5 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Pemuda di Dusun Nglurah, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar Dalam Mengimplementasikan E-Commerce Sebagai Media Penjualan Online Produk Budidaya Tanaman Hias

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    Nglurah Hamlet, which is in Tawangmangu District, is a hamlet located in the highlands, to be precise at the foot of Mount Lawu, which is at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. This hamlet has a cold climate and is very suitable for planting various types of plants, one of which is ornamental plants. Since Covid-19, the community has had difficulty marketing ornamental plants because tourist attractions are closed. This then makes the sales turnover of ornamental plants decline. The PKM-PM team identified solutions to overcome the partners' problems. The solutions chosen have scientific evidence that they are effective in applying them to similar cases. The chosen solution is the use of e-commerce in an effort to increase sales of ornamental plant products. The output targets of this activity are progress reports, manuals, and final reports. There are four methods of implementing this activity, namely preparation, socialization and community approach, implementation of activities, as well as observation and evaluation. The results achieved from this activity were the implementation of activities in the form of nine activities, namely coordination meetings and giving pre-tests, coordination meetings with partners regarding the technical implementation of the event and team introductions, Handover of all properties for product photography and videography practice to partners, photography and videography training along with basic editing, dissemination of basic e-commerce materials, training on organizing and uploading products in online stores, training on keyword advertising materials in e-commerce (shopee), training on packing ornamental plants and giving post-tests to partners. Second, the results achieved are in the form of increasing partners' knowledge about e-commerce, increasing viewers and engagement in e-commerce. Third, from this activity the PKM-PM TEAM also produced an Activity Implementation Manual and also an Activity Implementation Poster

    Design Preferences of U.S. and Chinese Virtual Communities: An Exploratory Study

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    This paper explores the design preferences of virtual communities in two cultural groups – the U.S. and China. The design preferences studied are web design, tools used and types of virtual communities preferred. Content analysis was employed to study twenty of the most popular Chinese and U.S. virtual communities. The study found that there are differences in the preference for the type of virtual communities and the tool used by Chinese and U.S. communities. The findings challenge aspects of website design across these cultural groups thought to be dissimilar based on prior research. Implications for research and practice are also discussed

    Pelatihan Manajemen Web untuk Peningkatan Promosi pada KUD Tani Makmur Kecamatan Kasihan

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    The purpose of Community Service (PPM) in KUD Tani Makmur Kasihan, among others, first: to help employees KUD Tani Makmur to understand web based promotion management, second: improve motivation and creativity KUD Tani Makmur employee that the constraints of the facilities is not a reason to learn and forward, and third:  provide an overview to employees of KUD Tani Makmur how to promote products in the virtual world so that its products can be recognized by other regions. The method used by PPM Training of Web Usage for Promotion Management Improvement at KUD Tani Makmur Kasihan, among others, held lectures and discussions, held training / workshop and evaluation. PPM Targets Web-Use Training for Promotion Management Improvement among others KUD Tani Makmur Kasihan helps employees of KUD Tani Makmur Kasihan District to be able to use the web to improve information and promotion of KUD Tani Makmur Kasihan


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    ABSTRACT As social media grow in popularity, more and more people produce user-generated content (UGC) in various types of social media. Thus, practitioners are interested in how to support people's motivation to produce UGC. While previous literature has examined various factors influencing people's motivation to produce UGC, few studies have examined the role of other participants as well as the social media sites. Based on self-determination theory, our study examines the relationship between content attractiveness, trust, perceived competence and autonomy, individual differences, and motivation to produce UGC. Using social network sites as the context of our study, we tested our hypotheses with U.S. college students, and the results supported our hypotheses. We contribute to the current literature by demonstrating that, when individuals perceive that other participants enjoy their UGC and trust social media sites, the individuals' perceived competence and autonomy are enhanced, which in turn supports their motivation to produce UGC

    Mythe ou réalité de la nouvelle économie des pays en voie de développement : les conditions nécessaires aux affaires électroniques au Vietnam

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    Cette recherche étudie l'émergence et le développement des affaires électroniques dans le contexte d'un pays en voie de développement. Elle vise à mettre en lumière la relation entre le contexte national et le potentiel de développement des affaires électroniques et poser des questions sur ce qu'on appelle « les conditions nécessaires » aux affaires électroniques. Pour réaliser cette recherche, nous avons étudié des cas complexes, soit celui d'un pays (le Vietnam), d'une industrie (les fournisseurs de contenu Web) et de trois modèles d'affaires (la musique, les journaux et les jeux en ligne). Nous avons confronté la réalité d'un pays en voie de développement avec les expériences théorisées des pays développés dans le domaine des affaires électroniques. Le résultat de l'analyse du cas du Vietnam nous permet de soulever plusieurs questions théoriques et managériales relatives aux affaires électroniques dans les pays en voie de développement. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Affaires électroniques, Modèle d'affaire, Contexte national, Pays en voie de développement, Vietnam