7 research outputs found

    Implementasi wisata virtual di jalur pendakian Gunungapi Purba Nglanggeran, Kapanewon Patuk, Kabupaten Gunungkidul

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    Abstrak Wisata virtual menjadi alat yang paling memungkinkan bagi seseorang untuk menjelajahi tempat lain tanpa dibatasi oleh jarak dan waktu khususnya bidang pariwisata. Gunungapi Purba (GAP) Nglanggeran merupakan lokasi wisata yang sangat memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan ke arah virtual. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat 40 titik panorama sepanjang jalur pendakian kemudian hasilnya dicoba oleh pengunjung virtual dari berbagai generasi. Target responden dari penelitian ini adalah pengunjung yang tidak dapat mendaki di GAP Nglanggeran dengan berbagai alasan (tidak berada di kawasan wisata maupun tidak mampu mendaki karena alasan tertentu). Sebanyak 145 responden mencoba wisata virtual ini dengan kode batang yang telah diberikan. Media yang bisa digunakan adalah laptop, telfon pintar, dan layar televisi. Hasilnya, pengunjung virtual ini merasa bahwa wisata virtual yang dibuat sudah cukup bagus, mampu memberikan gambaran tentang jalur pendakian, dan mampu memberikan kesan nyata sepanjang jalur pendakian. Wisata ini juga memberikan kesempatan kepada pengunjung untuk wisata virtual dengan menggunakan kacamata VR. Hasilnya, Generasi Z merupakan kalangan yang paling antusian dengan hadirnya media tersebut. Abstract Virtual tour is the most possible tool for someone to explore other places without being limited by distance and time, especially in tourism. Nglanggeran ancient volcano is a very possible tourism spot that can be developed in a virtual. The purpose of this study was to create 40 panoramic photos along the  tracking route and then the results were tested by  virtual visitors from various generations. The target respondents of this research are visitors who cannot climb the Nglanggeran GAP for various reasons (not in the tourist area or who are not strong enough to climb for certain reasons). A total of 145 respondents tried this virtual tour with the barcode that had been provided. The media that can be used are laptops, smartphones, and television screens. As a result, these virtual visitors feel that the virtual tour created is able to provide an overview of the hiking trail and is able to give a real impression along the hiking track. This tourism tour also provides an opportunity for visitors to try virtual tours using VR glasses. As a result, Generation Z is the most enthusiastic about the presence of the media

    Cooperative Secure Transmission by Exploiting Social Ties in Random Networks

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    Social awareness and social ties are becoming increasingly popular with emerging mobile and handheld devices. Social trust degree describing the strength of the social ties has drawn lots of research interests in many fields in wireless communications, such as resource sharing, cooperative communication and so on. In this paper, we propose a hybrid cooperative beamforming and jamming scheme to secure communication based on the social trust degree under a stochastic geometry framework. The friendly nodes are categorized into relays and jammers according to their locations and social trust degrees with the source node. We aim to analyze the involved connection outage probability (COP) and secrecy outage probability (SOP) of the performance in the networks. To achieve this target, we propose a double Gamma ratio (DGR) approach through Gamma approximation. Based on this, the COP and SOP are tractably obtained in closed-form. We further consider the SOP in the presence of Poisson Point Process (PPP) distributed eavesdroppers and derive an upper bound. The simulation results verify our theoretical findings, and validate that the social trust degree has dramatic influences on the security performance in the networks.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, to be published in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Adopting Digital Solutions for Large Scale Surveillance of Crop Pests and Diseases in Developing Countries—A Review

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    Crop pests and diseases are ranked as some of the world’s leading threats to agricultural productivity. The need to improve adoption of digital solutions prompted a review on the applicability of emerging digital solutions in large-scale surveillance of crop pest and diseases. This study presents findings on key requirements for achieving digitized large-scale pest surveillance, fitness for purpose of common autonomous biosecurity surveillance technologies, and prospects of smartphones as an alternative surveillance solution. Firstly, the research identified appropriateness of the solution, availability of supporting infrastructure and level of stakeholder involvement in solution formulation as some of the key determinants of digital solution adoption. Although most common autonomous biosecurity surveillance technologies are promising, their adoption in developing nations are limited by operational costs, legal requirements, skillsets, and operational environments among others. Thirdly, recent advancements in smartphones and wide spread ownership among farmers provide a unique opportunity for advancing Mobile Crowd-Sensing solutions in achieving large-scale pest surveillance. Lastly, we recommend designing an incentive mechanism to motivate farmers’ participation in a surveillance solution

    The Need of Multidisciplinary Approaches and Engineering Tools for the Development and Implementation of the Smart City Paradigm

