13 research outputs found

    Analisis Hambatan E-Government Sebuah Kajian Teoritis

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    Keberadaan internet memberikan pengaruh yang luar biasa bagi kehidupan manusia di segala bidang. Sebagai perwujudan peningkatan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, instansi pemerintah juga menggunakan internet dalam memberikan pelayanan yang kemudian dikenal dengan istilah e-government. E-government didesain sebagai metode pelayanan berbasis internet yang mampu memberikan pelayanan cepat, praktis, dan efisien sekaligus memberikan transparansi kepada masyarakat. Artikel ini menggambarkan penerapan e-government pada instansi pemerintah dengan tujuan menganalisis hambatan-hambatan yang ditemukan dalam penerapan e-government. Artikel ini merupakan study kepustakaan (Library Research) di mana pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mereviu dan menggali referensi baik berupa artikel, jurnal, buku, majalah ataupun literature lain yang berhubungan dengan tema yang dikaji. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Nvivo 12 plus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga hambatan utama dalam penerapan e-government yaitu: 1) understanding culture organization; 2) linking political organization to the barriers e-government, dan 3) hambatan infrastruktur teknologi. Dengan mengetahui hambatan tersebut diharapkan bisa menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi pemerintah untuk lebih mempersiapkan diri dalam penerapan e-government

    A Bibliographic Review of the Environmental Factors that Influence the Management Of Information Systems Projects Within the Public Sector

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise das principais diferenças apontadas pela literatura entre a gestão de projetos de Sistemas da Informação no setor privado e no setor público. O texto também discute a aplicabilidade na administração pública dos modelos de gestão de projetos mais usados na iniciativa privada. As principais características da gestão de projetos de Sistemas de Informação no setor público são apresentadas e os textos pesquisados são consolidados em aspectos técnicos, políticos e organizacionais. Finalmente, são sugeridas pautas para futuras pesquisas.Owing to the increased investment in information systems and e-government projects within the public administration, it is important to identify the specific environmental factors of the projects carried out in this context. This article presents a literature review of the main environmental factors that differentiate information systems project management in the public sector. The text also discusses whether the project management models commonly used in the private sector are also applicable in the public sector. The main features of information systems project management in the public sector are presented and researched texts are consolidated according to technical, political and organisational aspects. Finally, some themes are suggested for future research

    Empirical Investigation of the Role of Privacy and Data Protection in the Implementation of Electronic Government in Ghana

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    This study investigates the role of privacy and data protection in the implementation of e-government in developing countries. It examines the privacy and data protection issues which arise when e-government is introduced in Ghana. E-government is a way that governments liaise with their various departments and agencies through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Through e-government, governments are able to provide better, effective and efficient services to their citizens. This new form of governments’ delivering services electronically to their citizens, businesses and various departments potentially offers benefits (for example, economic development, low costs and improved services) to society. However the implementation of e-government carries potential risks to users. The potential for online identity theft and fraud raises privacy concerns. From a theoretical foundation, fieldwork in Ghana, through interviews and focus groups, is used to investigate the issue of privacy and data protection in e-government implementation in an empirical setting. Interviewees included senior civil servants, political leaders, members of the Select Committee on Communication, academics, university students as well as stakeholders from private and public organisations. The research borrowed from the Straussian grounded theory approach as a technique to analyse the fieldwork data. The results of the study indicate that privacy and data protection does not currently play a significant role in e-government implementation in a developing country such as Ghana. Other factors such as access to information and communication technologies (Internet accessibility) and e-skills were found to be challenges which significantly impact individuals’ use of e-government. The study found that there is a low privacy concern among Ghanaian citizens. This was found to be significantly related to a lack of awareness of privacy issues; and also the national cultural dimensions of Ghanaian society. The study concludes by emphasising the importance of government investing in ICT infrastructure and public education to raise awareness of e-government services, as well as privacy and data protection issues. Implications for research and policy makers are discussed. The study suggests future research to investigate the further impact of privacy awareness on individuals’ adoption of e-government in a collectivist society such as Ghana.Government of Ghan

