17 research outputs found

    Data Rights Law 1.0

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    Since its emergence, big data has brought us new forms of energy, technology and means of organization which will generate greater values by crossover, integration, openness and sharing of data. Nevertheless, risks caused by open access and the flow of data also bring us enormous challenges to privacy, business secrets and social and national securities. This raises people’s awareness on data sharing, privacy protection and social justice, and becomes a significant governance problem in the world. In order to solve these problems, Data Rights Law 1.0 is innovative in that it proposes a new concept of the «data person». It defines «data rights» as the rights derived from the «data person» and «data rights system» as the order based on «data rights». «Data rights law» is the legal normative formed out of the «data rights system». In this way, the book constructs a legal framework of «data rights-data rights system-data rights law». If data is considered as basic rights, on which new order and laws are to be built, it will bring brand new and profound meaning to future human life

    Maturing International Cooperation to Address the Cyberspace Attack Attribution Problem

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    One of the most significant challenges to deterring attacks in cyberspace is the difficulty of identifying and attributing attacks to specific state or non-state actors. The lack of technical detection capability moves the problem into the legal realm; however, the lack of domestic and international cyberspace legislation makes the problem one of international cooperation. Past assessments have led to collective paralysis pending improved technical and legal advancements. This paper demonstrates, however, that any plausible path to meaningful defense in cyberspace must include a significant element of international cooperation and regime formation. The analytical approach diverges from past utilitarian-based assessments to understand the emerging regime, or implicit and explicit principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures, around which actor expectations are beginning to converge in the area of cyberspace attack attribution. The analysis applies a social-practice perspective of regime formation to identify meaningful normative and political recommendations. Various hypotheses of regime formation further tailor the recommendations to the current maturity level of international cooperation in this issue area. Examining international cooperation in cyberspace and methods for maturing international cooperation to establish attribution in other domains inform political mitigations to the problem of cyberspace attack attribution. Potential solutions are analyzed with respect to four recent cyberspace attacks to illustrate how improved international cooperation might address the problem. Finally, a counterfactual analysis, or thought experiment, of how these recommendations might have been applied in the case of rampant Chinese cyber espionage inform specific current and future opportunities for implementation. Although timing is difficult to predict, the growing frequency and scope of cyber attacks indicate the window of opportunity to address the problem before some form of cataclysmic event is closing

    Law in the present future : approaching the legal imaginary of smart cities with science (and) fiction

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    This doctoral research concerns smart cities, describing digital solutions and social issues related to their innovative technologies, adopted models, and major projects around the world. The many perspectives mentioned in it were identified by online tools used for the textual analysis of two databases that were built from relevant publications on the main subject by authors coming from media and academia. Expected legal elements emerged from the applied process, such as privacy, security, transparency, participation, accountability, and governance. A general review was produced on the information available about the public policies of Big Data in the two municipal cases of Rio de Janeiro and Montréal, and their regulation in the Brazilian and Canadian contexts. The combined approaches from science and literature were explored to reflect on the normative concerns represented by the global challenges and local risks brought by urban surveillance, climate change, and other neoliberal conditions. Cyberpunk Science Fiction reveals itself useful for engaging with the shared problems that need to be faced in the present time, all involving democracy. The results achieved reveal that this work was, in fact, about the complex network of practices and senses between (post)modern law and the imaginary of the future.Cette recherche doctorale centrée sur les villes intelligentes met en évidence les solutions numériques et les questionnements sociétaux qui ont trait aux technologies innovantes, ainsi qu’aux principaux modèles et projets développés autour d’elles à travers le monde. Des perspectives multiples en lien avec ces développements ont été identifiées à l’aide d’outils en ligne qui ont permis l’analyse textuelle de deux bases de données comprenant des publications scientifiques et des écrits médiatiques. De ce processus analytique ont émergé des éléments juridiques relatifs aux questions de vie privée, de sécurité, de transparence, de participation, d’imputabilité et de gouvernance. De plus, à partir de ces informations a été réalisée une revue des politiques publiques relatives aux mégadonnées dans les villes de Rio de Janeiro et de Montréal, ainsi que des réglementations nationales du Canada et du Brésil en lien avec ce sujet. Finalement, à travers l’exploration d’écrits scientifiques et fictionnels de la littérature, les principaux enjeux normatifs soulevés localement et mondialement par la surveillance urbaine, les changements climatiques et les politiques néolibérales ont pu être mis à jour. Le courant cyberpunk de la science-fiction s’est avéré particulièrement utile pour révéler les principaux problèmes politiques, en lien avec la préservation de la démocratie, auxquelles sont confrontées nos sociétés présentement. Les résultats de la recherche démontrent finalement la présence d’un réseau de pratiques et de significations entre le droit (post)moderne et les représentations imaginaires du futur

