22 research outputs found

    Innovative Remote Smart Home for Immersive Engagement

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    An openly accessible, remotely operated smart home will be demonstrated as a tool for students to learn about residential energy usage and environmental impacts. Specifically, the demonstration unit provides classrooms an engaging experience that teaches students about energy efficiency technologies and how their behavior will have an impact on energy usage and the environment. It is expected that as students become aware of and understand how various energy efficiency technologies work barriers to their adoption will be lowered. The use of a web accessible, remote laboratory dramatically reduces lab setup time and equipment cost/space requirements for educators. Special attention is given to the web based interface to ensure the system is easy to use and requires only a standard web browser in order to operate. The interface also includes a video link so the user can feel that they are working with real hardware in real time and not using a simulation or virtual facility. An associated website provides a self-scheduling tool to provide access to the system and a resource for related background information on smart grid and residential energy efficiency technologies. In addition, supporting instructional materials that coincide with NGSS standards are available via download

    Dashboard for the VISIR remote lab

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    The VISIR dashboard (VISIR-DB) is a learning analytics tool connected with the VISIR remote lab. In VISIR, every action performed by a student from the interface over the remote laboratory and back is logged and recorded. VISIR-DB helps visualizing, in a fast and deep way, the recorded logs from this communication. Using this tool, a teacher can analyze and understand better how the students are using the remote lab during their learning process on analog electronics. With this information, the VISIR platform can be improved and the use of remote labs can be better understood.The authors acknowledge the support provided by the European Project PILAR. Platform Integration of Laboratories based on the Architecture of visiR - Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership nº 2016-1-ES01-KA203-025327info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reform and Practice of Analog Circuits

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    In the new century, education has become the focus of the reform. At present, cross, penetration and integration between basic courses are the key to improve the quality of teaching and the overall quality of students. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) combines "circuit analysi" and "fundamentals of analog circuits" as one course "electronic circuit", the curriculum reform follows the principles of strengthening the foundation, updating the structure, penetrating the interdisciplinary and simplifying the courses. This paper discusses the principles and ideas of reforms related to the "electronic circuit": the results show that the teaching can broaden the knowledge and vision of students, as a result, the students can better adapt to the requirements of learning and challenge of the new era

    A teacher training workshop to promote the use of the VISIR Remote Laboratory for electrical circuits teaching

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    The learning of Physics involves building up and using lab experiments. In turn, teachers must be trained in experimenting and using several resources that enable them to design valuable teaching strategies and learning activities. Thanks to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), virtual and remote labs can provide a framework where physical experiments can be developed. Altough remote labs have been in use for over a decade now in several countries and levels of education, its use at secondary schools in Latin America has not been reported yet. The Virtual Instruments System in Reality (VISIR) is one of these remote labs, suitable to practice in the area of electrical circuits. This paper aims at describing how this remote lab was used in a training workshop for secondary school level teachers of Physics in Costa Rica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Online instrument systems in reality for remote wiring and measurement of electronic in e-learning from LabVIEW+NI ELVIS II vs embedded system+web services

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    Recently The prestigious universities of the world strive and aim to computerize their distance education service and more specifically the remote practical work, which allows students to manipulate electronic experiments via the web, for to solve a set of problems: pedagogical, management, security, restriction by time and place and the problems the overcrowding of students in universities. This paper will describe the E@SLab system developed by the university Cadi Ayyad member of the e-live project funded by EU in the frame of ERASMUS+E@SLab is based on the latest technologies of development and respects educational and pedagogical standards. E@SLab offers 2 versions different of remote laboratory: first version (s1) is an embedded system its part software is node js+Ubuntu and the part hardware a card pcduino or raspebery. The second version (s2) is based on LABview and its hardware part is the NI ELVIS II pedagogical map. In this paper, we will compare and discuss the architecture, performance of the 2 versions of E@SLAB and review other famous approaches NetLab, VISIR, for comparing with E@SLab with the intention show its singularity

    Control y acceso remoto a tarjetas de desarrollo con FPGAs para el aprendizaje remoto de cursos de electrónica digital

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    This paper describes the remote control and access to a FPGA development board for the verification of designs and practical applications applied in the topics of digital electronics courses for undergraduate Engineering students. The board used is a DE1 from Altera in which it was connected to a microcontroller through its GPIO in order to generate input stimuli or impulses by controlling its buttons and pushbuttons. Through a graphical interface generated and loaded on the screen, you can manipulate these buttons and pushbuttons as if it were done on the board itself. The changes are visualized through a web camera connected to the computer and pointing to the development board. Test results show that designs made using the IDE of QUARTUS II can be successfully verified and tested on the board remotely. Complete compilation and remote-control times are around 8 to 9 seconds.Campus Lima Centr

