilingual experiments over 6 languages on benchmark datasets LibriSpeech and CommonVoice, we find that our proposed solution outperforms conventional multilingual approaches with a relative improvement of 6.85% on average, and it also demonstrates a much better performance compared to monolingual model. Further analysis conclusively demonstrates that the proposed solution eliminates phoneme predictions that are inconsistent with attributes

    Towards Zero-shot Learning for Automatic Phonemic Transcription

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    Automatic phonemic transcription tools are useful for low-resource language documentation. However, due to the lack of training sets, only a tiny fraction of languages have phonemic transcription tools. Fortunately, multilingual acoustic modeling provides a solution given limited audio training data. A more challenging problem is to build phonemic transcribers for languages with zero training data. The difficulty of this task is that phoneme inventories often differ between the training languages and the target language, making it infeasible to recognize unseen phonemes. In this work, we address this problem by adopting the idea of zero-shot learning. Our model is able to recognize unseen phonemes in the target language without any training data. In our model, we decompose phonemes into corresponding articulatory attributes such as vowel and consonant. Instead of predicting phonemes directly, we first predict distributions over articulatory attributes, and then compute phoneme distributions with a customized acoustic model. We evaluate our model by training it using 13 languages and testing it using 7 unseen languages. We find that it achieves 7.7% better phoneme error rate on average over a standard multilingual model.Comment: AAAI 202

    Cross-lingual automatic speech recognition using tandem features

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    Automatic speech recognition requires many hours of transcribed speech recordings in order for an acoustic model to be effectively trained. However, recording speech corpora is time-consuming and expensive, so such quantities of data exist only for a handful of languages — there are many languages for which little or no data exist. Given that there are acoustic similarities between different languages, it may be fruitful to use data from a well-supported source language for the task of training a recogniser in a target language with little training data. Since most languages do not share a common phonetic inventory, we propose an indirect way of transferring information from a source language model to a target language model. Tandem features, in which class-posteriors from a separate classifier are decorrelated and appended to conventional acoustic features, are used to do that. They have the advantage that the language used to train the classifier, typically a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) need not be the same as the target language being recognised. Consistent with prior work, positive results are achieved for monolingual systems in a number of different languages. Furthermore, improvements are also shown for the cross-lingual case, in which the tandem features were generated using a classifier not trained for the target language. We examine factors which may predict the relative improvements brought about by tandem features for a given source and target pair. We examine some cross-corpus normalization issues that naturally arise in multilingual speech recognition and validate our solution in terms of recognition accuracy and a mutual information measure. The tandem classifier in work up to this point in the thesis has been a phoneme classifier. Articulatory features (AFs), represented here as a multi-stream, discrete, multivalued labelling of speech, can be used as an alternative task. The motivation for this is that since AFs are a set of physically grounded categories that are not language-specific they may be more suitable for cross-lingual transfer. Then, using either phoneme or AF classification as our MLP task, we look at training the MLP using data from more than one language — again we hypothesise that AF tandem will resulting greater improvements in accuracy. We also examine performance where only limited amounts of target language data are available, and see how our various tandem systems perform under those conditions

    AV-data2vec: Self-supervised Learning of Audio-Visual Speech Representations with Contextualized Target Representations

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    Self-supervision has shown great potential for audio-visual speech recognition by vastly reducing the amount of labeled data required to build good systems. However, existing methods are either not entirely end-to-end or do not train joint representations of both modalities. In this paper, we introduce AV-data2vec which addresses these challenges and builds audio-visual representations based on predicting contextualized representations which has been successful in the uni-modal case. The model uses a shared transformer encoder for both audio and video and can combine both modalities to improve speech recognition. Results on LRS3 show that AV-data2vec consistently outperforms existing methods under all settings with the same amount of data and model size.Comment: 2023 ASR

    Neurocognitive Informatics Manifesto.

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    Informatics studies all aspects of the structure of natural and artificial information systems. Theoretical and abstract approaches to information have made great advances, but human information processing is still unmatched in many areas, including information management, representation and understanding. Neurocognitive informatics is a new, emerging field that should help to improve the matching of artificial and natural systems, and inspire better computational algorithms to solve problems that are still beyond the reach of machines. In this position paper examples of neurocognitive inspirations and promising directions in this area are given
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