1,847 research outputs found

    Programming Languages For Hard Real-Time Embedded Systems

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    International audienceHard real-time embedded systems have traditionally been implemented using low level programming languages (such as ADA or C) at a level very close to the underlying operating system. However, for several years now the industry has started using higher level modelling languages, at least for early simulation and verification steps. The objective of this paper is to study existing formal languages including high level real-time primitives. Our review is built on the case study of an aerospace automated transfer vehicle, the particularity of which is to be composed of several multi-periodic communicating processes. In this paper, we emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of existing programming approaches when implementing this kind of system. As a result, the choice of the base rate of the program appears to have a major influence, not only on the difficulty to program the system correctly but also on the execution platform required to execute the program (operating system, scheduler, ...)

    SDI satellite autonomy using AI and Ada

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    The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the programming language Ada to help a satellite recover from selected failures that could lead to mission failure are described. An unmanned satellite will have a separate AI subsystem running in parallel with the normal satellite subsystems. A satellite monitoring subsystem (SMS), under the control of a blackboard system, will continuously monitor selected satellite subsystems to become alert to any actual or potential problems. In the case of loss of communications with the earth or the home base, the satellite will go into a survival mode to reestablish communications with the earth. The use of an AI subsystem in this manner would have avoided the tragic loss of the two recent Soviet probes that were sent to investigate the planet Mars and its moons. The blackboard system works in conjunction with an SMS and a reconfiguration control subsystem (RCS). It can be shown to be an effective way for one central control subsystem to monitor and coordinate the activities and loads of many interacting subsystems that may or may not contain redundant and/or fault-tolerant elements. The blackboard system will be coded in Ada using tools such as the ABLE development system and the Ada Production system

    Modeling and Verification for Timing Satisfaction of Fault-Tolerant Systems with Finiteness

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    The increasing use of model-based tools enables further use of formal verification techniques in the context of distributed real-time systems. To avoid state explosion, it is necessary to construct verification models that focus on the aspects under consideration. In this paper, we discuss how we construct a verification model for timing analysis in distributed real-time systems. We (1) give observations concerning restrictions of timed automata to model these systems, (2) formulate mathematical representations on how to perform model-to-model transformation to derive verification models from system models, and (3) propose some theoretical criteria how to reduce the model size. The latter is in particular important, as for the verification of complex systems, an efficient model reflecting the properties of the system under consideration is equally important to the verification algorithm itself. Finally, we present an extension of the model-based development tool FTOS, designed to develop fault-tolerant systems, to demonstrate %the benefits of our approach.Comment: 1. Appear in the 13-th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT'09). 2. Compared to the DS-RT version, we add motivations for editing automata, and footnote that the sketch of editing algo is only applicable in our job-processing element to avoid ambiguity (because actions are chained

    A Practical Approach to Mode Change in Real-Time Systems

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    Towards stronger property preservation in real-time system synthesis

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