56 research outputs found

    Empirical Notes on the Interaction Between Continuous Kernel Fuzzing and Development

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    Fuzzing has been studied and applied ever since the 1990s. Automated and continuous fuzzing has recently been applied also to open source software projects, including the Linux and BSD kernels. This paper concentrates on the practical aspects of continuous kernel fuzzing in four open source kernels. According to the results, there are over 800 unresolved crashes reported for the four kernels by the syzkaller/syzbot framework. Many of these have been reported relatively long ago. Interestingly, fuzzing-induced bugs have been resolved in the BSD kernels more rapidly. Furthermore, assertions and debug checks, use-after-frees, and general protection faults account for the majority of bug types in the Linux kernel. About 23% of the fixed bugs in the Linux kernel have either went through code review or additional testing. Finally, only code churn provides a weak statistical signal for explaining the associated bug fixing times in the Linux kernel.Comment: The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Reliability and Security Data Analysis (RSDA), 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), Berlin, IEE

    Automated Derivation of Random Generators for Algebraic Data Types

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    Many testing techniques such as generational fuzzing or random property-based testing require the existence of some sort of random generation process for the values used as test inputs. Implementing such generators is usually a task left to end-users, who do their best to come up with somewhat sensible implementations after several iterations of trial and error. This necessary effort is of no surprise, implementing good random data generators is a hard task. It requires deep knowledge about both the domain of the data being generated, as well as the behavior of the stochastic process generating such data. In addition, when the data we want to generate has a large number of possible variations, this process is not only intricate, but also very cumbersome. To mitigate this issues, this thesis explores different ideas for automatically deriving random generators based on existing static information. In this light, we design and implement different derivation algorithms in Haskell for obtaining random generators of values encoded using Algebraic Data Types (ADTs). Although there exists other tools designed directly or indirectly for this very purpose, they are not without disadvantages. In particular, we aim to tackle the lack of flexibility and static guarantees in the distribution induced by derived generators. We show how automatically derived generators for ADTs can be framed using a simple yet powerful stochastic model. This models can be used to obtain analytical guarantees about the distribution of values produced by the derived generators. This, in consequence, can be used to optimize the stochastic generation parameters of the derived generators towards target distributions set by the user, providing more flexible derivation mechanisms

    Oracle-based Protocol Testing with Eywa

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    We present oracle-based testing a new technique for automatic black-box testing of network protocol implementations. Oracle-based testing leverages recent advances in LLMs to build rich models of intended protocol behavior from knowledge embedded in RFCs, blogs, forums, and other natural language sources. From these models it systematically derives exhaustive test cases using symbolic program execution. We realize oracle-based testing through Eywa, a novel protocol testing framework implemented in Python. To demonstrate Eywa's effectiveness, we show its use through an extensive case study of the DNS protocol. Despite requiring minimal effort, applying Eywa to the DNS resulting in the discovery of 26 unique bugs across ten widely used DNS implementations, including 11 new bugs that were previously undiscovered despite elaborate prior testing with manually crafted models

    A Generative and Mutational Approach for Synthesizing Bug-exposing Test Cases to Guide Compiler Fuzzing

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    Random test case generation, or fuzzing, is a viable means for uncovering compiler bugs. Unfortunately, compiler fuzzing can be time-consuming and inefficient with purely randomly generated test cases due to the complexity of modern compilers. We present ComFuzz, a focused compiler fuzzing framework. ComFuzz aims to improve compiler fuzzing efficiency by focusing on testing components and language features that are likely to trigger compiler bugs. Our key insight is human developers tend to make common and repeat errors across compiler implementations; hence, we can leverage the previously reported buggy-exposing test cases of a programming language to test a new compiler implementation. To this end, ComFuzz employs deep learning to learn a test program generator from open-source projects hosted on GitHub. With the machinegenerated test programs in place, ComFuzz then leverages a set of carefully designed mutation rules to improve the coverage and bug-exposing capabilities of the test cases. We evaluate ComFuzz on 11 compilers for JS and Java programming languages. Within 260 hours of automated testing runs, we discovered 33 unique bugs across nine compilers, of which 29 have been confirmed and 22, including an API documentation defect, have already been fixed by the developers. We also compared ComFuzz to eight prior fuzzers on four evaluation metrics. In a 24-hour comparative test, ComFuzz uncovers at least 1.5× more bugs than the state-of-the-art baselines

    Is Your Code Generated by ChatGPT Really Correct? Rigorous Evaluation of Large Language Models for Code Generation

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    Program synthesis has been long studied with recent approaches focused on directly using the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate code according to user intent written in natural language. Code evaluation datasets, containing curated synthesis problems with input/output test-cases, are used to measure the performance of various LLMs on code synthesis. However, test-cases in these datasets can be limited in both quantity and quality for fully assessing the functional correctness of the generated code. Such limitation in the existing benchmarks begs the following question: In the era of LLMs, is the code generated really correct? To answer this, we propose EvalPlus -- a code synthesis benchmarking framework to rigorously evaluate the functional correctness of LLM-synthesized code. In short, EvalPlus takes in the base evaluation dataset and uses an automatic input generation step to produce and diversify large amounts of new test inputs using both LLM-based and mutation-based input generators to further validate the synthesized code. We extend the popular HUMANEVAL benchmark and build HUMANEVAL+ with 81x additionally generated tests. Our extensive evaluation across 14 popular LLMs demonstrates that HUMANEVAL+ is able to catch significant amounts of previously undetected wrong code synthesized by LLMs, reducing the pass@k by 15.1% on average! Moreover, we even found several incorrect ground-truth implementations in HUMANEVAL. Our work not only indicates that prior popular code synthesis evaluation results do not accurately reflect the true performance of LLMs for code synthesis but also opens up a new direction to improve programming benchmarks through automated test input generation

    BanditFuzz: Fuzzing SMT Solvers with Reinforcement Learning

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    Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers are fundamental tools in the broad context of software engineering and security research. If SMT solvers are to continue to have an impact, it is imperative we develop efficient and systematic testing methods for them. To this end, we present a reinforcement learning driven fuzzing system BanditFuzz that zeroes in on the grammatical constructs of well-formed solver inputs that are the root cause of performance or correctness issues in solvers-under-test. To the best of our knowledge, BanditFuzz is the first machine-learning based fuzzer for SMT solvers. BanditFuzz takes as input a grammar G describing the well-formed inputs to a set of distinct solvers (say, P_1 and P_2) that implement the same specification and a fuzzing objective (e.g., maximize the relative performance difference between P_1 and P_2), and outputs a ranked list of grammatical constructs that are likely to maximize performance differences between P_1 and P_2 or are root causes of errors in these solvers. Typically, mutation fuzzing is implemented as a set of random mutations applied to a given input. By contrast, the key innovation behind BanditFuzz is the modeling of a grammar-preserving fuzzing mutator as a reinforcement learning (RL) agent that, via blackbox interactions with programs-under-test, learns which grammatical constructs are most likely the cause of an error or performance issue. Using BanditFuzz, we discovered 1700 syntactically unique inputs resulting in inconsistent answers across state-of-the-art SMT solvers Z3, CVC4, Colibri, MathSAT, and Z3str3 over the floating-point and string SMT theories. Further, using BanditFuzz, we constructed two benchmark suites (with 400 floating-point and 110 string instances) that expose performance issues in all considered solvers. We also performed a comparison of BanditFuzz against random, mutation, and evolutionary fuzzing methods. We observed up to a 31% improvement in performance fuzzing and up to 81% improvement in the number of bugs found by BanditFuzz relative to these other methods for the same amount of time provided to all methods
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