154 research outputs found


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    The introduction of internet auction has significantly widened the pool of consumers who participate in auctions and increased the number of companies attempting to sell their products in an auction format. Previous empirical research on auctions has focused almost exclusively on the behavior of professional bidders. In this study, we collect data on a large number of internet auctions to explore the outcome of the auction in a real marketplace. In particular, we focus on the characteristic of seller, auction parameter and the effect of supply and demand, and examine these impacts on auction effectiveness

    The Impact of Web Site Design on Consumer Loyalty in Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Internet Commerce: A Rhetorical Approach

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    With an enormous multitude of potential consumers globally, the Internet offers an opportunity that merchants have never before seen. Corporate giants to small businesses considered investments of large amounts of time, money, resources, man-hours, and venture capital a wise decision when considering the potential return-on-investment (ROI) of the Internet boom of the early to mid 1990\u27s. However, electronic commerce has experienced the meteoric rise and subsequent crash of any behemoth entity cast aloft without moorings or foundation. When millions of dollars were lost, experts emerged &om the ashes and attempted to develop new paradigms designed to explain the failure, redirect the quickly amassed skills and resources previously applied, and stem the exit of great numbers of commercial entities from the Internet and a virtual economy . An important issue related to Internet commerce is what factors would facilitate customer loyalty to a Web site. An effective Web site design could be one of the ways to a company success. Using the previously unapplied concepts of logos, pathos, and ethos to electronic commerce as found in the research taxonomy of Winn and Beck\u27s studies (2002), this research composes a theoretical framework for further investigate the interaction between the customer and the Web site design in Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Internet commerce. The research design employed a quantitative method approach using 36 closed-ended questions, plus one open-ended question on the survey instrument. A survey questionnaire with a closed-ended 1 to 9 Likert scale was used to ask respondents the extent to which they disagree or agree (1 = very strongly disagree, 5 = neither agree nor disagree, 9 = very strongly agree). Data was collected in a period of four months from September to December of 2003. A sample using a Web survey in U.S. was obtained with an N count of 307 (154 males and 153 females). Collected data were analyzed by SPSS Windows Version 11.0. A total of five different statistical analyses were employed in this study. They are descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, independent-samples t Test analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Rhetorical design is concerned with modification of the consumer\u27s attitude toward the site. The regression results support the inference of rhetorical elements (logos, pathos, and ethos) and consumer loyalty relationship. This research provides a crucial finding facilitate the development of Internet commerce in persuasive discourse. Results of this study indicated that the more rhetorical elements that online sellers can offer through the visual display of Web sites, the more interested the consumers will be to frequently visit, make repeated purchases or service, and do word-of-mouth referrals to the same Web site. The outcomes of the study will help marketers and Web designers to create the most persuasive site environment for online shoppers. Web sites that operate on the basis of rational, emotional, and credible ways will have best chances to win consumers\u27 hearts

    Developling a communication strategy to enter the mariculture market

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    The purpose of this master project is to develop a communication plan for a new Portuguese off-shore mariculture company called AtlanticPrime. The ever-rising demand for good quality protein requires finding new sustainable alternatives to meat production and intensive fishing. Overfishing is one of the greatest challenges of our times. It threatens the survival of various marine species, the balance of the ecosystems and the living conditions of entire communities who depend on fishing to make a living. Aquaculture is an industry that has been significantly growing in the last years. It has become a very competitive market that counts with multiple players from all parts of the world. The species produced and the methods used are extremely diverse. Being so recent, AtlanticPrime does not have a communication strategy yet. Moreover, considering that mariculture is not a commonly known subject, it is extremely important to invest in effective and innovative communication ideas that generate brand awareness and differentiate the company right from the beginning of its activity. AtlanticPrime’s proposed communication strategy integrates both traditional and digital tools and is meant to be implemented during the period of one year. Prior to the creation of this plan, it was made an extensive research of external and internal factors related to the company, using different sources of information. The recommended ideas are directed to other businesses (buyers), as well as to end-consumers, and follow the latest communication trendsO objectivo deste projecto Ă© desenvolver um plano de comunicação para uma nova empresa portuguesa de Maricultura off-shore. A crescente procura de proteĂ­na de qualidade requer que encontremos alternativas sustentĂĄveis Ă  produção de gado e Ă  pesca intensiva. A sobrepesca Ă© um dos maiores desafios que enfrentamos na actualidade, uma vez que ameaça a sobrevivĂȘncia de inĂșmeras espĂ©cies marinhas, o equilĂ­brio dos ecossistemas e a subsistĂȘncia de vĂĄrias comunidades que dependem da pesca tradicional como forma de sustento. A indĂșstria da Aquacultura tem tido um crescimento significativo nos Ășltimos anos. Tornou-se num mercado bastante competitivo que conta jĂĄ com mĂșltiplos concorrentes de diferentes partes do mundo. As espĂ©cies produzidas, bem como mĂ©todos de produção praticados sĂŁo jĂĄ bastante diversificados. Sendo uma empresa recente, a AtlanticPrime ainda nĂŁo desenvolveu a sua estratĂ©gia de comunicação. Tendo em conta que o tema da maricultura Ă© ainda desconhecido para grande parte dos consumidores, Ă© extremamente importante investir em ideias de comunicação eficientes e inovadoras que criem brand awareness e ajudem a empresa a diferenciar-se desde a sua entrada no mercado. A estratĂ©gia de comunicação proposta para a AtlanticPrime integra ferramentas tradicionais e digitais e foi pensada para ter a duração de um ano. Antes da elaboração deste plano, foi feita uma extensa pesquisa de factores externos e internos da empresa, recorrendo a variadas fontes de informação. As ideias recomendadas estĂŁo direcionadas a outras empresas (compradoras), bem como a consumidores finais, seguindo as Ășltimas tendĂȘncias de comunicação

