277,667 research outputs found

    BioMet Toolbox 2.0: genome-wide analysis of metabolism and omics data

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    Analysis of large data sets using computational and mathematical tools have become a central part of biological sciences. Large amounts of data are being generated each year from different biological research fields leading to a constant development of software and algorithms aimed to deal with the increasing creation of information. The BioMet Toolbox 2.0 integrates a number of functionalities in a user-friendly environment enabling the user to work with biological data in a web interface. The unique and distinguishing feature of the BioMet Toolbox 2.0 is to provide a web user interface to tools for metabolic pathways and omics analysis developed under different platform-dependent environments enabling easy access to these computational tools

    The EnMAP user interface and user request scenarios

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    EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) is a German hyperspectral satellite mission providing high quality hyperspectral image data on a timely and frequent basis. Main objective is to investigate a wide range of ecosystem parameters encompassing agriculture, forestry, soil and geological environments, coastal zones and inland waters. The EnMAP Ground Segment will be designed, implemented and operated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The Applied Remote Sensing Cluster (DFD) at DLR is responsible for the establishment of a user interface. This paper provides details on the concept, design and functionality of the EnMAP user interface and a first analysis about potential user scenarios. The user interface consists of two online portals. The EnMAP portal (www.enmap.org) provides general EnMAP mission information. It is the central entry point for all international users interested to learn about the EnMAP mission, its objectives, status, data products and processing chains. The EnMAP Data Access Portal (EDAP) is the entry point for any EnMAP data requests and comprises a set of service functions offered for every registered user. The scientific user is able to task the EnMAP HSI for Earth observations by providing tasking parameters, such as area, temporal aspects and allowed tilt angle. In the second part of that paper different user scenarios according to the previously explained tasking parameters are presented and discussed in terms of their feasibility for scientific projects. For that purpose, a prototype of the observation planning tool enabling visualization of different user request scenarios was developed. It can be shown, that the number of data takes in a certain period of time increases with the latitude of the observation area. Further, the observation area can differ with the tilt angle of the satellite. Such findings can be crucial for the planning of remote sensing based projects, especially for those investigating ecosystem gradients in the time domain

    Interfaces of the Agriculture 4.0

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    The introduction of information technologies in the environmental field is impacting and changing even a traditional sector like agriculture. Nevertheless, Agriculture 4.0 and data-driven decisions should meet user needs and expectations. The paper presents a broad theoretical overview, discussing both the strategic role of design applied to Agri-tech and the issue of User Interface and Interaction as enabling tools in the field. In particular, the paper suggests to rethink the HCD approach, moving on a Human-Decentered Design approach that put together user-technology-environment and the importance of the role of calm technologies as a way to place the farmer, not as a final target and passive spectator, but as an active part of the process to aim the process of mitigation, appropriation from a traditional cultivation method to the 4.0 one

    The Impact of User Interface Design on Idea Integration in Electronic Brainstorming: An Attention-Based View

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    This paper introduces an attention-based view of idea integration that underscores the importance of IS user interface design. The assumption is that presenting ideas via user interface plays a key role in enabling and motivating idea integration in electronic brainstorming (EBS), and thus advances productivity. Building upon Cognitive Network Model of Creativity and ability-motivation framework, our attention-based theory focuses on two major attributes of user interface: visibility and prioritization. While visibility enables idea integration via directing attention to a limited set of ideas, prioritization enhances the motivation for idea integration by providing individuals with a relevant and legitimate proxy for value of the shared ideas. The theory developed in this paper is distinct from previous research on EBS in at least two ways: (1) this theory exclusively focuses on idea integration as the desired outcome and studies it in the context of IS user interface; and (2) rather than debating whether or not EBS universally outperforms verbal brainstorming, the proposed theory revisits the links between user interface and idea integration as an attention-intensive process that contributes to EBS productivity. Idea integration by individuals within a group is an essential process for organizational creativity and thus for establishing knowledge-based capabilities. Lack of such integration significantly reduces the value of idea sharing, which has been a predominant focus of the EBS literature in the past. The current theory posits that the ability of electronic brain-storming to outperform nominal or verbal brainstorming depends on its ability to leverage information system (IS) artifact capabilities for enhancing idea integration to create a key pattern of productivity. The developed theory provides a foundation for new approaches to EBS research and design, which use visibility and prioritization, and also identify new user interface features for fostering idea integration. By emphasizing idea integration, designers and managers are provided with practical, cognition-based criteria for choosing interface features, which can improve EBS productivity. This theory also has implications for both the practice and research of knowledge management, especially for the attention-based view of the organization.