    The implementation of web accessibility standards by Dutch municipalities:Factors of resistance and support

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    There are laws and regulations in place requiring public sector bodies to adopt and implement international standards for web accessibility. Municipalities in the Netherlands have collectively adopted these standards. However, they often seem unable to fully implement web accessibility standards even if the law requires them to and they are actively pursuing it. Based on existing models, literature, questionnaires and extensive audits of the websites of participating municipalities, this dissertation identifies processes that support or resist implementation of the standards within the specific context of web accessibility for local government websites. Awareness of these processes is important for stakeholders willing to implement web accessibility standards. The result is a set of recommendations for local governments that help them identify processes that support or resist the actual implementation of web accessibility standards. This not only contributes to the accessibility of the web for people with disabilities, it may also be helpful for the implementation of other guidelines and (open) standards within local governments

    A framework for the implementation of e-government as a service delivery mechanism in South Africa: The case of the Eastern Cape Thusong Service Centres

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    E-government has emerged as an effective means of delivering much-needed online services to the citizens, businesses and other government institutions. This emanates from the advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the internet and the emerging technologies associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). E-government has essentially transformed the culture, structure and the way of doing business by public institutions in providing government services. In the past, e-government has been popular in developed countries but recently many developing countries are starting to appreciate the need to implement the initiative. However, the implementation of e-government has various challenges that have been identified through research and include technological, organisational and environmental aspects. Therefore, the researcher was motivated to study e-government to improve the delivery of services to citizens in South Africa. The objective of the research was to develop a framework for the implementation of egovernment as a service delivery mechanism in South Africa. The research process led to the identification of challenges that impact the implementation of e-government by applying an underlying Information Systems (IS) theoretical model, namely the Technology-OrganisationEnvironment (TOE) framework. The review of literature allowed the researcher to construct a conceptual theoretical framework which was then applied to the case study in order to understand the factors affecting the implementation of e-government in South Africa. Qualitative research data was collected using Thusong Service Centres in the Eastern Cape as a case study. Thusong Service Centres are government service centres based in rural communities which are used for the provision of online government services to these communities. The empirical data was collected using 22 respondents from five organisational and user perspectives: (1) State Information Technology Agency (SITA) as an agency of government responsible for ICT in South Africa, (2) the Senior ICT Managers from various National, Provincial and Local government entities, (3) Thusong Service Centre Managers, (4) Thusong Service Centre End-Users and (5) Expert Reviews. Documents that included the National e-Government Strategy, e-Government Policy, National Broadband Policy, ICT Policy White Paper were also consulted as secondary data. The conceptual theoretical framework was then revised based on the empirical evidence using the interpretive exploratory approach and triangulated data. The consolidated data from both the literature review and empirical evidence assisted in closing the gap between e-government implementation theory and practice. A detailed e-government implementation framework was then developed with the critical factors that impact the successful implementation of e- ii | P a g e government. E-government subject experts were also given the mandate to review the interview questions and the framework. The use of this framework was then explained in terms of how it can assist government decision-makers in South Africa for the effective and efficient delivery of services to the citizens. The research study has contributed to the e-government body of knowledge through the identified factors utilising the TOE framework at an organisational level for developing countries like South Africa

    A framework for the implementation of e-government as a service delivery mechanism in South Africa: The case of the Eastern Cape Thusong Service Centres

