76 research outputs found

    Features-based moving objects tracking for smart video surveillances: A review

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    Video surveillance is one of the most active research topics in the computer vision due to the increasing need for security. Although surveillance systems are getting cheaper, the cost of having human operators to monitor the video feed can be very expensive and inefficient. To overcome this problem, the automated visual surveillance system can be used to detect any suspicious activities that require immediate action. The framework of a video surveillance system encompasses a large scope in machine vision, they are background modelling, object detection, moving objects classification, tracking, motion analysis, and require fusion of information from the camera networks. This paper reviews recent techniques used by researchers for detection of moving object detection and tracking in order to solve many surveillance problems. The features and algorithms used for modelling the object appearance and tracking multiple objects in outdoor and indoor environment are also reviewed in this paper. This paper summarizes the recent works done by previous researchers in moving objects tracking for single camera view and multiple cameras views. Nevertheless, despite of the recent progress in surveillance technologies, there still are challenges that need to be solved before the system can come out with a reliable automated video surveillance


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    This article describes a new method for tracking moving objects in the field of multiple cameras. The main feature of the proposed method is the ability to work in real time by significantly reducing procedural complexity. Based on this method, authors developed system to identify and support transport traffic. The results of practical experiments on the system show high accuracy of identification of moving objects, building the exact trajectory of their movement and possibility of them accompanied. Numerous practical experiments confirmed the efficiency of the proposed method in video surveillance systems with up to 8 cameras.Описано новий метод відслідковування рухомих об’єктів в полі зору декількох камер відеоспостереження. Основною особливістю розробленого методу є можливість роботи в режимі реального часу завдяки значному зменшенню процедурної складності. На основі розробленого методу створено систему багатокамерної ідентифікації та супроводу руху транспортних засобів. Результати практичних експериментів щодо роботи системи показують високу точність ідентифікації рухомих об’єктів, побудову точної траєкторії їх руху та можливість їх супроводу. Численні практичні експерименти підтвердили ефективність використання розробленого методу у системах відеоспостереження, що містять до 8 камер

    Bags of Affine Subspaces for Robust Object Tracking

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    We propose an adaptive tracking algorithm where the object is modelled as a continuously updated bag of affine subspaces, with each subspace constructed from the object's appearance over several consecutive frames. In contrast to linear subspaces, affine subspaces explicitly model the origin of subspaces. Furthermore, instead of using a brittle point-to-subspace distance during the search for the object in a new frame, we propose to use a subspace-to-subspace distance by representing candidate image areas also as affine subspaces. Distances between subspaces are then obtained by exploiting the non-Euclidean geometry of Grassmann manifolds. Experiments on challenging videos (containing object occlusions, deformations, as well as variations in pose and illumination) indicate that the proposed method achieves higher tracking accuracy than several recent discriminative trackers.Comment: in International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 201


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    We proposed a method for object tracking employing a particle filter based on color feature method. A histogram‐based framework is used to describe the features. Histograms are useful because they have property that they allow changes in the object appearance while the histograms remain the same. Particle filtering is used because it is very robust for non‐linear and non‐Gaussian dynamic state estimation problems and performs well when clutter and occlusions are present on the image. Bhattacharyya distance is used to weight the samples in the particle filter by comparing each sample’s histogram with a specified target model and it makes the measurement matching and sample’s weight updating more reasonable. The method is capable to track successfully the moving object in different outdoor environment with and without initial positions information, and also, capable to track the moving object in the presence of occlusion using an appearance condition. In this paper, we propose a color features‐based method for object tracking based on the particle filters. The experimental results and data show the feasibility and the effectiveness of our method.International Conference on Power Control and Optimization, 1-3, June 2009, Bali, Indonesi

    Reducing Drift in Parametric Motion Tracking

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    We develop a class of differential motion trackers that automatically stabilize when in finite domains. Most differ-ential trackers compute motion only relative to one previous frame, accumulating errors indefinitely. We estimate pose changes between a set of past frames, and develop a probabilistic framework for integrating those estimates. We use an approximation to the posterior distribution of pose changes as an uncertainty model for parametric motion in order to help arbitrate the use of multiple base frames. We demonstrate this framework on a simple 2D translational tracker and a 3D, 6-degree of freedom tracker


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    Research on biomedical image is a subject that attracted many researchers’ interest. This is because the biomedical image could contain important information to help analyze a disease. One of the existing researches in his field uses dental panoramic radiographs image to detect osteoporosis. The analyzed area is the width of cortical bone. To analyze that area, however, we need to determine the width of the cortical bone. This requires proper segmentation on the dental panoramic radiographs image. This study proposed the integration of watershed and region merging method based on statistical features for cortical bone segmentation on dental panoramic radiographs. Watershed segmentation process was performed using gradient magnitude value from the input image. The watershed image that still has excess segmentation could be solved by region merging based on statistical features. Statistical features used in this study are mean, standard deviation, and variance. The similarity of adjacent regions is measured using weighted Euclidean distance from the statistical feature of the regions. Merging process was executed by incorporating the background regions as many as possible, while keeping the object regions from being merged. The segmentation result has succeeded in forming the contours of the cortical bone. The average value of accuracy is 93.211%, while the average value of sensitivity and specificity is 93.858% and respectively

    Exploring Vision-Based Interfaces: How to Use Your Head in Dual Pointing Tasks

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    The utility of vision-based face tracking for dual pointing tasks is evaluated. We first describe a 3-D face tracking technique based on real-time parametric motion-stereo, which is non-invasive, robust, and self-initialized. The tracker provides a real-time estimate of a ?frontal face ray? whose intersection with the display surface plane is used as a second stream of input for scrolling or pointing, in paral-lel with hand input. We evaluated the performance of com-bined head/hand input on a box selection and coloring task: users selected boxes with one pointer and colors with a second pointer, or performed both tasks with a single pointer. We found that performance with head and one hand was intermediate between single hand performance and dual hand performance. Our results are consistent with previously reported dual hand conflict in symmetric pointing tasks, and suggest that a head-based input stream should be used for asymmetric control