    University Teachers and Students’ Digital Competence: A Case Study of Gansu Agricultural University in China

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    [ES] Vivir hoy en día en una sociedad del conocimiento permite ser capaces de conocer los cambios en la estructura de la sociedad, las vinculaciones entre países y la adquisición de conocimientos, así como el desarrollo y la penetración cada vez mayor de la tecnología en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida. El brote del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) ha impulsado aún más la revolución en educación. El modelo educativo ha cambiado y con él llegan diversos retos. Se exige a los profesores y a los estudiantes que estén dotados de la competencia digital adecuada y de capacidad para utilizar con eficiencia diversas herramientas de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), especialmente en educación superior. Además, la brecha de la competencia digital se amplía, no sólo entre los países desarrollados y los países en vías de desarrollo, sino también dentro de un mismo país, debido al desequilibrio del crecimiento económico, como la enorme brecha entre el este y el oeste de China. Es muy necesario mejorar la competencia digital para afrontar mejor los desafíos, reducir la brecha digital y adaptarse a esta sociedad del conocimiento, así como al nuevo entorno de aprendizaje. Los principales objetivos de esta tesis son: en primer lugar, presentar la definición de competencia digital en educación superior, indicar las dimensiones que se utilizan habitualmente para evaluar la competencia digital de los profesores y estudiantes universitarios, determinar el estado de la investigación en este campo e identificar las áreas de investigación futura mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura y un estudio de mapeo. En segundo lugar, realizar un estudio empírico sobre los profesores y estudiantes universitarios de la Universidad Agrícola de Gansu, situada en el oeste de China. Para los profesores universitarios en activo, la atención se centró en la exploración de su competencia digital, el uso de las TIC por parte de los profesores y sus actitudes hacia el uso de las TIC en la educación. Con respecto a los estudiantes universitarios, especialmente los de primer y último curso, se hizo énfasis en la competencia digital de los estudiantes y sus actitudes hacia las TIC; y también se incluyó su disponibilidad de recursos tecnológicos, su potencial de competencia digital y la formación previa relacionada con las TIC y la competencia digital. Además, los factores que influyen en la competencia digital para determinar sus necesidades de desarrollo han sido examinados

    Sustainability in design: now! Challenges and opportunities for design research, education and practice in the XXI century

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    Copyright @ 2010 Greenleaf PublicationsLeNS project funded by the Asia Link Programme, EuropeAid, European Commission

    Embracing informationization 3.0—an era of computing intelligence

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    China's Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategies and Pathways

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    This open access book introduces a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive research on China's long-term low-carbon emission strategies and pathways. After comprehensively considering China’s own socioeconomic conditions, policy design, energy mix, and other macro-development trends and needs, the research team has proposed suggestions on China’s low-carbon development strategies and pathways until 2050, with required technologies and policies in order to realize the goals of building a great modern socialist country and a beautiful China. These achievements are in conjunction with the climate goals set in the Paris Agreement alongside Global Sustainable Development. The authors hope that the research findings can serve as a reference for all sectors of Chinese society in their climate research efforts, offer support for the formulation and implementation of china’s national low-carbon development strategies and policies, and help the world to better understand China’s story in the general trend of global green and low-carbon development

    Enacting Inquiry Learning in Mathematics through History

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    International audienceWe explain how history of mathematics can function as a means for enacting inquiry learning activities in mathematics as a scientific subject. It will be discussed how students develop informed conception about i) the epistemology of mathematics, ii) of how mathematicians produce mathematical knowledge, and iii) what kind of questions that drive mathematical research. We give examples from the mathematics education at Roskilde University and we show how (teacher) students from this program are themselves capable of using history to establish inquiry learning environments in mathematics in high school. The realization is argued for in the context of an explicit-reflective framework in the sense of Abd-El-Khalick (2013) and his work in science education