16 research outputs found

    Cultural background shapes spatial reference frame proclivity

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    Spatial navigation is an essential human skill that is influenced by several factors. The present study investigates how gender, age, and cultural background account for differences in reference frame proclivity and performance in a virtual navigation task. Using an online navigation study, we recorded reaction times, error rates (confusion of turning axis), and reference frame proclivity (egocentric vs. allocentric reference frame) of 1823 participants. Reaction times significantly varied with gender and age, but were only marginally influenced by the cultural background of participants. Error rates were in line with these results and exhibited a significant influence of gender and culture, but not age. Participants cultural background significantly influenced reference frame selection; the majority of North-Americans preferred an allocentric strategy, while Latin-Americans preferred an egocentric navigation strategy. European and Asian groups were in between these two extremes. Neither the factor of age nor the factor of gender had a direct impact on participants navigation strategies. The strong effects of cultural background on navigation strategies without the influence of gender or age underlines the importance of socialized spatial cognitive processes and argues for socio-economic analysis in studies investigating human navigation

    Electrocortical evidence for long-term incidental spatial learning through modified navigation instructions

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018. The use of Navigation Assistance Systems for spatial orienting has become increasingly popular. Such automated navigation support, however, comes with a reduced processing of the surrounding environment and often with a decline of spatial orienting ability. To prevent such deskilling and to support spatial learning, the present study investigated incidental spatial learning by comparing standard navigation instructions with two modified navigation instruction conditions. The first modified instruction condition highlighted landmarks and provided additional redundant information regarding the landmark (contrast condition), while the second highlighted landmarks and included information of personal interest to the participant (personal-reference condition). Participants’ spatial knowledge of the previously unknown virtual city was tested three weeks later. Behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) data demonstrated enhanced spatial memory performance for participants in the modified navigation instruction conditions without further differentiating between modified instructions. Recognition performance of landmarks was better and the late positive complex of the event-related potential (ERP) revealed amplitude differences reflecting an increased amount of recollected information for modified navigation instructions. The results indicate a significant long-term spatial learning effect when landmarks are highlighted during navigation instructions

    Cultural background shapes spatial reference frame proclivity

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    Spatial navigation is an essential human skill that is influenced by several factors. The present study investigates how gender, age, and cultural background account for differences in reference frame proclivity and performance in a virtual navigation task. Using an online navigation study, we recorded reaction times, error rates (confusion of turning axis), and reference frame proclivity (egocentric vs. allocentric reference frame) of 1823 participants. Reaction times significantly varied with gender and age, but were only marginally influenced by the cultural background of participants. Error rates were in line with these results and exhibited a significant influence of gender and culture, but not age. Participants’ cultural background significantly influenced reference frame selection; the majority of North-Americans preferred an allocentric strategy, while Latin-Americans preferred an egocentric navigation strategy. European and Asian groups were in between these two extremes. Neither the factor of age nor the factor of gender had a direct impact on participants’ navigation strategies. The strong effects of cultural background on navigation strategies without the influence of gender or age underlines the importance of socialized spatial cognitive processes and argues for socio-economic analysis in studies investigating human navigation.This work was funded by the European research grant: ERC- 2010-AdG #269716 – MULTISENSE, together with the Cognition and Neuroergonomics/Collaborative Technology Alliance #W911NF-10-2-0022

    Relationship between electroencephalographic data and comfort perception captured in a Virtual Reality design environment of an aircraft cabin

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    Successful aircraft cabin design depends on how the different stakeholders are involved since the first phases of product development. To predict passenger satisfaction prior to the manufacturing phase, human response was investigated in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment simulating a cabin aircraft. Subjective assessments of virtual designs have been collected via questionnaires, while the underlying neural mechanisms have been captured through electroencephalographic (EEG) data. In particular, we focused on the modulation of EEG alpha rhythm as a valuable marker of the brain's internal state and investigated which changes in alpha power and connectivity can be related to a different visual comfort perception by comparing groups with higher and lower comfort rates. Results show that alpha-band power decreased in occipital regions during subjects' immersion in the virtual cabin compared with the relaxation state, reflecting attention to the environment. Moreover, alpha-band power was modulated by comfort perception: lower comfort was associated with a lower alpha power compared to higher comfort. Further, alpha-band Granger connectivity shows top-down mechanisms in higher comfort participants, modulating attention and restoring partial relaxation. Present results contribute to understanding the role of alpha rhythm in visual comfort perception and demonstrate that VR and EEG represent promising tools to quantify human-environment interactions

    Investigating Established EEG Parameter During Real-World Driving

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    In real life, behavior is influenced by dynamically changing contextual factors and is rarely limited to simple tasks and binary choices. For a meaningful interpretation of brain dynamics underlying more natural cognitive processing in active humans, ecologically valid test scenarios are essential. To understand whether brain dynamics in restricted artificial lab settings reflect the neural activity in complex natural environments, we systematically tested the auditory event-related P300 in both settings. We developed an integrative approach comprising an initial P300-study in a highly controlled laboratory set-up and a subsequent validation within a realistic driving scenario. Using a simulated dialog with a speech-based input system, increased P300 amplitudes reflected processing of infrequent and incorrect auditory feedback events in both the laboratory setting and the real world setup. Environmental noise and movement-related activity in the car driving scenario led to higher data rejection rates but revealed comparable theta and alpha frequency band pattern. Our results demonstrate the possibility to investigate cognitive functions like context updating in highly artifact prone driving scenarios and encourage the consideration of more realistic task settings in prospective brain imaging approaches

