6,565 research outputs found

    Compatible finite element methods for numerical weather prediction

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    This article takes the form of a tutorial on the use of a particular class of mixed finite element methods, which can be thought of as the finite element extension of the C-grid staggered finite difference method. The class is often referred to as compatible finite elements, mimetic finite elements, discrete differential forms or finite element exterior calculus. We provide an elementary introduction in the case of the one-dimensional wave equation, before summarising recent results in applications to the rotating shallow water equations on the sphere, before taking an outlook towards applications in three-dimensional compressible dynamical cores.Comment: To appear in ECMWF Seminar proceedings 201

    The Structure of Differential Invariants and Differential Cut Elimination

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    The biggest challenge in hybrid systems verification is the handling of differential equations. Because computable closed-form solutions only exist for very simple differential equations, proof certificates have been proposed for more scalable verification. Search procedures for these proof certificates are still rather ad-hoc, though, because the problem structure is only understood poorly. We investigate differential invariants, which define an induction principle for differential equations and which can be checked for invariance along a differential equation just by using their differential structure, without having to solve them. We study the structural properties of differential invariants. To analyze trade-offs for proof search complexity, we identify more than a dozen relations between several classes of differential invariants and compare their deductive power. As our main results, we analyze the deductive power of differential cuts and the deductive power of differential invariants with auxiliary differential variables. We refute the differential cut elimination hypothesis and show that, unlike standard cuts, differential cuts are fundamental proof principles that strictly increase the deductive power. We also prove that the deductive power increases further when adding auxiliary differential variables to the dynamics

    A Complete Axiomatization of Quantified Differential Dynamic Logic for Distributed Hybrid Systems

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    We address a fundamental mismatch between the combinations of dynamics that occur in cyber-physical systems and the limited kinds of dynamics supported in analysis. Modern applications combine communication, computation, and control. They may even form dynamic distributed networks, where neither structure nor dimension stay the same while the system follows hybrid dynamics, i.e., mixed discrete and continuous dynamics. We provide the logical foundations for closing this analytic gap. We develop a formal model for distributed hybrid systems. It combines quantified differential equations with quantified assignments and dynamic dimensionality-changes. We introduce a dynamic logic for verifying distributed hybrid systems and present a proof calculus for this logic. This is the first formal verification approach for distributed hybrid systems. We prove that our calculus is a sound and complete axiomatization of the behavior of distributed hybrid systems relative to quantified differential equations. In our calculus we have proven collision freedom in distributed car control even when an unbounded number of new cars may appear dynamically on the road

    The Differential Scheme and Quantum Computation

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    It is well-known that standard models of computation are representable as simple dynamical systems that evolve in discrete time, and that systems that evolve in continuous time are often representable by dynamical systems governed by ordinary differential equations. In many applications, e.g., molecular networks and hybrid Fermi-Pasta-Ulam systems, one must work with dynamical systems comprising both discrete and continuous components. Reasoning about and verifying the properties of the evolving state of such systems is currently a piecemeal affair that depends on the nature of major components of a system: e.g., discrete vs. continuous components of state, discrete vs. continuous time, local vs. distributed clocks, classical vs. quantum states and state evolution. We present the Differential Scheme as a unifying framework for reasoning about and verifying the properties of the evolving state of a system, whether the system in question evolves in discrete time, as for standard models of computation, or continuous time, or a combination of both. We show how instances of the differential scheme can accommodate classical computation. We also generalize a relatively new model of quantum computation, the quantum cellular automaton, with an eye towards extending the differential scheme to accommodate quantum computation and hybrid classical/quantum computation. All the components of a specific instance of the differential scheme are Convergence Spaces. Convergence spaces generalize notions of continuity and convergence. The category of convergence spaces, Conv, subsumes both simple discrete structures (e.g., digraphs), and complex continuous structures (e.g., topological spaces, domains, and the standard fields of analysis: R and C). We present novel uses for convergence spaces, and extend their theory by defining differential calculi on Conv. It is to the use of convergence spaces that the differential scheme owes its generality and flexibility

    Functional Analysis and Exterior Calculus on Mixed-Dimensional Geometries

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    We are interested in differential forms on mixed-dimensional geometries, in the sense of a domain containing sets of dd-dimensional manifolds, structured hierarchically so that each dd-dimensional manifold is contained in the boundary of one or more d+1d + 1 dimensional manifolds. On any given dd-dimensional manifold, we then consider differential operators tangent to the manifold as well as discrete differential operators (jumps) normal to the manifold. The combined action of these operators leads to the notion of a semi-discrete differential operator coupling manifolds of different dimensions. We refer to the resulting systems of equations as mixed-dimensional, which have become a popular modeling technique for physical applications including fractured and composite materials. We establish analytical tools in the mixed-dimensional setting, including suitable inner products, differential and codifferential operators, Poincar\'e lemma, and Poincar\'e--Friedrichs inequality. The manuscript is concluded by defining the mixed-dimensional minimization problem corresponding to the Hodge-Laplacian, and we show that this minimization problem is well-posed
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