432,217 research outputs found

    A Study of Unsupervised Evaluation Metrics for Practical and Automatic Domain Adaptation

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods facilitate the transfer of models to target domains without labels. However, these methods necessitate a labeled target validation set for hyper-parameter tuning and model selection. In this paper, we aim to find an evaluation metric capable of assessing the quality of a transferred model without access to target validation labels. We begin with the metric based on mutual information of the model prediction. Through empirical analysis, we identify three prevalent issues with this metric: 1) It does not account for the source structure. 2) It can be easily attacked. 3) It fails to detect negative transfer caused by the over-alignment of source and target features. To address the first two issues, we incorporate source accuracy into the metric and employ a new MLP classifier that is held out during training, significantly improving the result. To tackle the final issue, we integrate this enhanced metric with data augmentation, resulting in a novel unsupervised UDA metric called the Augmentation Consistency Metric (ACM). Additionally, we empirically demonstrate the shortcomings of previous experiment settings and conduct large-scale experiments to validate the effectiveness of our proposed metric. Furthermore, we employ our metric to automatically search for the optimal hyper-parameter set, achieving superior performance compared to manually tuned sets across four common benchmarks. Codes will be available soon

    Rasch scaling procedures for informing development of a valid Fetal Surveillance Education Program multiple-choice assessment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is widely recognised that deficiencies in fetal surveillance practice continue to contribute significantly to the burden of adverse outcomes. This has prompted the development of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and an associated Fetal Surveillance Education Program to deliver the associated learning. This article describes initial steps in the validation of a corresponding multiple-choice assessment of the relevant educational outcomes through a combination of item response modelling and expert judgement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Rasch item response model was employed for item and test analysis and to empirically derive the substantive interpretation of the assessment variable. This interpretation was then compared to the hierarchy of competencies specified a priori by a team of eight subject-matter experts. Classical Test Theory analyses were also conducted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A high level of agreement between the hypothesised and derived variable provided evidence of construct validity. Item and test indices from Rasch analysis and Classical Test Theory analysis suggested that the current test form was of moderate quality. However, the analyses made clear the required steps for establishing a valid assessment of sufficient psychometric quality. These steps included: increasing the number of items from 40 to 50 in the first instance, reviewing ineffective items, targeting new items to specific content and difficulty gaps, and formalising the assessment blueprint in light of empirical information relating item structure to item difficulty.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The application of the Rasch model for criterion-referenced assessment validation with an expert stakeholder group is herein described. Recommendations for subsequent item and test construction are also outlined in this article.</p

    Trust and distrust in information systems at the workplace

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    Digitalization of work processes is advancing, and this is increasingly supported by complex information systems (IS). However, whether such systems are used by employees largely depends on users’ trust in these IS. Because there are few systematic studies on this topic, this research provides an initial exploration and validation of preconditions for trust in work-related IS. In Study 1, N = 30 professionals were asked to describe occupational incidents in which they had highly trusted or distrusted an IS. Content analysis of 111 critical incidents described in the in-depth interviews led to 12 predictors of trust and distrust in IS, which partly correspond to the structure of the established IS success model (Delone & McLean, 2003) but also exceed this structure. The resulting integrative model of trust in IS at work was validated in Study 2 using an online questionnaire with N = 179 professionals. Based on regression analyses, reliability (system quality) and credibility (information quality) of IS were identified as the most important predictors for both trust and distrust in IS at work. Contrasting analyses revealed diverging qualities of trust and distrust in IS : whereas well-being and performance were rated higher in trust events, experienced strain was rated higher in distrust events. Together, this study offers a first comprehensive model of trust in IS at work based on systematic empirical research. In addition to implications for theory advancement, we suggest practical implications for how to support trust and to avoid distrust in IS at work

    Improving the Accuracy and Scope of Control-Oriented Vapor Compression Cycle System Models

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    The benefits of applying advanced control techniques to vapor compression cycle systems are well know. The main advantages are improved performance and efficiency, the achievement of which brings both economic and environmental gains. One of the most significant hurdles to the practical application of advanced control techniques is the development of a dynamic system level model that is both accurate and mathematically tractable. Previous efforts in control-oriented modeling have produced a class of heat exchanger models known as moving-boundary models. When combined with mass flow device models, these moving-boundary models provide an excellent framework for both dynamic analysis and control design. This thesis contains the results of research carried out to increase both the accuracy and scope of these system level models. The improvements to the existing vapor compression cycle models are carried out through the application of various modeling techniques, some static and some dynamic, some data-based and some physics-based. Semiempirical static modeling techniques are used to increase the accuracy of both heat exchangers and mass flow devices over a wide range of operating conditions. Dynamic modeling techniques are used both to derive new component models that are essential to the simulation of very common vapor compression cycle systems and to improve the accuracy of the existing compressor model. A new heat exchanger model that accounts for the effects of moisture in the air is presented. All of these model improvements and additions are unified to create a simple but accurate system level model with a wide range of application. Extensive model validation results are presented, providing both qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the new models and model improvements.Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Project 17

