360 research outputs found

    Novel pneumatic circuit for the computational control of soft robots

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    Soft robots are of significant research interest in recent decades due to their adaptability to unstructured environments and safe interaction with humans. Soft pneumatic robots, one of the most dominant subsets of soft robots, utilize the interaction between soft elastomeric materials and pressurized air to achieve desired functions. However, the systems currently used for signal computation and pneumatic regulation often make use of rigid valves, pumps, syringe drivers, microcontrollers et al. These bulky and non-integrable devices limit the performance of pneumatically-driven soft robots, carrying challenges for the robot to be miniaturized, untethered, and agile. This DPhil aims to develop pneumatic circuits that can be integrated into the soft robot bodies while performing both onboard computation and control. This thesis presents our contributions towards the aforementioned objective step by step. Firstly, we designed a 3D-printable bistable valve with tunable behaviours for controlling soft pneumatic robots. As an integrable control device, the valve stores one bit of binary information without requiring a constant energy supply and correspondingly controls a pneumatic chamber. Secondly, in order to reduce the number of valves required to control multi-chamber soft robots, we introduced a modular approach to design multi-channel bistable valves based on the previous work. Thirdly, in order to achieve continuous pressure modulation with integrable devices, we designed a soft proportional valve, utilizing the continuous deformation of Magnetorheological Elastomer (MRE) under magnetic flux. Apart from the analogue activation manner, this design also ensures a fast response time, operating at a time scale of tens of milliseconds, much shorter than the mechanical response time of most soft pneumatic actuators. Fourthly, to achieve onboard proportional control of multi-chamber soft robots, we developed an MRE valve array with an embedded cooling chamber. Physical experiments showed that our MRE valve array ensured the independence and accuracy of each valve unit within it, with a significantly lowered temperature of 73.9 o^oC under 5 minutes of operation. Lastly, we developed an open-source software toolbox supporting the design of integrable pneumatic logic circuits to enhance their accessibility and performance. The toolbox comes with a graphical user interface (GUI) to take users' desired logic functions in the form of a truth table and a set of 2D space constraints related to the available space onboard the robot. It then schedules the pneumatic circuit which performs the desired computation within the space constraints and produces a 3D-printable CAD file that can be fabricated and used directly. The work presented in this thesis enables the community to simplify the process of integrating control devices into soft pneumatic robots, thereby paving the way for a new generation of fully untethered and autonomous soft robots

    Pneumatic Latched Demultiplexer Circuit for Controlling Multi-Actuator Soft Robots

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    This thesis presents a novel method for controlling multi-actuator soft robots using pneumatic latched demultiplexer circuits implemented with monolithic membrane valves. The pneumatic circuits are designed to address the problems of heavy dependence on hard electrical components and lack of feasible multi-actuator soft robotic systems that limit the potential applications of soft robotics. The proposed pneumatic demultiplexers reduce the number of solenoid valves and electrical components required to drive soft robotic systems, making soft robot control mechanisms more compliant, scalable, and versatile. The thesis demonstrates the design, fabrication, and testing of 4-bit and n-bit pneumatic demultiplexer circuits that can control 16-actuator and 2n-actuator soft robotic systems respectively. The thesis also evaluates the performance and functionality of the pneumatic circuits and discusses their potential applications in various fields of soft robotics