    Reverse logistics practices in the Nigerian pharmaceutical sector

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    This thesis presents findings from an exploratory study of reverse logistics practices in the Nigerian pharmaceutical private sector. Reverse logistics has received increased attention in recent years due to the sustainability and circular economy implications of value recapture and end-of-life product disposition. A significant amount of reverse logistics research has been done in developed countries but very little has been undertaken in the pharmaceutical industry and developing nations, particularly Africa where recent health crises such as the Ebola virus necessitate safe and proper reverse logistics solutions. This study investigated characteristics, similarities and differences in pharmaceutical reverse logistics practices of 19 private sector pharmaceutical organisations in Nigeria including the regulatory authority to determine facilitating, enabling and inhibiting factors and develop improvement opportunities for the sector. This exploratory research used a multiple case study method involving semi-structured interviews with pharmaceutical supply chain stakeholders and practitioners to explore five research questions within a seven perspectives framework derived for this study. Empirical findings came from within-case, within case-category, and cross case-category analysis of the 19 case organisations. This study contributes a conceptual understanding of pharmaceutical reverse logistics management through operationalising the seven perspectives framework and developing a typology of six important pharmaceutical reverse logistics process flows. This study has identified specific factors that facilitate, drive, or inhibit pharmaceutical reverse logistics practices in Nigeria and differentiated them from those in extant literature. This study impacts research by providing theoretically grounded and empirically informed insights into reverse logistics practices in both the pharmaceutical supply chain and a developing nation, Nigeria. To the researcher’s knowledge, it is the first of its kind to do so. This study augments the reverse logistics content framework by including a seventh perspective, the “when perspective”. The extended reverse logistics framework provides a basic structure upon which researchers can utilise to explore various issues in reverse logistics, thereby providing a starting point for future pharmaceutical reverse logistics researchers, particularly in developing countries. This study contributes to practice by revealing the ‘current state’ of pharmaceutical reverse logistics practices in the Nigerian private sector, identifying improvement opportunities, and suggesting implementable measures to facilitate best practice. Finally, this study contributes to the increasing usage, and applicability of qualitative methods in logistics research

    Impact of the internet as a direct sales channel on established distribution channels and the management of channel conflict; an exploratory study in the Taiwanese IT industry

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    The internet has had a profound effect on communication, entertainment, buying, and selling (Webb 2002) and, in particular, as a distribution channel (Van den Poel and Leunis 1999). Increasingly companies in a variety of industries have established their own online direct sales channels instead of merely relying on conventional intermediaries (Coughlan et al 2006). Hence, multi-channel distribution strategies, combining both off- and online channels are being adopted. Frazier (1999:232) argues: “The utilization of multiple channels of distribution is now becoming the rule rather than the exception”. Companies which combine physical and web channels have been referred to as “clicks and mortar,” “bricks and clicks,” “surf and turf,” “cyber-enhanced retailing,” or “hybrid e-commerce,” (Gulati and Garino 2000; Steinfield et al 2002 a b; Agatz et al 2008; Sharma and Mehrotra 2007). Despite the apparent popularity of internet channels, adding an internet channel to the distribution mix creates potentially significant challenges for channel managers (Webb 2002). A major concern is that by going multi-channel, a firm might face ‘channel conflict’ between channel members (Sharma and Mehrotra 2007). As Rosenbloom (2007:7) claims: “Perhaps the most significant obstacle to building successful multi-channel strategies is the emergence of conflict between the different channels used for reaching customers”. The main objective in this study is to explore the impact of the internet as being a distribution channel within the multi-channel system. Three research issues which have seldom been discussed in previous literature are explored in this study. These three questions are: Q1: What are the factors encouraging manufacturers to develop the internet channel, especially manufacturers with a well established distribution channel? Q2: What are the channel design patterns of the multi-channel structure? Q3: How can channel conflict arising from the development of the internet channel be minimized? Interview was utilized as a main data collection method in this research. A total of 25 interviews were conducted and the majority of interviewees are managers in Taiwanese IT companies. The main product lines in their firms included wireless equipment, DRAM module, motherboard, and scanner. In addition, a wide range of documents were examined as a secondary data source and compared with data from the interviews. According to the statements from interviewees, six main factors were identified as encouraging the manufacturer to develop the internet channel. These are: (1) customer information management, (2) retailer management issue, (3) launching a new product, (4) to be a secondary channel, (5) management support, and (6) me-too strategy. Furthermore, it seems that when firms are at the different stages of the product life cycle, managers would design their multi-channel structure into different patterns. In addition, a further two conflict resolution styles, communication and differentiation, were found in the sample of firms studied which have seldom been mentioned in previous research and firms appear to adopt different conflict resolution styles according to stage in the product lifecycle

