472 research outputs found

    Embedded desingularization of toric varieties

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    We present a new method to achieve an embedded desingularization of a toric variety. Let WW be a regular toric variety defined by a fan Σ\Sigma and X⊂WX\subset W be a toric embedding. We construct a finite sequence of combinatorial blowing-ups such that the final strict transforms X′⊂W′X'\subset W' are regular and X′X' has normal crossing with the exceptional divisor.Comment: Some comments have been corrected and references adde

    A short note on the multiplier ideals of monomial space curves

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    Thompson (2014) exhibits a formula for the multiplier ideal with multiplier lambda of a monomial curve C with ideal I as an intersection of a term coming from the I-adic valuation, the multiplier ideal of the term ideal of I, and terms coming from certain specified auxiliary valuations. This short note shows it suffices to consider only one auxiliary valuation. This improvement is achieved through a more intrinsic approach, reduction to the toric case.Comment: This version adds Corollary 10 and fixes several typo

    Formal Desingularization of Surfaces - The Jung Method Revisited -

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    In this paper we propose the concept of formal desingularizations as a substitute for the resolution of algebraic varieties. Though a usual resolution of algebraic varieties provides more information on the structure of singularities there is evidence that the weaker concept is enough for many computational purposes. We give a detailed study of the Jung method and show how it facilitates an efficient computation of formal desingularizations for projective surfaces over a field of characteristic zero, not necessarily algebraically closed. The paper includes a generalization of Duval's Theorem on rational Puiseux parametrizations to the multivariate case and a detailed description of a system for multivariate algebraic power series computations.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure

    Desingularization in Computational Applications and Experiments

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    After briefly recalling some computational aspects of blowing up and of representation of resolution data common to a wide range of desingularization algorithms (in the general case as well as in special cases like surfaces or binomial varieties), we shall proceed to computational applications of resolution of singularities in singularity theory and algebraic geometry, also touching on relations to algebraic statistics and machine learning. Namely, we explain how to compute the intersection form and dual graph of resolution for surfaces, how to determine discrepancies, the log-canoncial threshold and the topological Zeta-function on the basis of desingularization data. We shall also briefly see how resolution data comes into play for Bernstein-Sato polynomials, and we mention some settings in which desingularization algorithms can be used for computational experiments. The latter is simply an invitation to the readers to think themselves about experiments using existing software, whenever it seems suitable for their own work.Comment: notes of a summer school talk; 16 pages; 1 figur
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