5 research outputs found

    Compiler-Directed Transformation for Higher-Order Stencils

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    As the cost of data movement increasingly dominates performance, developers of finite-volume and finite-difference solutions for partial differential equations (PDEs) are exploring novel higher-order stencils that increase numerical accuracy and computational intensity. This paper describes a new compiler reordering transformation applied to stencil operators that performs partial sums in buffers, and reuses the partial sums in computing multiple results. This optimization has multiple effect son improving stencil performance that are particularly important to higher-order stencils: exploits data reuse, reduces floating-point operations, and exposes efficient SIMD parallelism to backend compilers. We study the benefit of this optimization in the context of Geometric Multigrid (GMG), a widely used method to solvePDEs, using four different Jacobi smoothers built from 7-, 13-, 27-and 125-point stencils. We quantify performance, speedup, andnumerical accuracy, and use the Roofline model to qualify our results. Ultimately, we obtain over 4× speedup on the smoothers themselves and up to a 3× speedup on the multigrid solver. Finally, we demonstrate that high-order multigrid solvers have the potential of reducing total data movement and energy by several orders of magnitude

    Register Optimizations for Stencils on GPUs

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    International audienceThe recent advent of compute-intensive GPU architecture has allowed application developers to explore high-order 3D stencils for better computational accuracy. A common optimization strategy for such stencils is to expose sufficient data reuse by means such as loop unrolling, with the expectation of register-level reuse. However, the resulting code is often highly constrained by register pressure. While current state-of-the-art register allocators are satisfactory for most applications, they are unable to effectively manage register pressure for such complex high-order stencils, resulting in sub-optimal code with a large number of register spills. In this paper, we develop a statement reordering framework that models stencil computations as a DAG of trees with shared leaves, and adapts an optimal scheduling algorithm for minimizing register usage for expression trees. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated through experimental results on a range of stencils extracted from application codes

    Eliminating Redundancies in Sum-of-Product Array Computations

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    Array programming languages such as Fortran 90, High Performance Fortran and ZPL are well-suited to scientic computing because they free the scientist from the responsibility of managing burdensome low-level details that complicate programming in languages like C and Fortran 77. However, these burdensome details are critical to performance, thus necessitating aggressive compilation techniques for their optimization. In this paper, we present a new compiler optimization called Array Subexpression Elimination (ASE) that lets a programmer take advantage of the expressibility aorded by array languages and achieve enviable portability and performance. We design a set of micro-benchmarks that model an important class of computations known as stencils and we report on our implementation of this optimization in the context of this micro-benchmark suite. Our results include a 125% improvement on one of these benchmarks and a 50% average speedup across the suite. Also we show a speedup of 32% improvement on the ZPL port of the NAS MG Parallel Benchmark and a 29% speedup over the handoptimized Fortran version. Further, the compilation time is only negligibly aected

    Modeling for inversion in exploration geophysics

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    Seismic inversion, and more generally geophysical exploration, aims at better understanding the earth's subsurface, which is one of today's most important challenges. Firstly, it contains natural resources that are critical to our technologies such as water, minerals and oil and gas. Secondly, monitoring the subsurface in the context of CO2 sequestration, earthquake detection and global seismology are of major interests with regard to safety and the environment hazards. However, the technologies to monitor the subsurface or find resources are scientifically extremely challenging. Seismic inversion can be formulated as a mathematical optimization problem that minimizes the difference between field recorded data and numerically modeled synthetic data. The process of solving this optimization problem then requires to numerically model, thousands of times, wave-propagation in large three-dimensional representations of part of the earth subsurface. The mathematical and computational complexity of this problem, therefore, calls for software design that abstracts these requirements and facilitates algorithm and software development. My thesis addresses some of the challenges that arise from these problems; mainly the computational cost and access to the right software for research and development. In the first part, I will discuss a performance metric that improves the current runtime-only benchmarks in exploration geophysics. This metric, the roofline model, first provides insight at the hardware level of the performance of a given implementation relative to the maximum achievable performance. Second, this study demonstrates that the choice of numerical discretization has a major impact on the achievable performance depending on the hardware at hand and shows that a flexible framework with respect to the discretization parameters is necessary. In the second part, I will introduce and describe Devito, a symbolic finite-difference DSL that provides a high-level interface to the definition of partial differential equations (PDE) such as the wave equation. Devito, from the symbolic definition of PDEs, then generates and compiles highly optimized C code on-the-fly to compute the solution of the PDE. The combination of the high-level abstractions and the just-in-time compiler enable research for geophysical exploration and PDE-constrainted optimization based on the paradigm of separation of concerns. This allows researchers to concentrate on their respective field of study while having access to computationally performant solvers with a flexible and easy to use interface to successfully implement complex representations of the physics. The second part of my thesis will be split into two sub-parts; first describing the symbolic application programming interface (API), before describing and benchmarking the just-in-time compiler. I will end my thesis with concluding remarks, the latest developments and a brief description of projects that were enabled by Devito.Ph.D