    Modular soft pneumatic actuator system design for compliance matching

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    The future of robotics is personal. Never before has technology been as pervasive as it is today, with advanced mobile electronics hardware and multi-level network connectivity pushing âsmartâ devices deeper into our daily lives through home automation systems, virtual assistants, and wearable activity monitoring. As the suite of personal technology around us continues to grow in this way, augmenting and offloading the burden of routine activities of daily living, the notion that this trend will extend to robotics seems inevitable. Transitioning robots from their current principal domain of industrial factory settings to domestic, workplace, or public environments is not simply a matter of relocation or reprogramming, however. The key differences between âtraditionalâ types of robots and those which would best serve personal, proximal, human interactive applications demand a new approach to their design. Chief among these are requirements for safety, adaptability, reliability, reconfigurability, and to a more practical extent, usability. These properties frame the context and objectives of my thesis work, which seeks to provide solutions and answers to not only how these features might be achieved in personal robotic systems, but as well what benefits they can afford. I approach the investigation of these questions from a perspective of compliance matching of hardware systems to their applications, by providing methods to achieve mechanical attributes complimentary to their environment and end-use. These features are fundamental to the burgeoning field of Soft Robotics, wherein flexible, compliant materials are used as the basis for the structure, actuation, sensing, and control of complete robotic systems. Combined with pressurized air as a power source, soft pneumatic actuator (SPA) based systems offers new and novel methods of exploiting the intrinsic compliance of soft material components in robotic systems. While this strategy seems to answer many of the needs for human-safe robotic applications, it also brings new questions and challenges: What are the needs and applications personal robots may best serve? Are soft pneumatic actuators capable of these tasks, or âusefulâ work output and performance? How can SPA based systems be applied to provide complex functionality needed for operation in diverse, real-world environments? What are the theoretical and practical challenges in implementing scalable, multiple degrees of freedom systems, and how can they be overcome? I present solutions to these problems in my thesis work, elucidated through scientific design, testing and evaluation of robotic prototypes which leverage and demonstrate three key features: 1) Intrinsic compliance: provided by passive elastic and flexible component material properties, 2) Extrinsic compliance: rendered through high number of independent, controllable degrees of freedom, and 3) Complementary design: exhibited by modular, plug and play architectures which combine both attributes to achieve compliant systems. Through these core projects and others listed below I have been engaged in soft robotic technology, its application, and solutions to the challenges which are critical to providing a path forward within the soft robotics field, as well as for the future of personal robotics as a whole toward creating a better society

    Developing Design and Analysis Framework for Hybrid Mechanical-Digital Control of Soft Robots: from Mechanics-Based Motion Sequencing to Physical Reservoir Computing

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    The recent advances in the field of soft robotics have made autonomous soft robots working in unstructured dynamic environments a close reality. These soft robots can potentially collaborate with humans without causing any harm, they can handle fragile objects safely, perform delicate surgeries inside body, etc. In our research we focus on origami based compliant mechanisms, that can be used as soft robotic skeleton. Origami mechanisms are inherently compliant, lightweight, compact, and possess unique mechanical properties such as– multi-stability, nonlinear dynamics, etc. Researchers have shown that multi-stable mechanisms have applications in motion-sequencing applications. Additionally, the nonlinear dynamic properties of origami and other soft, compliant mechanisms are shown to be useful for ‘morphological computation’ in which the body of the robot itself takes part in performing complex computations required for its control. In our research we demonstrate the motion-sequencing capability of multi-stable mechanisms through the example of bistable Kresling origami robot that is capable of peristaltic locomotion. Through careful theoretical analysis and thorough experiments, we show that we can harness multistability embedded in the origami robotic skeleton for generating actuation cycle of a peristaltic-like locomotion gait. The salient feature of this compliant robot is that we need only a single linear actuator to control the total length of the robot, and the snap-through actions generated during this motion autonomously change the individual segment lengths that lead to earthworm-like peristaltic locomotion gait. In effect, the motion-sequencing is hard-coded or embedded in the origami robot skeleton. This approach is expected to reduce the control requirement drastically as the robotic skeleton itself takes part in performing low-level control tasks. The soft robots that work in dynamic environments should be able to sense their surrounding and adapt their behavior autonomously to perform given tasks successfully. Thus, hard-coding a certain behavior as in motion-sequencing is not a viable option anymore. This led us to explore Physical Reservoir Computing (PRC), a computational framework that uses a physical body with nonlinear properties as a ‘dynamic reservoir’ for performing complex computations. The compliant robot ‘trained’ using this framework should be able to sense its surroundings and respond to them autonomously via an extensive network of sensor-actuator network embedded in robotic skeleton. We show for the first time through extensive numerical analysis that origami mechanisms can work as physical reservoirs. We also successfully demonstrate the emulation task using a Miura-ori based reservoir. The results of this work will pave the way for intelligently designed origami-based robots with embodied intelligence. These next generation of soft robots will be able to coordinate and modulate their activities autonomously such as switching locomotion gait and resisting external disturbances while navigating through unstructured environments