    Validation in the Software Metric Development Process

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    In this paper the validation of software metrics will be examined. Two approaches will be combined: representational measurement theory and a validation network scheme. The development process of a software metric will be described, together with validities for the three phases of the metric development process. Representation axioms from measurement theory are used both for the formal and empirical validation. The differentiation of validities according to these phases unifies several validation approaches found in the software metric's literature

    Evaluation Criteria for Object-oriented Metrics

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    In this paper an evaluation model for object-oriented (OO) metrics is proposed. We have evaluated the existing evaluation criteria for OO metrics, and based on the observations, a model is proposed which tries to cover most of the features for the evaluation of OO metrics. The model is validated by applying it to existing OO metrics. In contrast to the other existing criteria, the proposed model is simple in implementation and includes the practical and important aspects of evaluation; hence it suitable to evaluate and validate any OO complexity metric

    Essays on Structural Econometric Modeling and Machine Learning

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    This dissertation is composed of three independent chapters relating the theory and empirical methodology in economics to machine learning and important topics in information age . The first chapter raises an important problem in structural estimation and provide a solution to it by incorporating a culture in machine learning. The second chapter investigates a problem of statistical discrimination in big data era. The third chapter studies the implication of information uncertainty in the security software market. Structural estimation is a widely used methodology in empirical economics, and a large class of structural econometric models are estimated through the generalized method of moments (GMM). Traditionally, a model to be estimated is chosen by researchers based on their intuition on the model, and the structural estimation itself does not directly test it from the data. In other words, not sufficient amount of attention is paid to devise a principled method to verify such an intuition. In the first chapter, we propose a model selection for GMM by using cross-validation, which is widely used in machine learning and statistics communities. We prove the consistency of the cross-validation. The empirical property of the proposed model selection is compared with existing model selection methods by Monte Carlo simulations of a linear instrumental variable regression and oligopoly pricing model. In addition, we propose the way to apply our method to Mathematical Programming of Equilibrium Constraint (MPEC) approach. Finally, we perform our method to online-retail sales data to compare dynamic model to static model. In the second chapter, we study a fair machine learning algorithm that avoids a statistical discrimination when making a decision. Algorithmic decision making process now affects many aspects of our lives. Standard tools for machine learning, such as classification and regression, are subject to the bias in data, and thus direct application of such off-the-shelf tools could lead to a specific group being statistically discriminated. Removing sensitive variables such as race or gender from data does not solve this problem because a disparate impact can arise when non-sensitive variables and sensitive variables are correlated. This problem arises severely nowadays as bigger data is utilized, it is of particular importance to invent an algorithmic solution. Inspired by the two-stage least squares method that is widely used in the field of economics, we propose a two-stage algorithm that removes bias in the training data. The proposed algorithm is conceptually simple. Unlike most of existing fair algorithms that are designed for classification tasks, the proposed method is able to (i) deal with regression tasks, (ii) combine explanatory variables to remove reverse discrimination, and (iii) deal with numerical sensitive variables. The performance and fairness of the proposed algorithm are evaluated in simulations with synthetic and real-world datasets. The third chapter examines the issue of information uncertainty in the context of information security. Many users lack the ability to correctly estimate the true quality of the security software they purchase, as evidenced by some anecdotes and even some academic research. Yet, most of the analytical research assumes otherwise. Hence, we were motivated to incorporate this “false sense of security” behavior into a game-theoretic model and study the implications on welfare parameters. Our model features two segments of consumers, well-and ill-informed, and the monopolistic software vendor. Well-informed consumers observe the true quality of the security software, while the ill-informed ones overestimate. While the proportion of both segments are known to the software vendor, consumers are uncertain about the segment they belong to. We find that, in fact, the level of the uncertainty is not necessarily harmful to society. Furthermore, there exist some extreme circumstances where society and consumers could be better off if the security software did not exist. Interestingly, we also find that the case where consumers know the information structure and weight their expectation accordingly does not always lead to optimal social welfare. These results contrast with the conventional wisdom and are crucially important in developing appropriate policies in this context

    An empirical learning-based validation procedure for simulation workflow

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    Simulation workflow is a top-level model for the design and control of simulation process. It connects multiple simulation components with time and interaction restrictions to form a complete simulation system. Before the construction and evaluation of the component models, the validation of upper-layer simulation workflow is of the most importance in a simulation system. However, the methods especially for validating simulation workflow is very limit. Many of the existing validation techniques are domain-dependent with cumbersome questionnaire design and expert scoring. Therefore, this paper present an empirical learning-based validation procedure to implement a semi-automated evaluation for simulation workflow. First, representative features of general simulation workflow and their relations with validation indices are proposed. The calculation process of workflow credibility based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is then introduced. In order to make full use of the historical data and implement more efficient validation, four learning algorithms, including back propagation neural network (BPNN), extreme learning machine (ELM), evolving new-neuron (eNFN) and fast incremental gaussian mixture model (FIGMN), are introduced for constructing the empirical relation between the workflow credibility and its features. A case study on a landing-process simulation workflow is established to test the feasibility of the proposed procedure. The experimental results also provide some useful overview of the state-of-the-art learning algorithms on the credibility evaluation of simulation models
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