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    This paper is motivated by the concept that the successful, effective, and sustainable implementation of the smart city paradigm requires a close cooperation among researchers with different, complementary interests and, in most cases, a multidisciplinary approach. It first briefly discusses how such a multidisciplinary methodology, transversal to various disciplines such as architecture, computer science, civil engineering, electrical, electronic and telecommunication engineering, social science and behavioral science, etc., can be successfully employed for the development of suitable modeling tools and real solutions of such sociotechnical systems. Then, the paper presents some pilot projects accomplished by the authors within the framework of some major European Union (EU) and national research programs, also involving the Bologna municipality and some of the key players of the smart city industry. Each project, characterized by different and complementary approaches/modeling tools, is illustrated along with the relevant contextualization and the advancements with respect to the state of the art

    Empowering mobile crowdsensing through social and ad hoc networking

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) enables collective data harvesting actions by coordinating citizens willing to contribute data collected via their sensor-rich smartphones that represent sources of valuable sensing information in urban environments nowadays. One of the biggest challenges in a real long-running MCS system lies in the capacity not only to attract new volunteers, but also, and most importantly, to leverage existing social ties between volunteers to keep them involved to build long-lasting MCS communities. In addition, the advent of high-performing devices and ad hoc communication technologies can help to further amplify the effect of sensing actions in proximity of the volunteer devices. This article originally describes how to exploit these socio-technical networking aspects to increase the performance of MCS campaigns in the ParticipAct living laboratory, an ongoing MCS real-world experiment that involved about 170 students of the University of Bologna for more than two years. The article also reports some significant experimental results to quantify the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    Procena regularnosti i sinhronizma u paralelnim biomedicinskim vremenskim nizovima

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    Objectives: Self-monitoring in health applications has already been recognized as a part of the mobile crowdsensing concept, where subjects, equipped with adequate sensors, share and extract information for personal or common benefit. Limited data transmission resources force a local analysis at wearable devices, but it is incompatible with analytical tools that require stationary and artifact-free data. The key objective of this thesis is to explain a computationally efficient binarized cross-approximate entropy, (X)BinEn, for blind cardiovascular signal processing in environments where energy and processor resources are limited. Methods: The proposed method is a descendant of cross-approximate entropy ((X)ApEn). It operates over binary differentially encoded data series, split into m-sized binary vectors. Hamming distance is used as a distance measure, while a search for similarities is performed over the vector sets, instead of over the individual vectors. The procedure is tested in laboratory rats exposed to shaker and restraint stress and compared to the existing (X)ApEn results. Results: The number of processor operations is reduced. (X)BinEn captures entropy changes similarly to (X)ApEn. The coding coarseness has an adverse effect of reduced sensitivity, but it attenuates parameter inconsistency and binary bias. A special case of (X)BinEn is equivalent to Shannon entropy. A binary conditional m=1 entropy is embedded into the procedure and can serve as a complementary dynamic measure. Conclusion: (X)BinEn can be applied to a single time series as auto-entropy or, more generally, to a pair of time series, as cross-entropy. It is intended for mobile, battery operated self-attached sensing devices with limited power and processor resources.Cilj: Snimanje sopstvenih zdravstveih prametara je postalo deo koncepta mobilnog ‘crowdsensing-a’ prema kojem učesnici sa nakačenim senzorima skupljaju i dele informacije, na ličnu ili opštu dobrobit. Međutim, ograničenja u prenosu podataka dovela su do koncepta lokalne obrade (na licu mesta). To je pak nespojivo sa uobičajenim metodama za koje je potrebno da podaci koji se obrađuju budu stacionarni i bez artefakata. Ključni deo ove teze je opis procesorski nezahtevne binarizovane unakrsne aproksimativne entropije (X)BinEn koja omogućava analizu kardiovaskularnih podataka bez prethodne predobrade, u uslovima ograničenog napajanja i procesorskih resursa. Metoda: (X)BinEn je nastao razradom postojećeg postupka unakrsne entropije ((X)ApEn). Definisan je nad binarnim diferencijalno kodovanim vremenskim nizovima, razdeljenim u binarne vektore dužine m. Za procenu razmaka između vektora koristi se Hemingovo rastojanje, a sličnost vektora se ne procenjuje između svakog vektora pojedinačno, već između skupova vektora. Procedura je testirana nad laboratorijskim pacovima izloženim različitim vrstova stresova i upoređena sa postojećim rezultatima. Rezultati: Broj potrebnih procesorskih operacija je značajno smanjen. (X)BinEn registruje promene entropije slično (X)ApEn. Beskonačno klipovanje je gruba kvantizacija i za posledicu ima smanjenu osetljivost na promene, ali, sa druge strane, prigušuje binarnu asimetriju i nekonzistentnan uticaj parametara. Za određeni skup parametara (X)BinEn je ekvivalentna Šenonovoj entropiji. Uslovna binarna m=1 entropija automatski se dobija kao uzgredni product binarizovane entropije, i može da se iskoristi kao komplementarna dinamička mera. Zaključak: (X)BinEn može da se koristi za jedan vremenski niz, kao auto-entropija, ili, u opštem slučaju, za dva vremenska niza kao unakrsna entropija. Namenjena je mobilnim uređajima sa baterijskim napajanjem za individualne korisnike, to jest za korisnike sa ograničenim napajanjem i procesorskim resursima