    Volume 3 – Conference

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    We are pleased to present the conference proceedings for the 12th edition of the International Fluid Power Conference (IFK). The IFK is one of the world’s most significant scientific conferences on fluid power control technology and systems. It offers a common platform for the presentation and discussion of trends and innovations to manufacturers, users and scientists. The Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems at the TU Dresden is organizing and hosting the IFK for the sixth time. Supporting hosts are the Fluid Power Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Dresdner Verein zur Förderung der Fluidtechnik e. V. (DVF) and GWT-TUD GmbH. The organization and the conference location alternates every two years between the Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems in Dresden and the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems in Aachen. The symposium on the first day is dedicated to presentations focused on methodology and fundamental research. The two following conference days offer a wide variety of application and technology orientated papers about the latest state of the art in fluid power. It is this combination that makes the IFK a unique and excellent forum for the exchange of academic research and industrial application experience. A simultaneously ongoing exhibition offers the possibility to get product information and to have individual talks with manufacturers. The theme of the 12th IFK is “Fluid Power – Future Technology”, covering topics that enable the development of 5G-ready, cost-efficient and demand-driven structures, as well as individual decentralized drives. Another topic is the real-time data exchange that allows the application of numerous predictive maintenance strategies, which will significantly increase the availability of fluid power systems and their elements and ensure their improved lifetime performance. We create an atmosphere for casual exchange by offering a vast frame and cultural program. This includes a get-together, a conference banquet, laboratory festivities and some physical activities such as jogging in Dresden’s old town.:Group 8: Pneumatics Group 9 | 11: Mobile applications Group 10: Special domains Group 12: Novel system architectures Group 13 | 15: Actuators & sensors Group 14: Safety & reliabilit

    Hydrogel-based logic circuits for planar microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip automation

