13 research outputs found

    Lightweight Ontologies

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    Ontologies are explicit specifications of conceptualizations. They are often thought of as directed graphs whose nodes represent concepts and whose edges represent relations between concepts. The notion of concept is understood as defined in Knowledge Representation, i.e., as a set of objects or individuals. This set is called the concept extension or the concept interpretation. Concepts are often lexically defined, i.e., they have natural language names which are used to describe the concept extensions (e.g., concept mother denotes the set of all female parents). Therefore, when ontologies are visualized, their nodes are often shown with corresponding natural language concept names. The backbone structure of the ontology graph is a taxonomy in which the relations are “is-a”, whereas the remaining structure of the graph supplies auxiliary information about the modeled domain and may include relations like “part-of”, “located-in”, “is-parent-of”, and many others

    Ontologie leggere a faccette

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    In questo articolo ci concentriamo sull’uso delle ontologie per l’organizzazione di oggetti, quali ad esempio foto, libri e pagine Web. Le ontologie leggere sono ontologie con una struttura gerarchica ad albero dove a ciascun nodo Ăš associata un’etichetta in linguaggio naturale. Nelle ontologie leggere a faccette le etichette sono organizzate secondo modelli ben definiti, i quali catturano specifici aspetti della conoscenza, ovvero le faccette. A tal fine, ci basiamo sull’approccio Analitico-Sintetico, una ben radicata metodologia usata con successo per decenni in biblioteconomia, soprattutto in India, per la classificazione di libri. Le ontologie leggere a faccette hanno una struttura ben definita ed, in quanto tali, risultano piĂč facili da creare, condividere tra gli utenti, e piĂč appropriate in applicazioni semantiche, dove cioĂš viene automaticamente analizzato e sfruttato il significato ontologico dei termini

    A Pattern Based Approach for Re-engineering Non-Ontological Resources into Ontologies

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    With the goal of speeding up the ontology development process, ontology engineers are starting to reuse as much as possible available ontologies and non-ontological resources such as classiïŹcation schemes, thesauri, lexicons and folksonomies, that already have some degree of consensus. The reuse of such non-ontological resources necessarily involves their re-engineering into ontologies. Non-ontological resources are highly heterogeneous in their data model and contents: they encode different types of knowledge, and they can be modeled and implemented in diïŹ€erent ways. In this paper we present (1) a typology for non-ontological resources, (2) a pattern based approach for re-engineering non-ontological resources into ontologies, and (3) a use case of the proposed approach

    The Information-Flow Approach to Ontology-Based Semantic Integration

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    In this article we argue for the lack of formal foundations for ontology-based semantic alignment. We analyse and formalise the basic notions of semantic matching and alignment and we situate them in the context of ontology-based alignment in open-ended and distributed environments, like the Web. We then use the mathematical notion of information flow in a distributed system to ground three hypotheses that enable semantic alignment. We draw our exemplar applications of this work from a variety of interoperability scenarios including ontology mapping, theory of semantic interoperability, progressive ontology alignment, and situated semantic alignment

    RelBAC: Relation Based Access Control

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    TheWeb 2.0, GRID applications and, more recently, semantic desktop applications are bringing the Web to a situation where more and more data and metadata are shared and made available to large user groups. In this context, metadata may be tags or complex graph structures such as file system or web directories, or (lightweight) ontologies. In turn, users can themselves be tagged by certain properties, and can be organized in complex directory structures, very much in the same way as data. Things are further complicated by the highly unpredictable and autonomous dynamics of data, users, permissions and access control rules. In this paper we propose a new access control model and a logic, called RelBAC (for Relation Based Access Control) which allows us to deal with this novel scenario. The key idea, which differentiates RelBAC from the state of the art, e.g., Role Based Access Control (RBAC), is that permissions are modeled as relations between users and data, while access control rules are their instantiations on specific sets of users and objects. As such, access control rules are assigned an arity which allows a fine tuning of which users can access which data, and can evolve independently, according to the desires of the policy manager(s). Furthermore, the formalization of the RelBAC model as an Entity-Relationship (ER) model allows for its direct translation into Description Logics (DL). In turn, this allows us to reason, possibly at run time, about access control policies

    SEMO: a framework for customer social networks analysis based on semantics

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    The increasing importance of the Internet in most domains has brought about a paradigm change in consumer relations. The influence of Social Networks has entered the Customer Relationship Management domain under the coined term CRM 2.0. In this context, the need to understand and classify the interactions of customers by means of new platforms has emerged as a challenge for both researchers and professionals world-wide. This is the perfect scenario for the use of SEMO, a platform for Customer Social Networks Analysis based on Semantics and emotion mining. The platform benefits from both semantic annotation and classification and text analysis, relying on techniques from the Natural Language Processing domain. The results of the evaluation of the experimental implementation of SEMO reveal a promising and viable platform from a technical perspective.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the EUREKA project SITIO (TSI-020400-2009-148), SONAR2 (TSI-020100-2008-665) and GO2 (TSI-020400-2009-127)Publicad