    Understanding circular business models: drivers, obstacles and conditions towards a successful transition

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    Abstract A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose) in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible, value creation is maximized in the use phase and products and materials are recovered at the end of each service life. The thesis explores this concept by taking a business model perspective. The theoretical part of the thesis clarifies the phenomenon of circular economy. It summarizes the development of the concept from an historical perspective and clarifies its position with regards to existing contemporary concepts (biomimicry, industrial ecology, cradle to cradle, blue economy, performance economy). By taking a business model perspective on the concept, the thesis attempts to offers a first typology of circular business models. Through the field work, the thesis extends knowledge on the understanding of circular business models at practical level. It highlights the differences between the theoretical underpinnings of the concept (its principles) and its implementation, showing that there is a gap between the concept and the way companies implement it. The findings allow the author to discuss how circular business models are classified and shows that many hybrid circular approaches can emerge. The analysis of the common features of the cases allow the author to draw a first set of normative requirements that define how a circular business model is organized. The cross analysis of the cases supports the development of a framework highlighting the current drivers at internal and external level pushing company to operate within circular economy principles, addressing a set of conditions allowing for the successful implementation of circular business models, while acknowledging a number of recurrent challenges preventing from a full implementation of the concept. At the core of the framework is set of key steps explaining how the transition occurs

    SMEs in the (food) global value chain : a European private law perspective

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    Defence date: 28 January 2020Examining Board: Professor Hans-W. Micklitz (supervisor), European University Institute; Professor Martijn Hesselink, European University Institute; Professor Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Stockholm University; Professor Sergio CĂĄmara Lapuente, University of La RiojaThis dissertation is about the approach of EU private law towards the regulation of fair trading practices along the global value chain and about the parallel development of SMEs as a new legal status. The thesis starts from the assumption that the transformation of the global economy into global supply chains has undermined traditional private laws as historically embodying the diverse cultural traditions and socioeconomic realities of the member states. These traditions portray the socioeconomic role of small businesses in various ways. However, the conventional schemas of national private laws struggle, both in their substance and enforcement dimensions, with the destabilizing effect brought about by the global chain. At the same time, the supply chain has provided leeway for innovative forms of private regulation by means of contract. The EU uses this leeway to manage persistent national differences in B2b trading practices. By means of coregulation, the EU transforms national fair trading laws through three parallel mechanisms: the re-definition of SMEs as actors in the internal market; the establishment of new mechanisms for enforcement; the promotion of new substantive standards for trading practices

    Impact of modern logistics on industrial location choice and property markets

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-152).The debate on the impact of modern logistics on industrial location choice and property markets focuses on (1) whether modern inventory control and supply- chain configuration consolidate manufacturing and distribution locations and (2) whether modern logistics have reduced the demand for industrial real estate. In this research, I test the hypothesis that modern logistics have been restructuring industrial manufacturing and distribution networks, dispersing firms into certain regions to achieve the economies of dispersion, and reducing the demand for industrial space per unit of industrial output. The methodology used includes (a) theoretical analysis, (b) statistical and econometric analysis, (c) case studies, and (d) comparative analysis. Because the theoretical analysis does not provide a clear conclusion, I rely on empirical analyses to derive the actual impact or implications. Principle findings from the U.S. empirical study include (1) the changes in the distribution sector have a more significant impact on industrial location choice and property markets than the changes in the manufacturing sector; (2) both manufacturing and distribution industries have been dispersed in the past two decades; (3) improvement of inventory control is almost ubiquitous and, within a supply chain, certain players' gains are not necessarily at the cost of their suppliers' or customers' losses; (4) the traditional partial stock-adjustment model using yearly data does not explain the industrial property market well.(cont.) Major findings from the China case studies include (1) modern logistics enable manufacturers to achieve cost reductions and service-level improvements simultaneously, and the impacts on their industrial location choice and space demand are consistent with the empirical findings of their U.S. counterparts; (2) with the expansion of globalization, advances in information technology, development of efficient markets, and increased demand from sophisticated customers, location choice and demand for industrial space will continue to be determined by the requirements of efficient supply chains.by Yu Li.Ph.D