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    The transport of vital nutrient supply in fluids as well as the exchange of specific chemical signals from cell to cell has been optimized over billion years of natural evolution. This model from nature is a driving factor in the field of microfluidics, which investigates the manipulation of the smallest amounts of fluid with the aim of applying these effects in fluidic microsystems for technical solutions. Currently, microfluidic systems are receiving attention, especially in diagnostics, \textit{e.g.} as SARS-CoV-2 antigen tests, or in the field of high-throughput analysis, \textit{e.g.} for cancer research. Either simple-to-use or large-scale integrated microfluidic systems that perform biological and chemical laboratory investigations on a so called Lab-on-a-Chip (LoC) provide fast analysis, high functionality, outstanding reproducibility at low cost per sample, and small demand of reagents due to system miniaturization. Despite the great progress of different LoC technology platforms in the last 30 years, there is still a lack of standardized microfluidic components, as well as a high-performance, fully integrated on-chip automation. Quite promising for the microfluidic system design is the similarity of the Kirchhoff's laws from electronics to predict pressure and flow rate in microchannel structures. One specific LoC platform technology approach controls fluids by active polymers which respond to specific physical and chemical signals in the fluid. Analogue to (micro-)electronics, these active polymer materials can be realized by various photolithographic and micro patterning methods to generate functional elements at high scalability. The so called chemofluidic circuits have a high-functional potential and provide “real” on-chip automation, but are complex in system design. In this work, an advanced circuit concept for the planar microfluidic chip architecture, originating from the early era of the semiconductor-based resistor-transistor-logic (RTL) will be presented. Beginning with the state of the art of microfluidic technologies, materials, and methods of this work will be further described. Then the preferred fabrication technology is evaluated and various microfluidic components are discussed in function and design. The most important component to be characterized is the hydrogel-based chemical volume phase transition transistor (CVPT) which is the key to approach microfluidic logic gate operations. This circuit concept (CVPT-RTL) is robust and simple in design, feasible with common materials and manufacturing techniques. Finally, application scenarios for the CVPT-RTL concept are presented and further development recommendations are proposed.:1 The transistor: invention of the 20th century 2 Introduction to fluidic microsystems and the theoretical basics 2.1 Fluidic systems at the microscale 2.2 Overview of microfluidic chip fabrication 2.2.1 Common substrate materials for fluidic microsystems 2.2.2 Structuring polymer substrates for microfluidics 2.2.3 Polymer chip bonding technologies 2.3 Fundamentals and microfluidic transport processes 2.3.1 Fluid dynamics in miniaturized systems 2.3.2 Hagen-Poiseuille law: the fluidic resistance 2.3.3 Electronic and microfluidic circuit model analogy 2.3.4 Limits of the electro-fluidic analogy 2.4 Active components for microfluidic control 2.4.1 Fluid transport by integrated micropumps 2.4.2 Controlling fluids by on-chip microvalves 2.4.3 Hydrogel-based microvalve archetypes 2.5 LoC technologies: lost in translation? 2.6 Microfluidic platforms providing logic operations 2.6.1 Hybrids: MEMS-based logic concepts 2.6.2 Intrinsic logic operators for microfluidic circuits 2.7 Research objective: microfluidic hydrogel-based logic circuits 3 Stimuli-responsive polymers for microfluidics 3.1 Introduction to hydrogels 3.1.1 Application variety of hydrogels 3.1.2 Hydrogel microstructuring methods 3.2 Theory: stimuli-responsive hydrogels 3.3 PNIPAAm: a multi-responsive hydrogel 4 Design, production and characterization methods of hydrogel-based microfluidic systems 4.1 The semi-automated computer aided design approach for microfluidic systems 4.2 The applied design process 4.3 Fabrication of microfluidic chips 4.3.1 Photoresist master fabrication 4.3.2 Soft lithography for PDMS chip production 4.3.3 Assembling PDMS chips by plasma bonding 4.4 Integration of functional hydrogels in microfluidic chips 4.4.1 Preparation of a monomer solution for hydrogel synthesis 4.4.2 Integration methods 4.5 Effects on hydrogel photopolymerization and the role of integration method 4.5.1 Photopolymerization from monomer solutions: managing the diffusion of free radicals 4.5.2 Hydrogel adhesion and UV light intensity distribution in the polymerization chamber 4.5.3 Hydrogel shrinkage behavior of different adhesion types 4.6 Comparison of the integration methods 4.7 Characterization setups for hydrogel actuators and microfluidic measurements . 