12 research outputs found

    Guest Editorial Preface: Special Issue on IT-Support for Crisis and Continuity Management

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    On 21 January 2013, there was a fire at the central office of a telecommunications network operator in Siegen, which resulted in more than 500,000 telephone connections being collapsed for several hours and occasionally several days. Emergency calls were also not possible. The websites of the district and the control center were offline. The local radio which typically acts as a central point of information in such situations was out of service. But not only the civic-societal continuity, also the operational continuity was affected (Reuter et al., 2017). In this example, both continuity and crisis management are essential to recover to regular business resp. life

    Informelle E-Partizipation in Parteien

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    Politische Partizipation im Internet hat zunehmenden Einfluss auf reale politische Willensbildungsprozesse. Parteien, die ein Kernelement des politischen Systems in Deutschland bilden, stehen vor einer wichtigen Gestaltungsaufgabe, wenn sie den Strukturwandel der politischen Kommunikation erfolgreich bewĂ€ltigen möchten. Ziel unseres Beitrags ist es, Erkenntnisse fĂŒr diese Gestaltungsaufgabe zu liefern. DafĂŒr wurden 91 VorschlĂ€ge von CDU-Mitgliedern ausgewertet und ergĂ€nzende Interviews gefĂŒhrt, um Praktiken der (E-)Partizipation sowie ihre Defizite und Bedingungen zu identifizieren. Aus den Ergebnissen leiten wir die Notwendigkeit von insbesondere informellen E-Partizipations-und Vernetzungs-Technologien fĂŒr den Einsatz in der CDU, potentiell aber auch anderen Parteien, ab

    Introduction to this Special Issue on “Human-Machine Interaction and Cooperation in Safety-Critical Systems”

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    Mission- and safety-critical domains are more and more characterized by interactive and multimedia systems varying from large-scale technologies (e. g. airplanes) to wearable devices (e. g. smartglasses) operated by professional staff or volunteering laypeople. While technical availability, reliability and security of computer-based systems are of utmost importance, outcomes and performances increasingly depend on sufficient human-machine interaction or even cooperation to a large extent. While this i-com Special Issue on “Human-Machine Interaction and Cooperation in Safety-Critical Systems” presents recent research results from specific application domains like aviation, automotive, crisis management and healthcare, this introductory paper outlines the diversity of users, technologies and interaction or cooperation models involved

    Semi-Automatic Alerts and Notifications for Emergency Services based on Cross-Platform Social Media Data - Evaluation of a Prototype

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    The convergence of social networking and mobile media technology is shifting the way how people communicate and gain or share information. People are using social media to a greater extent, also in emergency situations. During disasters throughout the world, such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 2013 European floods, or the terror attacks 2015 in Paris and 2016 in Brussels, this has been illustrated again. Often information about disasters even finds its way faster to social media than it reaches regular news companies and emergency services. However, approaches for processing and analyzing the vast quantities of data produced have even more potential. Yet many emergency services still have not found a way to put this potential to an effective use. Within our project EmerGent we are developing a system to process and analyse information from social media particularly tailored for the specific needs of emergency services. The aim is to transform the high volume of noisy data into a low volume of rich content that is useful to emergency personnel. In the first part of this paper we present our approach from a user interface perspective. The second part deals with the evaluation of the approach and the derivation of future potentials of the approach

    Redesigning hazard communication through technology: collaboration, co-production and coherence

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    Digital and virtual communication impacts increasingly upon the management of natural hazards in an uncertain world, challenging the boundaries between science and society. This study uses sociological theory to explore how technology reduces the mitigation failures and conflicts that scholars often disproportionately prioritise; it also evaluates the evolution of nodal points between communicating stakeholders in a complex hazard management network. Technical innovation has reshaped Iceland’s approach to mitigating risks associated with volcanic events; interconnections between stakeholders within the network evolve through technical innovation and the forming of collaborative engagements that renegotiate the roles and responsibilities of monitoring and response agencies. Interviews and participant observations, with agencies including the Icelandic Meteorological Office, evidence the impact of network evolution upon social media use, inter-agency trust, the expansion of crowdsourcing, and increasingly distributed decision-making frameworks.La communication numĂ©rique et virtuelle impacte de plus en plus la gestion des risques naturels dans un monde instable, dĂ©fiant les frontiĂšres entre science et sociĂ©tĂ©. Notre Ă©tude Ă©tudie, sous l'angle de la sociologie, comment la technologie contribue Ă  rĂ©duire les dĂ©faillances et les divergences en la matiĂšre, auxquels se rĂ©fĂšrent trop souvent les scientifiques. Nous analysons Ă©galement l'Ă©volution des points nodaux entre les acteurs de la communication Ă  l'intĂ©rieur d'un rĂ©seau complexe de gestion des risques. En Islande les progrĂšs technologiques ont remodelĂ© l'approche de l'attĂ©nuation des risques associĂ©s aux Ă©vĂ©nements volcaniques. Les interconnexions entre acteurs du rĂ©seau Ă©voluent en fonction des innovations techniques et du dĂ©veloppement d'engagements de collaboration qui renĂ©gocient les rĂŽles et les responsabilitĂ©s des organismes de contrĂŽle et d'intervention. Les interviews et les observations des diffĂ©rents organismes, y compris l'Office mĂ©tĂ©orologique d'Islande, dĂ©montrent l'impact de l'Ă©volution du rĂ©seau sur l'utilisation des mĂ©dias sociaux, la collaboration entre organismes, l'extension du "crowdsourcing", et la rĂ©partition croissante des cadres dĂ©cisionnels

