114,934 research outputs found

    Communication over an Arbitrarily Varying Channel under a State-Myopic Encoder

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    We study the problem of communication over a discrete arbitrarily varying channel (AVC) when a noisy version of the state is known non-causally at the encoder. The state is chosen by an adversary which knows the coding scheme. A state-myopic encoder observes this state non-causally, though imperfectly, through a noisy discrete memoryless channel (DMC). We first characterize the capacity of this state-dependent channel when the encoder-decoder share randomness unknown to the adversary, i.e., the randomized coding capacity. Next, we show that when only the encoder is allowed to randomize, the capacity remains unchanged when positive. Interesting and well-known special cases of the state-myopic encoder model are also presented.Comment: 16 page

    On Optimal TCM Encoders

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    An asymptotically optimal trellis-coded modulation (TCM) encoder requires the joint design of the encoder and the binary labeling of the constellation. Since analytical approaches are unknown, the only available solution is to perform an exhaustive search over the encoder and the labeling. For large constellation sizes and/or many encoder states, however, an exhaustive search is unfeasible. Traditional TCM designs overcome this problem by using a labeling that follows the set-partitioning principle and by performing an exhaustive search over the encoders. In this paper we study binary labelings for TCM and show how they can be grouped into classes, which considerably reduces the search space in a joint design. For 8-ary constellations, the number of different binary labelings that must be tested is reduced from 8!=40320 to 240. For the particular case of an 8-ary pulse amplitude modulation constellation, this number is further reduced to 120 and for 8-ary phase shift keying to only 30. An algorithm to generate one labeling in each class is also introduced. Asymptotically optimal TCM encoders are tabulated which are up to 0.3 dB better than the previously best known encoders

    Multiple Access Channel with States Known Noncausally at One Encoder and Only Strictly Causally at the Other Encoder

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    We consider a two-user state-dependent multiaccess channel in which the states of the channel are known non-causally to one of the encoders and only strictly causally to the other encoder. Both encoders transmit a common message and, in addition, the encoder that knows the states non-causally transmits an individual message. We study the capacity region of this communication model. In the discrete memoryless case, we establish inner and outer bounds on the capacity region. Although the encoder that sends both messages knows the states fully, we show that the strictly causal knowledge of these states at the other encoder can be beneficial for this encoder, and in general enlarges the capacity region. Furthermore, we find an explicit characterization of the capacity in the case in which the two encoders transmit only the common message. In the Gaussian case, we characterize the capacity region for the model with individual message as well. Our converse proof in this case shows that, for this model, strictly causal knowledge of the state at one of the encoders does not increase capacity if the other is informed non-causally, a result which sheds more light on the utility of conveying a compressed version of the state to the decoder in recent results by Lapidoth and Steinberg on a multiacess model with only strictly causal state at both encoders and independent messages.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

    Distributed Quantization for Compressed Sensing

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    We study distributed coding of compressed sensing (CS) measurements using vector quantizer (VQ). We develop a distributed framework for realizing optimized quantizer that enables encoding CS measurements of correlated sparse sources followed by joint decoding at a fusion center. The optimality of VQ encoder-decoder pairs is addressed by minimizing the sum of mean-square errors between the sparse sources and their reconstruction vectors at the fusion center. We derive a lower-bound on the end-to-end performance of the studied distributed system, and propose a practical encoder-decoder design through an iterative algorithm.Comment: 5 Pages, Accepted for presentation in ICASSP 201