17 research outputs found

    The Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy between Business Incubator Funding and Business Success: A Conceptual Paper

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    Business incubation plays a crucial role in sustaining business success in both emerging and developing countries. Business incubators help businesses in developing countries effectively use innovation to reduce poverty and sustain social and economic development and growth. This conceptual paper focuses on the effect of funding in business incubator practices on business success in the context of Palestine. Additionally, this study strives to establish the mediating effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on the relationship between funding and business success. This study will apply a quantitative approach to collect data from businesses in Palestine. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) method will be used to analyze the data. This study adopted a resource-based view (RBV), which claims that resources, skills, and capabilities are valuable tangible and intangible resources that lead to business success. If empirically supported, the proposed framework may provide effective assistance for business incubators, entrepreneurs, business owners, and managers in developing countries such as Palestine. Therefore, the results of this study will help provide academic research, future research, government, and related agencies with guiding principles and information

    Estudio de las ventajas de las MiPyMES al adherirse a las redes sociales en Ciudad Victoria (Tamaulipas)

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer las ventajas que ganan las mipymes al adherirse a las redes sociales. Además, se establecieron dos objetivos específicos: determinar la intensidad de uso que dan las mipymes victorenses a las redes sociales e identificar cuáles fueron las dimensiones de mayor y menor impacto en las razones para adherirse a las redes sociales de las empresas analizadas.  Para ello se utilizó el tipo de investigación cuantitativa, mientras que el diseño fue no experimental. La población estuvo formada por 85 mipymes de Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas. Como resultado de este estudio se evidenció que las dimensiones evaluadas, guardan una relación lineal con la variable dependiente Ventajas de Adherirse a las Redes Sociales (adherSN) y tienen una influencia positiva en la misma, porque se evidenció que todas contribuyen a incrementar su valor debido a las ventajas que representa incorporar sus negocios al uso y aplicación de las redes sociales. Las ventajas al usar las redes sociales son: identificar oportunidades para crear o mejorar productos o servicios, obtener nuevos clientes, compartir la información con los consumidores y obtener retroalimentación de ellos, promover la imagen, estar cercano y en tiempo real con los clientes mediante una adecuada comunicación e innovación, acceder a un marketing de bajo costo, entre otras. El estudio arrojó resultados favorables sobre la percepción que los dueños de mipymes tienen sobre las ventajas para adherirse a las redes sociales y fortalecer los procesos de sus negocios

    Analysis of Social Media for Marketing CPA Services in Australia

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    Public accounting firms increasingly use social media to market their services. Determining which social media platforms are the best fit for the firm and its clients can be a challenge. This study examines the use of social media by major Certified Public Accounting firms in Australia, according to the following measures: revenue, number of partners, number of offices, and gender distribution among partners. Findings indicate that social media can play an important role in marketing CPA services. Social media use differs according to revenue and total partners, but not number of offices. In addition, the findings show a gender difference exists, that social media use varies by the firm’s gender make-up, as measured by the female proportion of the firm’s partnership

    Analisis jaringan sosial: studi pada pedagang mikro dan kecil di pasar tradisional waingapu

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    Tingkat persaingan dalam era revolusi industri 4.0 menuntut semua level usaha untuk dapat bertahan dan berkembang secara berkelanjutan dengan memiliki dan memanfaatkan modal sosial yang dimiliki. Jaringan sosial memungkinkan pelaku usaha untuk mengakses infomasi dan sumberdaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja usaha. Dalam kenyataannya, jumlah pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil di pasar tradisional mengalami penurunan. Sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat modal sosial meliputi kedekatan relasi dalam jaringan sosial usaha mikro kecil di kota Waingapu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Analisis Jaringan Sosial untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat sentralitas, dan kedekatan berbagai aktor dalam jaringan sosial. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa jaringan sosial antar pedangan usaha mikro dan kecil di Pasar Inpres Matawai-Waingapu cukup baik, yang ditandai dengan adanya relasi yang kuat antar pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil dalam jaringa

    Social Media Business Networks and SME Performance: A Rural-Urban Comparative Analysis

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    Social media business networks provide small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with a modern platform to network, resulting in improved business performance. However, rural SMEs are less likely to access these networks and often underperform urban counterparts. This paper provides a rural–urban comparative analysis of business performance across SMEs for both members and non-members of social media business networks. Empirically, the analysis draws on data of over 13,000 SMEs from the 2015-UK Government's Small Business Survey. Inverse Probability Weighting is used to control for selection bias of firms selecting into a location and business network and for variations in business characteristics. The results reveal that rural SMEs that are members of social media business networks tend to register higher turnover and seek to grow sales compared to rural and urban SMEs that are non-members. For turnover, rural firms that are members of these business networks perform as well as urban SMEs that are members. However, for sales growth, they underperform urban counterparts. Therefore, the development of SMEs’ performance in rural areas requires enhanced online business support environments, improved digital infrastructure and connectivity, the creation of online co-working spaces, and increased digital and technological skills