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    E-government has emerged as an effective means of delivering much-needed online services to the citizens, businesses and other government institutions. This emanates from the advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the internet and the emerging technologies associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). E-government has essentially transformed the culture, structure and the way of doing business by public institutions in providing government services. In the past, e-government has been popular in developed countries but recently many developing countries are starting to appreciate the need to implement the initiative. However, the implementation of e-government has various challenges that have been identified through research and include technological, organisational and environmental aspects. Therefore, the researcher was motivated to study e-government to improve the delivery of services to citizens in South Africa. The objective of the research was to develop a framework for the implementation of egovernment as a service delivery mechanism in South Africa. The research process led to the identification of challenges that impact the implementation of e-government by applying an underlying Information Systems (IS) theoretical model, namely the Technology-OrganisationEnvironment (TOE) framework. The review of literature allowed the researcher to construct a conceptual theoretical framework which was then applied to the case study in order to understand the factors affecting the implementation of e-government in South Africa. Qualitative research data was collected using Thusong Service Centres in the Eastern Cape as a case study. Thusong Service Centres are government service centres based in rural communities which are used for the provision of online government services to these communities. The empirical data was collected using 22 respondents from five organisational and user perspectives: (1) State Information Technology Agency (SITA) as an agency of government responsible for ICT in South Africa, (2) the Senior ICT Managers from various National, Provincial and Local government entities, (3) Thusong Service Centre Managers, (4) Thusong Service Centre End-Users and (5) Expert Reviews. Documents that included the National e-Government Strategy, e-Government Policy, National Broadband Policy, ICT Policy White Paper were also consulted as secondary data. The conceptual theoretical framework was then revised based on the empirical evidence using the interpretive exploratory approach and triangulated data. The consolidated data from both the literature review and empirical evidence assisted in closing the gap between e-government implementation theory and practice. A detailed e-government implementation framework was then developed with the critical factors that impact the successful implementation of e- ii | P a g e government. E-government subject experts were also given the mandate to review the interview questions and the framework. The use of this framework was then explained in terms of how it can assist government decision-makers in South Africa for the effective and efficient delivery of services to the citizens. The research study has contributed to the e-government body of knowledge through the identified factors utilising the TOE framework at an organisational level for developing countries like South Africa

    Identifying the critical factors that impact on the Development of Electronic Government using TOE Framework in Saudi E-Government Context: A Thematic Analysis

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    Background: Electronic government (e-government) systems are important across several dimensions, such as the public sector, business sector and the government itself, via the various organs of government. Hence, e-government systems consist of numerous factors, which play various roles in the success of e-government development and adoption. The most important factors from derived from dimensions that impact on the development, implementation and adoption of e-government which are technological, organisational, environmental, and social, also it is intended for and the government decision-makers involved. Therefore, the government of Saudi Arabia is seeking to improve its electronic services (e-services) and so this topic was attractive for the researcher, who in turn, has attempted to make a research contribution to the integration of an e-government system in the context of Saudi Arabia (SA). Aims and Objectives: The aim of this research was to identify insights into the critical factors revealed in a review of the relevant literature. The Literature Review shows that there have been few studies that have considered the critical factors in the development of e-government systems. This thesis is taking into account the experiences of senior government IT staff and the citizens such a system is intended to serve. To present a theoretical understanding of e-government development that based on Technology-Organisation-Environment TOE framework. Consequently, a conceptual framework for the successful development and adoption of e-government was subsequently proposed to improve government services in general and make savings in terms of time, cost and promote the e-services. Methods: Qualitative research data were gathered via 26, in-depth semi-structured interviews from two perspectives: first, from the point of senior IT managers view at four Saudi Ministries and second, from the standpoint of 10 Saudi citizens (five men and five women). Thematic analysis was carried out to identify the critical factors that derived technological, organisational, environmental and social dimensions which influencing e-government development in the Saudi context. Moreover, to highlight the issues to be taken into account when endeavouring to support e-government development in Saudi Arabia’s Ministries. Results: This research makes a significant contribution to understanding e-government development, as it essentially identifies the critical factors that should be targeted by the Saudi government in its efforts to develop e-government. This study therefore brings together these various factors into a single comprehensive conceptual framework, comprising the main elements to be considered when attempting to identify, improve and motivate e-government system development. This is based on the perspectives of senior government IT managers in Saudi Ministries and the intended system users, namely the Saudi public. As a theoretical basis (TOE) Framework was applied and extended to the topic of e-government system development. Conclusion: This research explains how the critical factors identified through the application of the TOE Framework plus the examined social dimension can be worked into the Saudi government’s decision-making, as it provides valuable information for decision-makers in Saudi Arabia’s Ministries about what needs to be consider, thus enhancing the development of e-government nationwide