    Modeling Faceted Browsing with Category Theory for Reuse and Interoperability

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    Faceted browsing (also called faceted search or faceted navigation) is an exploratory search model where facets assist in the interactive navigation of search results. Facets are attributes that have been assigned to describe resources being explored; a faceted taxonomy is a collection of facets provided by the interface and is often organized as sets, hierarchies, or graphs. Faceted browsing has become ubiquitous with modern digital libraries and online search engines, yet the process is still difficult to abstractly model in a manner that supports the development of interoperable and reusable interfaces. We propose category theory as a theoretical foundation for faceted browsing and demonstrate how the interactive process can be mathematically abstracted in order to support the development of reusable and interoperable faceted systems. Existing efforts in facet modeling are based upon set theory, formal concept analysis, and light-weight ontologies, but in many regards they are implementations of faceted browsing rather than a specification of the basic, underlying structures and interactions. We will demonstrate that category theory allows us to specify faceted objects and study the relationships and interactions within a faceted browsing system. Resulting implementations can then be constructed through a category-theoretic lens using these models, allowing abstract comparison and communication that naturally support interoperability and reuse. In this context, reuse and interoperability are at two levels: between discrete systems and within a single system. Our model works at both levels by leveraging category theory as a common language for representation and computation. We will establish facets and faceted taxonomies as categories and will demonstrate how the computational elements of category theory, including products, merges, pushouts, and pullbacks, extend the usefulness of our model. More specifically, we demonstrate that categorical constructions such as the pullback and pushout operations can help organize and reorganize facets; these operations in particular can produce faceted views containing relationships not found in the original source taxonomy. We show how our category-theoretic model of facets relates to database schemas and discuss how this relationship assists in implementing the abstractions presented. We give examples of interactive interfaces from the biomedical domain to help illustrate how our abstractions relate to real-world requirements while enabling systematic reuse and interoperability. We introduce DELVE (Document ExpLoration and Visualization Engine), our framework for developing interactive visualizations as modular Web-applications in order to assist researchers with exploratory literature search. We show how facets relate to and control visualizations; we give three examples of text visualizations that either contain or interact with facets. We show how each of these visualizations can be represented with our model and demonstrate how our model directly informs implementation. With our general framework for communicating consistently about facets at a high level of abstraction, we enable the construction of interoperable interfaces and enable the intelligent reuse of both existing and future efforts

    Encoding Classifications into Lightweight Ontologies

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    Classifications have been used for centuries with the goal of cataloguing and searching large sets of objects. In the early days it was mainly books; lately it has also become Web pages, pictures and any kind of digital resources. Classifications describe their contents using natural language labels, an approach which has proved very effective in manual classification. However natural language labels show their limitations when one tries to automate the process, as they make it very hard to reason about classifications and their contents. In this paper we introduce the novel notion of Formal Classification, as a graph structure where labels are written in a propositional concept language. Formal Classifications turn out to be some form of lightweight ontologies. This, in turn, allows us to reason about them, to associate to each node a normal form formula which univocally describes its contents, and to reduce document classification and query answering to reasoning about subsumption. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-70664-9_3)

    Encoding Classifications into Lightweight Ontologies

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    Classifications have been used for centuries with the goal of cataloguing and searching large sets of objects. In the early days it was mainly books; lately it has also become Web pages, pictures and any kind of electronic information items. Classifications describe their contents using natural language labels, which has proved very effective in manual classification. However natural language labels show their limitations when one tries to automate the process, as they make it very hard to reason about classifications and their contents. In this paper we introduce the novel notion of Formal Classification, as a graph structure where labels are written in a propositional concept language. Formal Classifications turn out to be some form of lightweight ontologies. This, in turn, allows us to reason about them, to associate to each node a normal form formula which univocally describes their contents, and to reduce document classification to reasoning about subsumption

    Dynamic connector synthesis: revised prototype implementation

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    The CONNECT Integrated Project aims at enabling continuous composition of Networked Systems (NSs) to respond to the evolution of functionalities provided to and required from the networked environment. CONNECT aims at dropping the interoperability barrier by adopting a revolutionary approach to the seamless networking of digital systems, that is, synthesizing on-the-fly the connectors via which networked systems communicate. The resulting emergent connectors are effectively synthesized according to the behavioral semantics of application- down to middleware-layer protocols run by the interacting parties