25,774 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management and TQM: An Integrated Approach to Management

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    Knowledge management (KM) is the name given to the set of systematic and disciplined actions that an organisation can take to obtain the greatest value from the knowledge available to it. Knowledge management has received increasing attention from 1990. For a few years, it was the next big thing after business process reengineering and total quality management. This paper describes and compares concepts of KM and TQM. At the end, it concludes that KM and TQM are complementary and to be successful, it is necessary to take an integrated approach to management

    AI management an exploratory survey of the influence of GDPR and FAT principles

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    As organisations increasingly adopt AI technologies, a number of ethical issues arise. Much research focuses on algorithmic bias, but there are other important concerns arising from the new uses of data and the introduction of technologies which may impact individuals. This paper examines the interplay between AI, Data Protection and FAT (Fairness, Accountability and Transparency) principles. We review the potential impact of the GDPR and consider the importance of the management of AI adoption. A survey of data protection experts is presented, the initial analysis of which provides some early insights into the praxis of AI in operational contexts. The findings indicate that organisations are not fully compliant with the GDPR, and that there is limited understanding of the relevance of FAT principles as AI is introduced. Those organisations which demonstrate greater GDPR compliance are likely to take a more cautious, risk-based approach to the introduction of AI

    Knowledge management and organizational learning: Strategies and practices for innovation

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    In a globalised competitive world, organisations are looking for ways to gain or maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Of the important challenges facing firms and organizations three are of prime importance: (1) for organizations to know what they know and maximise the transfer of this knowledge throughout their organisation; (2) finding ways of working which assist in maintaining their competitive advantage and finding new ways of gaining competitive advantage often through innovation, and (3) continuously learning through the exploitation of existing resources and capabilities and the exploration of new resources and capabilities to improve their performance. These challenges are interrelated. This paper investigates some of the extensive literature on innovation and knowledge management and suggests propositions for future research

    Knowledge management and innovation: How are they related?

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    Companies in today’s globalised world must innovate to compete. Many successful companies have found that knowledge management strategies and practices are central to ongoing innovation (Boutellier et al., 1999; David & Foray, 2001; ADLittle, 2001; Tidd et al., 1997). This paper brings together research regarding knowledge management processes and practices that are found in R&D organisations and in other innovative firms. The paper contends that such practices could be employed across a range of firms to enable and enhance the potential for innovation within firms in multiple sectors

    Key factor for hastening the strategic issue diagnosis process: a within organisational model

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    Previous research on Strategic Issue Diagnosis (SID) had focused on the complexity and novelty associated with the decision-making process in a turbulent environment. What had not been previously addressed in the extant literature is the requirement for speed inherent within the SID process, especially that is related to the gathering of information and facts through an organisation’s environmental scanning procedures. Since proactive management techniques, nimble processes, and systems that allow an organisation to be responsive and build rapid decision-making capabilities are important determinants of success in a turbulent environment, the element of speed associated with SID is an important factor. Our paper identifi es a series of propositions focusing att ention on elements of the environmental scanning processes and management hierarchies that are intended to counteract the recursiveness and redundancy inherent in SID systems and ultimately hasten the strategic decision-making process

    Interdisciplinary communication for environmental effectiveness: Forward-looking lessons from leadership, followership and strategic entrepreneurship

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    This article contends that interdisciplinary interactions, and temporal factors, influence communications between environment and organisations in ways that are understudied. It tracks the evolution of one recent interface between strategy and entrepreneurship to illustrate the process in action and to suggest how that hybrid can, in turn, interface with new leadership research to improve organisational responses at a time of fast-moving change. In addition, it makes a case for integrating action learning, action research, and action inquiry, as a method for generating more relevant and forward-looking case material than retrospective studies of past practice