71 4.7.1 Optical characterization method to describe swelling behavior 4.7.2 Setup of a microfluidic test stand 4.8 Conclusion: design, production and characterization methods 5 VLSI technology for hydrogel-based microfluidics 5.1 Overview of photolithography methods 5.2 Standard UV photolithography system for microfluidic structures 5.3 Self-made UV lithography system suitable for the mVLSI 5.3.1 Lithography setup for the DFR and SU-8 master exposure 5.3.2 Comparison of mask-based UV induced crosslinking for DFR and SU-8 5.4 Mask-based UV photopolymerization for mVLSI hydrogel patterning 5.4.1 Lithography setup for the photopolymerization of hydrogels 5.4.2 Hydrogel photopolymerization: experiments and results 5.4.3 Troubleshooting: photopolymerization of hydrogels 5.5 Conclusion: mVLSI technologies for hydrogel-based LoCs 6 Components for chemofluidic circuit design 6.1 Passive components in microfluidics 6.1.1 Microfluidic resistor 6.1.2 Planar-passive microfluidic signal mixer 6.1.3 Phase separation: laminar flow signal splitter 6.1.4 Hydrogel-based microfluidic one-directional valves 6.2 Hydrogel-based active components 6.2.1 Reversible hydrogel-based valves 6.2.2 Hydrogel-based variable resistors 6.2.3 CVPT: the microfluidic transistor 6.3 Conclusion: components for chemofluidic circuits 7 Hydrogel-based logic circuits in planar microfluidics 7.1 Development of a planar CVPT logic concept 7.1.1 Challenges of planar microfluidics 7.1.2 Preparatory work and conceptional basis 7.2 The microfluidic CVPT-RTL concept 7.3 The CVPT-RTL NAND gate 7.3.1 Circuit optimization stabilizing the NAND operating mode 7.3.2 Role of laminar flow for the CVPT-RTL concept 7.3.3 Hydrogel-based components for improved switching reliability 7.4 One design fits all: the NOR, AND and OR gate 7.5 Control measures for cascaded systems 7.6 Application scenarios for the CVPT-RTL concept 7.6.1 Use case: automated cell growth system 7.6.2 Use case: chemofluidic converter 7.7 Conclusion: Hydrogel-based logic circuits 8 Summary and outlook 8.1 Scientific achievements 8.2 Summarized recommendations from this work Supplementary information SI.1 Swelling degree of BIS-pNIPAAm gels SI.2 Simulated ray tracing of UV lithography setup by WinLens® SI.3 Determination of the resolution using the intercept theorem SI.4 Microfluidic master mold test structures SI.4.1 Polymer and glass mask comparison SI.4.2 Resolution Siemens star in DFR SI.4.3 Resolution Siemens star in SU-8 SI.4.4 Integration test array 300 μm for DFR and SU-8 SI.4.5 Integration test array 100 μm for SU-8 SI.4.6 Microfluidic structure for different technology parameters SI.5 Microfluidic test setups SI.6 Supplementary information: microfluidic components SI.6.1 Compensation methods for flow stabilization in microfluidic chips SI.6.2 Planar-passive microfluidic signal mixer SI.6.3 Laminar flow signal splitter SI.6.4 Variable fluidic resistors: flow rate characteristics SI.6.5 CVPT flow rate characteristics for high Rout Standard operation proceduresDer Transport von lebenswichtigen Nährstoffen in Flüssigkeiten sowie der Austausch spezifischer chemischer Signale von Zelle zu Zelle wurde in Milliarden Jahren natürlicher Evolution optimiert. Dieses Vorbild aus der Natur ist ein treibender Faktor im Fachgebiet der Mikrofluidik, welches die Manipulation kleinster Flüssigkeitsmengen erforscht um diese Effekte in fluidischen Mikrosystemen für technische Lösungen zu nutzen. Derzeit finden mikrofluidische Systeme vor allem in der Diagnostik, z.B. wie SARS-CoV-2-Antigentests, oder im Bereich der Hochdurchsatzanalyse, z.B. in der Krebsforschung, besondere Beachtung. Entweder einfach zu bedienende oder hochintegrierte mikrofluidische Systeme, die biologische und chemische Laboruntersuchungen auf einem sogenannten Lab-on-a-Chip (LoC) durchführen, bieten schnelle Analysen, hohe Funktionalität, hervorragende Reproduzierbarkeit bei niedrigen Kosten pro Probe und einen geringen Bedarf an Reagenzien durch die Miniaturisierung des Systems. Trotz des großen Fortschritts verschiedener LoC-Technologieplattformen in den letzten 30 Jahren mangelt es noch an standardisierten mikrofluidischen Komponenten sowie an einer leistungsstarken, vollintegrierten On-Chip-Automatisierung. Vielversprechend für das Design mikrofluidischer Systeme ist die Ähnlichkeit der Kirchhoff'schen Gesetze aus der Elektronik zur Vorhersage von Druck und Flussrate in Mikrokanalstrukturen. Ein spezifischer Ansatz der LoC-Plattformtechnologie steuert Flüssigkeiten durch aktive Polymere, die auf spezifische physikalische und chemische Signale in der Flüssigkeit reagieren. Analog zur (Mikro-)Elektronik können diese aktiven Polymermaterialien durch verschiedene fotolithografische und mikrostrukturelle Methoden realisiert werden, um funktionelle Elemente mit hoher Skalierbarkeit zu erzeugen.\\ Die sogenannten chemofluidischen Schaltungen haben ein hohes funktionales Potenzial und ermöglichen eine 'wirkliche' on-chip Automatisierung, sind jedoch komplex im Systemdesign. In dieser Arbeit wird ein fortgeschrittenes Schaltungskonzept für eine planare mikrofluidische Chiparchitektur vorgestellt, das aus der frühen Ära der halbleiterbasierten Resistor-Transistor-Logik (RTL) hervorgeht. Beginnend mit dem Stand der Technik der mikrofluidischen Technologien, werden Materialien und Methoden dieser Arbeit näher beschrieben. Daraufhin wird die bevorzugte Herstellungstechnologie bewertet und verschiedene mikrofluidische Komponenten werden in Funktion und Design diskutiert. Die wichtigste Komponente, die es zu charakterisieren gilt, ist der auf Hydrogel basierende chemische Volumen-Phasenübergangstransistor (CVPT), der den Schlüssel zur Realisierung mikrofluidische Logikgatteroperationen darstellt. Dieses Schaltungskonzept (CVPT-RTL) ist robust und einfach im Design und kann mit gängigen Materialien und Fertigungstechniken