    Από την ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση και το συμμετοχικό διαδίκτυο στις αυτο-οργανωμένες πρωτοβουλίες κοινωνικής αλληλεγγύης και την ψηφιακή επικοινωνιακή πολιτική τους: Η ελληνική περίπτωση

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    Η οικονομική κρίση που υπάρχει στην Ελλάδα τα τελευταία χρόνια σε συνδυασμό με την έλλειψη εμπιστοσύνης στο πολιτικό σύστημα, στους αντιπροσώπους του αλλά και στη δημοκρατία γενικότερα, έχει δημιουργήσει στους πολίτες την ανάγκη να αυτο-οργανωθούν ώστε να μπορέσουν να αντιμετωπίσουν τα προβλήματα της καθημερινότητάς τους. Αυτές οι αυτο-οργανώσεις πολιτών που έχουν ως πρώτο στόχο τους την αλληλεγγύη και πιο συγκεκριμένα, η επικοινωνία τους μέσω των συμμετοχικών μέσων είναι το αντικείμενο της συγκεκριμένης διατριβής. Οι πρωτοβουλίες πολιτών αλληλεγγύης που μελετήθηκαν συγκεντρώθηκαν μέσω διαδικτυακής έρευνας, και για να αποτελέσουν αντικείμενο μελέτης, έπρεπε να καλύπτουν ένα κενό του κράτους, να μην πραγματοποιούν διακρίσεις και να έχουν δράσεις, να μη μένουν δηλαδή μόνο στη διαμαρτυρία. Αυτές οι πρωτοβουλίες συγκεντρώθηκαν, μαζί με τις περιγραφές και τα στοιχεία επικοινωνίας τους και αναρτήθηκαν στον ιστοχώρο Οργάνωση 2.0 (http://organosi20.gr) όπου είναι και ελεύθερα προσβάσιμες από όλους. Ο ιστοχώρος του Οργάνωση 2.0 εξακολουθεί να ανανεώνεται καθημερινά. Για να διαπιστωθούν επιμέρους χαρακτηριστικά τους, όπως το χωρικό προφίλ τους, το προφίλ των μελών τους, ο τρόπος που επικοινωνούν κλπ. χρησιμοποιήθηκε διαδικτυακή έρευνα, συμπλήρωση ερωτηματολογίων αλλά και διενέργεια συνεντεύξεων. Μέσα από αυτές τις διαδικασίες βγήκαν πολύτιμα συμπεράσματα και για τον τρόπο που λειτουργούν οι πρωτοβουλίες αυτές αλλά κυρίως και για τον τρόπο που επικοινωνούν. Στην προσπάθεια να ενταχθούν οι πρωτοβουλίες αυτές επικοινωνιακά σε μια κατηγορία και να μελετηθούν ανάλογα, χρειάστηκε να ορισθούν. Μελετώντας τα χαρακτηριστικά τους, διαπιστώθηκε ότι έχουν στοιχεία από αρκετά διαφορετικά κοινωνικά μορφώματα όπως τα κοινωνικά κινήματα, οι ομάδες, ο τρίτος τομέας, οι μη κερδοσκοπικοί οργανισμοί κλπ. Η ονομασία που προτείνεται γι΄αυτές τις πρωτοβουλίες είναι Αυτο-Οργανωμένες πρωτοβουλίες Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης (πρωτοβουλίες ΑΟΚΑ) καθώς δείχνει να συγκεντρώνει τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά τους: Είναι αυτο-οργανωμένες από τους πολίτες για τους πολίτες και για την κοινωνία και έχουν ως στόχο τους την αλληλεγγύη προς τους άλλους πολίτες. Τα χαρακτηριστικά τους και ο ορισμός τους τους εντάσσουν στη μεγάλη οικογένεια των Μη Κερδοσκοπικών Οργανισμών. Αντλώντας στοιχεία από την βιβλιογραφία που είναι σχετική με την επικοινωνία των Μη Κερδοσκοπικών Οργανισμών και εστιάζοντας σε 5 βασικά μέσα (ιστοσελίδα, ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο, Facebook, Twitter και Youtube), δημιουργήθηκε ένα επικοινωνιακό πλάνο με στόχο να μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί από όλες τις πρωτοβουλίες, όποιο και αν είναι το επίπεδο γνώσεών τους στα συμμετοχικά μέσα και στο διαδίκτυο και όποιοι και αν είναι οι διαθέσιμοι πόροι τους (οικονομικοί, ανθρώπινοι, διαθέσιμος χρόνος). Το συγκεκριμένο επικοινωνιακό πλάνο επικυρώθηκε με δύο τρόπους. Τέθηκε αρχικά σε ανοιχτή διαβούλευση ώστε οι πρωτοβουλίες να μπορούν να σχολιάσουν, να συμπληρώσουν ό,τι θεωρούν ότι λείπει, να αλλάξουν ό,τι θεωρούν ότι είναι λάθος αλλά και να προτείνουν εναλλακτικές. Ο δεύτερος