    Marketing digital y presencia 2.0: El caso de las pymes andaluzas del ámbito sanitario

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la presencia digital de las pymes andaluzas del ámbito sanitario −en concreto las pertenecientes al ámbito odontológico−. Para ello, se ha llevado un análisis de 498 pymes en el que se han tenido en cuenta criterios como la existencia o no de un sitio web y/o perfil en redes sociales; el número de redes sociales en los que está presente; la disponibilidad de enlaces hacia sus perfiles en redes sociales desde sus sitios web; la frecuencia de actualización de los perfiles en redes sociales o el número de seguidores, entre otros. Los resultados muestran que alrededor de la mitad de las pymes analizadas no disponen de sitio web o perfiles en redes sociales. Además, las empresas que sí tienen presencia en los medios sociales, por lo general, cuentan con comunidades de seguidores pequeñas y no son constantes en la actualización de los perfiles, lo que dificulta la interacción con los usuarios y la implementación de estrategias de marketing digital. ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to analyze the online presence of Andalusian Health SMEs−specifically those companies related to the dentistry sector. To this purpose, an analysis of 498 SMEs has been carried out considering criteria such as having or not a website and/or social media; number of social networks; links to social media available on websites; posting frequency; and number of followers, among others. Results show that around half of the analyzed SMEs do not have a website or social media. SMEs which do have any kind of social media, generally, have small communities and they do not post frequently, which limit the interaction with the users and the implementation of digital marketing strategies

    The effect of price discount and free gift on online entrepreneurs’ business performance in social commerce

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    Marketing is one of the two main activities in social commerce (s-commerce) where this type of e-commerce is dominated by sole entrepreneurs. Marketing requires a large allocation of cost while financial resources of the online entrepreneurs are limited. Thus, they need to focus on the most effective marketing strategy. Studies pertaining to the effect of marketing tools for online entrepreneurs’ business performance in s-commerce are rather limited. As such, this study assessed the relationships between marketing tools (price discount and free gift) and online entrepreneurs’ business performance in the s-commerce platform. The findings of this study may serve as guideline for online entrepreneurs, apart from adding to the body of knowledge in the fields of entrepreneurship, marketing, and s-commerce

    Customer engagement behaviour on social media platforms: a systematic literature review

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    Customer engagement behaviours (CEB) on social media have the potential to strengthen relationships between firms and customers. However there have been no systematic attempts to review the antecedents of CEB on social media despite wide recognition of its importance. Using a systematic literature review method, we provide an in-depth analysis of the extant empirical literature on CEB in relation to social media platforms. Results indicate that five key antecedent causes are identified in the literature: (1) Social links; (2) Ownership-value; (3) Search for information; (4) Involvement; and (5) Functionality represent the key antecedents of engagement for firms using social media. Our review is the first that brings together an in-depth secondary data analysis of the antecedents of CEB in social media platforms. We subsequently identify three epistemological tensions within the corpus and suggest directions for future research in order to advance the understanding of CEB in relation to social media

    Factors affecting business success among Malaysia smes in cosmetic and beauty industry

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the economic development of a country. There is an increasing number of entrepreneurs involve in the cosmetic and beauty industry nowadays. Nevertheless, some of them fail to perform and survive in their business. Hence, this research aims to examine the factors affecting the business success among SMEs Malaysia in cosmetic and beauty industry. This study focuses on five variables that contributed to business success namely; entrepreneurs’ self -efficacy (ESE), improvisation behavior, social networking, access to finance, and government support. This study used statistical package for social science (SPPS) and administered questionnaires in collecting data and analysed data. This study analysed data through descriptive analysis, correlation, and regression accordingly. The findings reveal that each independent variable such as entrepreneurs’ self-efficacy (ESE), improvisation behavior, and access to finance have positive significant influence on SMEs' business success. However, finding also shows that social networking and government support have no significant influence on SMEs' business success. The findings in this study could contribute to both theories and managerial practitioners. Lastly, there are some limitation as this study using a single source of data and just focuses on the cosmetic and beauty industry. Hence, future research should use multiple sources of data and focus on other industries