realisiert werden. Zuletzt werden Anwendungsszenarien für das CVPT-RTL-Konzept vorgestellt und Empfehlungen für die fortlaufende Entwicklung angestellt.:1 The transistor: invention of the 20th century 2 Introduction to fluidic microsystems and the theoretical basics 2.1 Fluidic systems at the microscale 2.2 Overview of microfluidic chip fabrication 2.2.1 Common substrate materials for fluidic microsystems 2.2.2 Structuring polymer substrates for microfluidics 2.2.3 Polymer chip bonding technologies 2.3 Fundamentals and microfluidic transport processes 2.3.1 Fluid dynamics in miniaturized systems 2.3.2 Hagen-Poiseuille law: the fluidic resistance 2.3.3 Electronic and microfluidic circuit model analogy 2.3.4 Limits of the electro-fluidic analogy 2.4 Active components for microfluidic control 2.4.1 Fluid transport by integrated micropumps 2.4.2 Controlling fluids by on-chip microvalves 2.4.3 Hydrogel-based microvalve archetypes 2.5 LoC technologies: lost in translation? 2.6 Microfluidic platforms providing logic operations 2.6.1 Hybrids: MEMS-based logic concepts 2.6.2 Intrinsic logic operators for microfluidic circuits 2.7 Research objective: microfluidic hydrogel-based logic circuits 3 Stimuli-responsive polymers for microfluidics 3.1 Introduction to hydrogels 3.1.1 Application variety of hydrogels 3.1.2 Hydrogel microstructuring methods 3.2 Theory: stimuli-responsive hydrogels 3.3 PNIPAAm: a multi-responsive hydrogel 4 Design, production and characterization methods of hydrogel-based microfluidic systems 4.1 The semi-automated computer aided design approach for microfluidic systems 4.2 The applied design process 4.3 Fabrication of microfluidic chips 4.3.1 Photoresist master fabrication 4.3.2 Soft lithography for PDMS chip production 4.3.3 Assembling PDMS chips by plasma bonding 4.4 Integration of functional hydrogels in microfluidic chips 4.4.1 Preparation of a monomer solution for hydrogel synthesis 4.4.2 Integration methods 4.5 Effects on hydrogel photopolymerization and the role of integration method 4.5.1 Photopolymerization from monomer solutions: managing the diffusion of free radicals 4.5.2 Hydrogel adhesion and UV light intensity distribution in the polymerization chamber 4.5.3 Hydrogel shrinkage behavior of different adhesion types 4.6 Comparison of the integration methods 4.7 Characterization setups for hydrogel actuators and microfluidic measurements . 71 4.7.1 Optical characterization method to describe swelling behavior 4.7.2 Setup of a microfluidic test stand 4.8 Conclusion: design, production and characterization methods 5 VLSI technology for hydrogel-based microfluidics 5.1 Overview of photolithography methods 5.2 Standard UV photolithography system for microfluidic structures 5.3 Self-made UV lithography system suitable for the mVLSI 5.3.1 Lithography setup for the DFR and SU-8 master exposure 5.3.2 Comparison of mask-based UV induced crosslinking for DFR and SU-8 5.4 Mask-based UV photopolymerization for mVLSI hydrogel patterning 5.4.1 Lithography setup for the photopolymerization of hydrogels 5.4.2 Hydrogel photopolymerization: experiments and results 5.4.3 Troubleshooting: photopolymerization of hydrogels 5.5 Conclusion: mVLSI technologies for hydrogel-based LoCs 6 Components for chemofluidic circuit design 6.1 Passive components in microfluidics 6.1.1 Microfluidic resistor 6.1.2 Planar-passive microfluidic signal mixer 6.1.3 Phase separation: laminar flow signal splitter 6.1.4 Hydrogel-based microfluidic one-directional valves 6.2 Hydrogel-based active components 6.2.1 Reversible hydrogel-based valves 6.2.2 Hydrogel-based variable resistors 6.2.3 CVPT: the microfluidic transistor 6.3 Conclusion: components for chemofluidic circuits 7 Hydrogel-based logic circuits in planar microfluidics 7.1 Development of a planar CVPT logic concept 7.1.1 Challenges of planar microfluidics 7.1.2 Preparatory work and conceptional basis 7.2 The microfluidic CVPT-RTL concept 7.3 The CVPT-RTL NAND gate 7.3.1 Circuit optimization stabilizing the NAND operating mode 7.3.2 Role of laminar flow for the CVPT-RTL concept 7.3.3 Hydrogel-based components for improved switching reliability 7.4 One design fits all: the NOR, AND and OR gate 7.5 Control measures for cascaded systems 7.6 Application scenarios for the CVPT-RTL concept 7.6.1 Use case: automated cell growth system 7.6.2 Use case: chemofluidic converter 7.7 Conclusion: Hydrogel-based logic circuits 8 Summary and outlook 8.1 Scientific achievements 8.2 Summarized recommendations from this work Supplementary information SI.1 Swelling degree of BIS-pNIPAAm gels SI.2 Simulated ray tracing of UV lithography setup by WinLens® SI.3 Determination of the resolution using the intercept theorem SI.4 Microfluidic master mold test structures SI.4.1 Polymer and glass mask comparison SI.4.2 Resolution Siemens star in DFR SI.4.3 Resolution Siemens star in SU-8 SI.4.4 Integration test array 300 μm for DFR and SU-8 SI.4.5 Integration test array 100 μm for SU-8 SI.4.6 Microfluidic structure for different technology parameters SI.5 Microfluidic test setups SI.6 Supplementary information: microfluidic components SI.6.1 Compensation methods for flow stabilization in microfluidic chips SI.6.2 Planar-passive microfluidic signal mixer SI.6.3 Laminar flow signal splitter SI.6.4 Variable fluidic resistors: flow rate characteristics SI.6.5 CVPT flow rate characteristics for high Rout Standard operation procedure