τρόπος επικύρωσης ήταν η πρακτική εφαρμογή του πλάνου από κάποιες από τις πρωτοβουλίες για συγκεκριμένο χρονικό διάστημα ώστε να δούμε τι επιπτώσεις έχει σε πραγματικές συνθήκες. Οι παρατηρήσεις των πρωτοβουλιών στη διαβούλευση, τα αποτελέσματα της πειραματικής εφαρμογής αλλά και οι γενικές παρατηρήσεις κατά την εξέλιξη της έρευνας δείχνουν κάποια σημεία τα οποία πρέπει να προσέξει κανείς όταν επιχειρεί να δημιουργήσει ένα επικοινωνιακό πλάνο για μία ανάλογη πρωτοβουλία.The economic crisis that occurs in Greece nowadays, combined with the lack of confidence in the political system, in its representatives but also in democracy in general, has created the need for citizens to self-organise in order to be able to face the problems of their daily lives. These citizens’ self-organisations which have solidarity as their primary objective and, more specifically, their communication via social media are the topic of this thesis. The citizens’ solidarity initiatives under study were collected through online research and, in order to be studied had to cover a gap in the state’s policies, not discriminate and have actions, not only protest. These initiatives were collected, along with their descriptions and their contact information and posted on the website Organisation 2.0 (http://organosi20.gr) which is freely accessible to all. The website is still being updated daily. To detect individual characteristics, such as spatial profile, the profile of their members, the way they communicate, etc. we used an online survey, questionnaires and interviews. Through these processes emerged valuable conclusions about how these initiatives work but mainly how they communicate. In order to integrate these initiatives into a communication category and study them accordingly, they had to be defined. Studying their features, they were found to have characteristics of several different social constructs such as social movements, groups, third sector, non-profit organisations, etc. The name proposed for these initiatives is Self-organised Social Solidarity Initiatives (SoSS Initiatives) and it incorporates their basic characteristics: They are self-organised by citizens for citizens and society and meant for solidarity for other citizens. Their characteristics and definition integrate them in the large family of Non-Profit Organisations. Drawing from the literature regarding the communication of non-profit organisations and focusing on five main media (website, email, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube), a communication plan was created to be usable by all initiatives, regardless of their level of knowledge of social media media and the internet and regardless of their available resources (financial, human, available time). This communication plan was validated in two ways. It was originally online for open consultation so that the initiatives could comment, supplement with what they consider to be lacking, change what they consider to be wrong and propose alternatives. The second way of validation was the practical implementation of the plan in some of the initiatives to see what impact it has on the field. The observations of the initiatives in the consultation, the results of the pilot but also the general observations in the course of the research suggest some points that should be taken into account when one attempts to create a communication plan for a similar initiative