312 research outputs found

    Remote Sensing of Earth Terrain

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    The objective of this research is to develop theoretical models that are useful and practical in the remote sensing of the Earth environment including the Earth terrain, the lower and the upper atmospheres. Various models applicable to the microwave remote sensing of vegetation, snow-ice, and atmospheric precipitation have been developed. Such studies shall be extended to the higher frequency range to unify the optical band and the microwave theoretical foundations. The study, which had an emphasis on vegetation canopy to include all terrain media, and the whole Earth environment will be extended. A data base will be developed to generate scene radiation characteristics which will benefit the studies of global inhabitability, meteorological applications, and crop yield

    A mathematical characterization of vegetation effect on microwave remote sensing from the Earth

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    In passive microwave remote sensing of the earth, a theoretical model that utilizes the radiative transfer equations was developed to account for the volume scattering effects of the vegetation canopy. Vegetation canopies such as alfalfa, sorghum, and corn are simulated by a layer of ellipsoidal scatterers and cylindrical structures. The ellipsoidal scatterers represent the leaves of vegetation and are randomly positioned and oriented. The orientation of ellipsoids is characterized by a probability density function of Eulerian angles of rotation. The cylindrical structures represent the stalks of vegetation and their radii are assumed to be much smaller than their lengths. The underlying soil is represented by a half-space medium with a homogeneous permittivity and uniform temperature profile. The radiative transfer quations are solved by a numerical method using a Gaussian quadrature formula to compute both the vertical and horizontal polarized brightness temperature as a function of observation angle. The theory was applied to the interpretation of experimental data obtained from sorghum covered fields near College Station, Texas

    Microwave remote sensing of earth terrain

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1984.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING.Vita.Bibliography: leaves 307-318.by Robert Tong-Ik Shin.Ph.D

    Simulation of the Microwave Emission of Multi-layered Snowpacks Using the Dense Media Radiative Transfer Theory: the DMRT-ML Model

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    DMRT-ML is a physically based numerical model designed to compute the thermal microwave emission of a given snowpack. Its main application is the simulation of brightness temperatures at frequencies in the range 1-200 GHz similar to those acquired routinely by spacebased microwave radiometers. The model is based on the Dense Media Radiative Transfer (DMRT) theory for the computation of the snow scattering and extinction coefficients and on the Discrete Ordinate Method (DISORT) to numerically solve the radiative transfer equation. The snowpack is modeled as a stack of multiple horizontal snow layers and an optional underlying interface representing the soil or the bottom ice. The model handles both dry and wet snow conditions. Such a general design allows the model to account for a wide range of snow conditions. Hitherto, the model has been used to simulate the thermal emission of the deep firn on ice sheets, shallow snowpacks overlying soil in Arctic and Alpine regions, and overlying ice on the large icesheet margins and glaciers. DMRT-ML has thus been validated in three very different conditions: Antarctica, Barnes Ice Cap (Canada) and Canadian tundra. It has been recently used in conjunction with inverse methods to retrieve snow grain size from remote sensing data. The model is written in Fortran90 and available to the snow remote sensing community as an open-source software. A convenient user interface is provided in Python

    Application of theoretical models to active and passive remote sensing of saline ice

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    The random medium model is used to interpret the polarimetric active and passive measurements of saline ice. The ice layer is described as a host ice medium embedded with randomly distributed inhomogeneities, and the underlying sea water is considered as a homogeneous half-space. The scatterers in the ice layer are modeled with an ellipsoidal correlation function. The orientation of the scatterers is vertically aligned and azimuthally random. The strong permittivity fluctuation theory is employed to calculate the effective permittivity and the distorted Born approximation is used to obtain the polarimetric scattering coefficients. We also calculate the thermal emissions based on the reciprocity and energy conservation principles. The effects of the random roughness at the air-ice, and ice-water interfaces are accounted for by adding the surface scattering to the volume scattering return incoherently. The above theoretical model, which has been successfully applied to analyze the radar backscatter data of the first-year sea ice near Point Barrow, AK, is used to interpret the measurements performed in the CRRELEX program

    Remote sensing of Earth terrain

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    Research findings are summarized for projects dealing with the following: application of theoretical models to active and passive remote sensing of saline ice; radiative transfer theory for polarimetric remote sensing of pine forest; scattering of electromagnetic waves from a dense medium consisting of correlated Mie scatterers with size distribution and applications to dry snow; variance of phase fluctuations of waves propagating through a random medium; theoretical modeling for passive microwave remote sensing of earth terrain; polarimetric signatures of a canopy of dielectric cylinders based on first and second order vector radiative transfer theory; branching model for vegetation; polarimetric passive remote sensing of periodic surfaces; composite volume and surface scattering model; and radar image classification

    Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Applications

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    Contains table of contents for Section 3 and reports on four research projects.California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Agreement 959548National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant NAGW-1617National Aeronautics and Space Administration Agreement 958461U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-89-J-1107U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-92-J-1616U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-92-J-4098Digital Equipment CorporationJoint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-92-C-0001U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Agreement N00014-90-J-1002U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Agreement N00014-89-J-1019DEMACOU.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Contract DACA89-93-K-0009U.S. Department of Transportation Agreement DTRS-57-92-C-00054TTD1Advanced Research Projects Agency/Consortium for Superconducting Electronics Contract MDA972-90-C-0021National Science Foundation Fellowship MIP 88-58764National Science Foundatio

    Snow stratigraphic heterogeneity within ground-based passive microwave radiometer footprints: implications for emission modeling

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    Two-dimensional measurements of snowpack properties (stratigraphic layering, density, grain size and temperature) were used as inputs to the multi-layer Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) microwave emission model at a centimeter-scale horizontal resolution, across a 4.5 m transect of ground-based passive microwave radiometer footprints near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Snowpack stratigraphy was complex (between six and eight layers) with only three layers extending continuously throughout the length of the transect. Distributions of one-dimensional simulations, accurately representing complex stratigraphic layering, were evaluated using measured brightness temperatures. Large biases (36 to 68 K) between simulated and measured brightness temperatures were minimized (-0.5 to 0.6 K), within measurement accuracy, through application of grain scaling factors (2.6 to 5.3) at different combinations of frequencies, polarizations and model extinction coefficients. Grain scaling factors compensated for uncertainty relating optical SSA to HUT effective grain size inputs and quantified relative differences in scattering and absorption properties of various extinction coefficients. The HUT model required accurate representation of ice lenses, particularly at horizontal polarization, and large grain scaling factors highlighted the need to consider microstructure beyond the size of individual grains. As variability of extinction coefficients was strongly influenced by the proportion of large (hoar) grains in a vertical profile, it is important to consider simulations from distributions of one-dimensional profiles rather than single profiles, especially in sub-Arctic snowpacks where stratigraphic variability can be high. Model sensitivity experiments suggested the level of error in field measurements and the new methodological framework used to apply them in a snow emission model were satisfactory. Layer amalgamation showed a three-layer representation of snowpack stratigraphy reduced the bias of a one-layer representation by about 50%

    Microwave remote sensing of soil water content

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    Microwave remote sensing of soils to determine water content was considered. A layered water balance model was developed for determining soil water content in the upper zone (top 30 cm), while soil moisture at greater depths and near the surface during the diurnal cycle was studied using experimental measurements. Soil temperature was investigated by means of a simulation model. Based on both models, moisture and temperature profiles of a hypothetical soil were generated and used to compute microwave soil parameters for a clear summer day. The results suggest that, (1) soil moisture in the upper zone can be predicted on a daily basis for 1 cm depth increments, (2) soil temperature presents no problem if surface temperature can be measured with infrared radiometers, and (3) the microwave response of a bare soil is determined primarily by the moisture at and near the surface. An algorithm is proposed for monitoring large areas which combines the water balance and microwave methods

    Explicitly determined sea ice emissivity and emission temperature over the Arctic for surface‐sensitive microwave channels

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    Data assimilation of satellite microwave measurements is one of the importantkeys to improving weather forecasting over the Arctic region. However, the useofsurface-sensitivemicrowave-soundingchannelmeasurementsfordataassim-ilation or retrieval has been limited, especially during winter, due to the poorlyconstrained sea ice emissivity. In this study, aiming at more use of those channelmeasurements in the data assimilation, we propose an explicit method for speci-fying the surface radiative boundary conditions (namely emissivity and emittinglayer temperature of snow and ice). These were explicitly determined with aradiativetransfermodelforsnowandiceandwithsnow/icephysicalparameters(i.e. snow/ice depths and vertical distributions of temperature, density, salinity,and grain size) simulated from the thermodynamically driven snow/ice growthmodel. We conducted 1D-Var experiments in order to examine whether thisapproach can help to use the surface-sensitive microwave temperature channelmeasurements over the Arctic sea ice region for data assimilation. Results showthat (1) the surface-sensitive microwave channels can be used in the 1D-Varretrieval, and (2) the specification of the radiative boundary condition at thesurface using the snow/sea ice emission model can significantly improve theatmospheric temperature retrieval, especially in the lower troposphere (500hPato surface). The successful retrieval suggests that useful information can beextracted from surface-sensitive microwave-sounding channel radiances oversea ice surfaces through the explicit determination of snow/ice emissivity andemitting layer temperature