    Software framework for high precision motion control applications

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    Developing a motion control system requires much effort in different domains. Namely control, electronics and software engineering. In addition to these, there are the system requirements which may be completely different to these spanning from biomedical engineering to psychology. Collaboration between these fields is vital, however these fields should be involved only as much as they are needed to be in the fields of expertise of the others. Several software frameworks exist for the creation of robotics applications. But currently there is no standard for the creation of mechatronics systems nor is there a complete software package that can deal with all aspects in the programming of such systems. Existing frameworks each have their advantages and disadvantages, however they generally have limited or no dedicated structure for the development of the motion control aspect of the problem and deal extensively with the robotenvironment interactions and inter mechanism communications. Dealing with the higher levels of the problem, they are usually not well suited for hard realtime; since the interactions can run on soft realtime constraints. The software framework proposed in this study aims to achieve a level of abstraction between the different domains utilized within a system. The aim in using the framework is to achieve a sustainable software structure for the system. Sustainability is an important part of systems, as it permits a system to evolve with changing requirements and variable hardware, with the ultimate goal of having robust software that can be utilized on different platforms and with other systems using an abstraction layer between the hardware and the software. This ensures that the system can be migrated from a processing platform to any other platform and also from one set of hardware to another. The framework was tested on several systems that have precision motion control requirements such as a 10 degree of freedom micro assembly workstation, a modular micro factory and a haptic system with time delay. Each of the systems works in di erent processing platforms and have different motion control requirements. The achieved results from the implementations show that the software framework is an important tool for the development of motion control software