    Cognition in action: Imaging brain/body dynamics in mobile humans

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    We have recently developed a mobile brain imaging method (MoBI), that allows for simultaneous recording of brain and body dynamics of humans actively behaving in and interacting with their environment. A mobile imaging approach was needed to study cognitive processes that are inherently based on the use of human physical structure to obtain behavioral goals. This review gives examples of the tight coupling between human physical structure with cognitive processing and the role of supraspinal activity during control of human stance and locomotion. Existing brain imaging methods for actively behaving participants are described and new sensor technology allowing for mobile recordings of different behavioral states in humans is introduced. Finally, we review recent work demonstrating the feasibility of a MoBI system that was developed at the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience at the University of California, San Diego, demonstrating the range of behavior that can be investigated with this method. Copyright © 2011 by Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Boston

    Human cortical dynamics during full-body heading changes

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    The retrosplenial complex (RSC) plays a crucial role in spatial orientation by computing heading direction and translating between distinct spatial reference frames based on multi-sensory information. While invasive studies allow investigating heading computation in moving animals, established non-invasive analyses of human brain dynamics are restricted to stationary setups. To investigate the role of the RSC in heading computation of actively moving humans, we used a Mobile Brain/Body Imaging approach synchronizing electroencephalography with motion capture and virtual reality. Data from physically rotating participants were contrasted with rotations based only on visual flow. During physical rotation, varying rotation velocities were accompanied by pronounced wide frequency band synchronization in RSC, the parietal and occipital cortices. In contrast, the visual flow rotation condition was associated with pronounced alpha band desynchronization, replicating previous findings in desktop navigation studies, and notably absent during physical rotation. These results suggest an involvement of the human RSC in heading computation based on visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive input and implicate revisiting traditional findings of alpha desynchronization in areas of the navigation network during spatial orientation in movement-restricted participants.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202

    How Pantomime Works: Implications for Theories of Language Origin

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    Pantomime refers to iconic gesturing that is done for communicative purposes in the absence of speech. Gestural theories of the origins of language claim that a stage of pantomime preceded speech as an initial form of referential communication. However, gestural theories conceive of pantomime as a unitary process, and do not distinguish among the various means by which it can be produced. We attempt here to develop a scheme for classifying pantomime based on a proposal of two new sub-categories of pantomime, resulting in a final scheme comprised of five categories of iconic gesturing. We employ the scheme to establish associations between the category of pantomime used and the type of action and/or object being depicted. Based on these associations, we argue that there are two basic modes of pantomiming and that these apply to distinct semantic categories of referents. These modes of pantomiming lead to two alternative models for a gestural origin of language, one based on people and one based on the environment

    EEG Correlates of Spatial Navigation in Patients with Right Hippocampal Lesion: A Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) Study

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    Spatial navigation is a fundamental cognitive function that consists of different cognitive processes such as learning and decision making as well as physical locomotion. In the literature, there is a tendency to focus on cognitive elements of human spatial navigation while the presence of the body and embodied agents are neglected. Being that sensory and motor systems are integrated into the brain mechanisms according to embodied cognition theory, integrating physical movement into navigation research is crucial to investigate brain dynamics underlying human spatial navigation. Using Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) approach, this study aims to understand electroencephalographic (EEG) activity during spatial navigation in actively moving humans. In the present study, 27 participants (9 patients with right hippocampal lesion and 18 healthy matched controls) performed a spatial navigation task in a human virtual analogue of the Morris Water Maze. Subjects were tested in both desktop and MoBI setups. In both study setups, frontal-midline (FM) theta (4-8 Hz) oscillations were examined with high-density EEG. In MoBI, EEG activity was recorded synchronously to motion capture, and the virtual environment was presented by a head-mounted display. EEG data were analyzed by using the event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS) method. Association between FM theta activity and spatial navigation performance was analyzed. Further, we also tested the effect of the study setup on the participant group. By comparing desktop and MoBI setups, the study aims to reveal how dynamics of the brain with hippocampal lesion change under action during spatial navigation compared to a healthy brain.Spatial navigation is a fundamental cognitive function that consists of different cognitive processes such as learning and decision making as well as physical locomotion. In the literature, there is a tendency to focus on cognitive elements of human spatial navigation while the presence of the body and embodied agents are neglected. Being that sensory and motor systems are integrated into the brain mechanisms according to embodied cognition theory, integrating physical movement into navigation research is crucial to investigate brain dynamics underlying human spatial navigation. Using Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) approach, this study aims to understand electroencephalographic (EEG) activity during spatial navigation in actively moving humans. In the present study, 27 participants (9 patients with right hippocampal lesion and 18 healthy matched controls) performed a spatial navigation task in a human virtual analogue of the Morris Water Maze. Subjects were tested in both desktop and MoBI setups. In both study setups, frontal-midline (FM) theta (4-8 Hz) oscillations were examined with high-density EEG. In MoBI, EEG activity was recorded synchronously to motion capture, and the virtual environment was presented by a head-mounted display. EEG data were analyzed by using the event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS) method. Association between FM theta activity and spatial navigation performance was analyzed. Further, we also tested the effect of the study setup on the participant group. By comparing desktop and MoBI setups, the study aims to reveal how dynamics of the brain with hippocampal lesion change under action during spatial navigation compared to a healthy brain