    Innovative Engineering Education in Circuits and Systems

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    Nowadays, the field of microelectronics has become the drive for the advancement of the times, which promotes new demands on the cultivation of the students in colleges and universities. In order to keep up with the trend of the global engineering educational reform, three important reforms in education have been in progress step by step, including classroom teaching, innovative training and virtual laboratories. At first, for enhancing and integrating the existing courses related to the circuit, so that the students can comprehend the existing knowledge much more effectively, an important and effective curriculum reform has been performed by combining “Circuit Analysis” and “Analog Circuit Foundation” into one course; Then, innovative training has been carried out to cultivate the team skills among the students; Finally, in consideration of the rapid development of the electrical and electronic experiment, the conventional laboratory equipment may not satisfy the demand of every student due to financial constraints, therefore, the construction of virtual simulation experiment center is an efficient way to break this bottleneck. As a result, the atmosphere of academic innovation of the pursuit of truth, advocacy of science, brave exploration, dare to practice have been formed in colleges and universities through the above innovative engineering education reform

    The Educational Benefit of a Remote Automatic Control Laboratory. A Win-Win Collaboration between Asia and Europe

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    This project aims to implement a Remote European Asian Lab, an Automatic Control remote laboratory, in the joint academic cooperation framework between two universities located in Europe and Central Asia. Emphasis is given to the inclusive solution of a shared teaching facility and its learning achievements in a bachelor course (Uzbekistan) and a master course (Italy) to foresee a better education quality. The different cultural and social contexts allow (a) the evaluation of the effect obtained by introducing a remote laboratory experience in a course entirely theoretical, and (b) the shift from a physical laboratories experience to a remote one. Students are first introduced to this laboratory by the lecturer in dedicated classes. Then students can independently access it 24/7 by simply booking a specific station for a time slot. From the analysis comes out that remote laboratory experiences positively impact learning achievements. The benefits of the remote environment are perfectly comparable with those obtained from physical laboratory activities

    Acerca de la eficacia de VISIR como recurso en temas de electrónica circuital en Argentina

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    “Virtual Instruments System in Reality” (VISIR) es una plataforma laboratorio de acceso remoto desarrollada en el Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica del Instituto de Tecnología de Blekinge (BTH), Suecia. VISIR ha sido empleada y evaluada en varios países e instituciones en el mundo, reportándose en la bibliografía que la misma facilita el logro de resultados de aprendizaje en temas de electrónica analógica. El primer uso intensivo de VISIR por estudiantes en la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura (FCEIA), Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) data de 2016. Dicha experiencia se llevó a cabo en la forma de caso de estudio en una asignatura de Ingeniería Electrónica (IE) que constituye el primer acercamiento a la electrónica de dispositivos y circuitos. El empleo de VISIR en el contexto curricular se propuso en forma complementaria al laboratorio tradicional, para la realización de una actividad de integración cuya solución requería del cálculo matemático y de la experimentación remota. Finalizada la experiencia se recabaron datos cuantitativos y cualitativos con el objetivo de evaluar la misma. En este trabajo se informan resultados que focalizan en la valoración por estudiantes y docentes de la eficacia de VISIR como recurso de aprendizaje en temas introductorios de la electrónica circuital.N/

    Estudo de um modelo de laboratório EAD (LabEAD) aplicado na engenharia da computação

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    Práticas em laboratórios são essenciais no ensino de engenharia, uma vez que permitem que estudantes aprendam de forma eficaz e desenvolvam habilidades indispensáveis para o seu futuro como profissionais na área. As práticas possuem uma série de fatores, tais como custos e infraestrutura que dificultam a sua disponibilização. Entretanto, laboratórios remotos tem grandes potenciais para possibilitar essas práticas laboratoriais de maneira eficiente e com custos reduzidos quando comparado aos laboratórios tradicionais. Atualmente percebe-se o crescimento na implementação dessas soluções em diversas áreas de ensino e profissionais, nas quais faz necessário conhecimentos práticos principalmente devido à pandemia de COVID-19. Este artigo investigou a implementação de laboratório remoto, ferramenta que possibilita a realização de ensino prático visando ao estudo de caso e aplicação de um modelo de validação de roteiros laboratoriais nas disciplinas de eletrônica, a fim de preparar melhor os alunos da UNIVESP para o mercado de trabalho, auxiliar o trabalho dos professores e facilitadores em relação ao entendimento de um circuito eletrônico. Os resultados desta pesquisa foram satisfatórios e os autores recomendam a implementação de um estudo deste projeto nos polos da UNIVESP e/ou de outras universidades que atuem à distância