    Towards Efficient Security: Business Continuity Management in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Business Continuity Management (BCM) is an integral part of civil security in terms of corporate crisis management. According to the ISO 22301 (2014) BCM is defined as a holistic management process which identifies potential threats to an organization and the impacts those threats might have on business operations. Looking at the current situation of studies conducted in this field it seems to be obvious that the use of BCM in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) is underrepresented and that the security level is partially located in an uneconomical range. This paper presents a literature research on the use of BCM in SME and discusses research findings concerning this matter. Based on this a matrix for possible impacts vs. quality of the crisis management for different actors is derived. The article concludes with the presentation of lightweight und easy to handle BCM security solutions in form of Smart Services, as a possible solution for the increasingly IT relaying industry 4.0

    Ready, set, crisis – transitioning to crisis mode in local public administration

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    Local public administrations are typically the first responders during disruptive crisis events. Building on literature on fast-response organizations, this study theorizes on their ability to transition effectively from routine bureaucracy to crisis mode. Empirically, we study early responses to COVID-19 in Germany with agency-level survey data. The findings suggest that an effective switch between practices cannot be explained by crisis severity alone. Instead, organizational, technical, and individual preparedness of local administrations matter. These results provide insights into the conditions that enable administrations to respond effectively to crisis events, offering a comprehensive understanding of crisis management capabilities at the local level

    Microblogging during the European Floods 2013: What Twitter May Contribute in German Emergencies

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    Social media is becoming more and more important in crisis management. However its analysis by emergency services still bears unaddressed challenges and the majority of studies focus on the use of social media in the USA. In this paper German tweets of the European Flood 2013 are therefore captured and analyzed using descriptive statistics, qualitative data coding, and computational algorithms. Our work illustrates that this event provided sufficient German traffic and geo-locations as well as enough original data (not derivative). However, up-to-date Named Entity Recognizer (NER) with German classifier could not recognize German rivers and highways satisfactorily. Furthermore our analysis revealed pragmatic (linguistic) barriers resulting from irony, wordplay, and ambiguity, as well as in retweet-behavior. To ease the analysis of data we suggest a retweet ratio, which is illustrated to be higher with important tweets and may help selecting tweets for mining. We argue that existing software has to be adapted and improved for German language characteristics, also to detect markedness, seriousness and trut

    Hvordan foregÄr koordinering mellom nÞdetater under en pÄgÄende krise?

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    Koordinering mellom nÞdetater er noe som har vÊrt pÄ agenda i en Ärrekke. Allerede i 1953 presiserte Redningsutvalget at koordineringen mellom nÞdetatene ikke var tilfredsstillende, og behovet for et samvirkeprinsipp begynte Ä melde seg. De siste to tiÄr er det flere store hendelser, der evalueringene peker pÄ at koordineringen mellom nÞdetater ikke er tilfredsstillende. Den overordnete problemstillingen i denne oppgaven er: Hvordan kan interorganisatorisk koordinering mellom nÞdetatene forbedres? Mer spesifikt undersÞker denne oppgaven hvordan koordinering fungerer i formelle og uformelle former mellom nÞdetatene, og hvordan disse mekanismene pÄvirker hverandre. Videre ser oppgaven pÄ hvilke faktorer som kan pÄvirke koordineringen mellom nÞdetatene, og hvordan faktorene pÄvirker koordineringen. Oppgaven ser sÄ pÄ hvordan nÞdetatenes koordinering blir pÄvirket av krisens omfang. Denne oppgaven har benyttet en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Dette er gjennomfÞrt som en casestudie, hvor casen har vÊrt interorganisatorisk koordinering mellom nÞdetater under pÄgÄende kriser. Denne oppgaven benytter primÊrdata fra 12 respondenter, gjennomfÞrt som intervjuer. Videre er det benyttet sekundÊrdata i form av offentlige utredninger og evalueringsrapporter. Denne oppgaven har funnet ut at ulik organisering pÄ tvers av nÞdetatene pÄvirker koordineringen negativt. Dette kan forbedres med en mer uniform organisering av etatene. En mer enhetlig organisering vil kunne bidra til at faktorer som merking av innsatsmannskaper, organisering av skadested og utnyttelse av kunnskap blir forbedret. Videre vil relasjoner og kjennskap pÄ tvers av nÞdetatene bidra til bedre koordinering. For Ä forbedre relasjoner vil formelle og uformelle mÞteplasser vÊre effektivt, som f.eks. Operativt Leder Forum. Oppgaven viser ogsÄ at teknologiske hjelpemidler har en positiv effekt pÄ koordineringen, ved at man skaffer seg et bedre informasjonsgrunnlag. Det argumenteres for at teknologiske hjelpemidler vil kunne bidra til at tidspresset under informasjonsinnhenting blir redusert, dersom teknologien tilpasses beslutningstakere i kriser. PÄ denne mÄten kan teknologi bidra til at ledere fatter analytisk beslutninger fremfor intuitivt, uavhengig av krisens omfang

    Emergent Collaboration Infrastructures: Technology Design for Inter-Organizational Crisis Management (Ph.D. Thesis)

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    Using the domain of crisis management, Christian Reuter explores challenges and opportunities for technology design in emergent environments. He therefore empirically analyzes collaborative work in inter-organizational crisis - such as the police, fire departments, energy network operators and citizens - in order to identify collaboration practices that reveal work infrastructure limitations. He also designs, implements and evaluates novel concepts and ICT artifacts towards the support of emergent collaboration. Besides the discovery of potential organizational effects on the ability to deal with emergence he presents methodological implications for technology design