    Optimizer for user-interface layout computations

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    User-interface (UI) developers use design tools such as layout managers to lay out UI elements. A good design tool enables developers to create efficient user interfaces, while itself being efficient to use. Current design tools sometimes produce designs that have inefficient user interfaces, e.g., inflexible (hard-to-change) layouts, or user interfaces with performance problems. This disclosure provides techniques that improve the efficiency of the computations underlying the UI design tool. Additionally, the techniques provide direct, visual feedback attributing computational cost to specific sub-areas of the screen, enabling developers to optimize the user interface

    User's guide to the UTIL-ODRC tape processing program

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    The UTIL-ODRC computer compatible tape processing program, its input/output requirements, and its interface with the EXEC 8 operating system are described. It is a multipurpose orbital data reduction center (ODRC) tape processing program enabling the user to create either exact duplicate tapes and/or tapes in SINDA/HISTRY format. Input data elements for PRAMPT/FLOPLT and/or BATCH PLOT programs, a temperature summary, and a printed summary can also be produced

    FEMwiki: crowdsourcing semantic taxonomy and wiki input to domain experts while keeping editorial control: Mission Possible!

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    Highly specialized professional communities of practice (CoP) inevitably need to operate across geographically dispersed area - members frequently need to interact and share professional content. Crowdsourcing using wiki platforms provides a novel way for a professional community to share ideas and collaborate on content creation, curation, maintenance and sharing. This is the aim of the Field Epidemiological Manual wiki (FEMwiki) project enabling online collaborative content sharing and interaction for field epidemiologists around a growing training wiki resource. However, while user contributions are the driving force for content creation, any medical information resource needs to keep editorial control and quality assurance. This requirement is typically in conflict with community-driven Web 2.0 content creation. However, to maximize the opportunities for the network of epidemiologists actively editing the wiki content while keeping quality and editorial control, a novel structure was developed to encourage crowdsourcing – a support for dual versioning for each wiki page enabling maintenance of expertreviewed pages in parallel with user-updated versions, and a clear navigation between the related versions. Secondly, the training wiki content needs to be organized in a semantically-enhanced taxonomical navigation structure enabling domain experts to find information on a growing site easily. This also provides an ideal opportunity for crowdsourcing. We developed a user-editable collaborative interface crowdsourcing the taxonomy live maintenance to the community of field epidemiologists by embedding the taxonomy in a training wiki platform and generating the semantic navigation hierarchy on the fly. Launched in 2010, FEMwiki is a real world service supporting field epidemiologists in Europe and worldwide. The crowdsourcing success was evaluated by assessing the number and type of changes made by the professional network of epidemiologists over several months and demonstrated that crowdsourcing encourages user to edit existing and create new content and also leads to expansion of the domain taxonomy

    KYPO: A Tool for Collaborative Study of Cyberattacks in Safe Cloud Environment

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    This paper introduces the KYPO -- a cloud-based virtual environment faithfully simulating real networks and enabling users to study cyber attacks as well as to train users in isolated and controlled environment. Particularly, the paper focuses on the user environment and visualizations, providing views and interactions improving the understanding of processes emerged during experiments. Web user interface of the KYPO system supports several collaboration modes enabling the participants to experiment and replay different types of security related tasks
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