324,508 research outputs found

    Solar Roller - Solar Powered USB Charging Station

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    As the necessity for renewable energy increases, solar power becomes more and more prevalent. At the same time, as technology increases, the necessity for charging one’s electronic devices also increases. The Solar Roller merges solar energy with the ability to charge one\u27s electronic device in one compact cart. The Solar Roller is a solar-powered USB charging station that allows people of all backgrounds to develop a better understanding of alternative fuels, while charging their USB device. It has a touch screen display that provides voltage levels of the battery as well as a TV that displays solar powered information. The goal is to create a useful solar-powered system to charge people’s devices, while providing information about the opportunities that solar power can provide

    Target Acquisition in Multiscale Electronic Worlds

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    Since the advent of graphical user interfaces, electronic information has grown exponentially, whereas the size of screen displays has stayed almost the same. Multiscale interfaces were designed to address this mismatch, allowing users to adjust the scale at which they interact with information objects. Although the technology has progressed quickly, the theory has lagged behind. Multiscale interfaces pose a stimulating theoretical challenge, reformulating the classic target-acquisition problem from the physical world into an infinitely rescalable electronic world. We address this challenge by extending Fitts’ original pointing paradigm: we introduce the scale variable, thus defining a multiscale pointing paradigm. This article reports on our theoretical and empirical results. We show that target-acquisition performance in a zooming interface must obey Fitts’ law, and more specifically, that target-acquisition time must be proportional to the index of difficulty. Moreover, we complement Fitts’ law by accounting for the effect of view size on pointing performance, showing that performance bandwidth is proportional to view size, up to a ceiling effect. The first empirical study shows that Fitts’ law does apply to a zoomable interface for indices of difficulty up to and beyond 30 bits, whereas classical Fitts’ law studies have been confined in the 2-10 bit range. The second study demonstrates a strong interaction between view size and task difficulty for multiscale pointing, and shows a surprisingly low ceiling. We conclude with implications of these findings for the design of multiscale user interfaces

    Влияние развития информационных технологий на жизненный цикл электронного ресурса

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    В роботі розглянуто вплив розвитку інформаційних технологій на етапи життєвого циклу електронних ресурсів. Визначено етапи життєвого циклу електронного ресурсу та ознаки, коли інновації в галузі інформаційних технологій починають негативно впливати на функціонування ресурсу. З метою покращення експлуатаційних характеристик та ефективності електронного ресурсу зроблено редизайн сайту. В роботі було застосовано адаптивний програмний модуль, що дозволив вказати таблицю стилів для екранів різної ширини та створити крос-браузерний адаптивний дизайн.The impact of information technology on the life cycle stages of electronic resources was established. Stages of the life cycle of electronic resources were identified. The innovative of information technology affect to the functioning of the resource. Solutions of information technology development will have adversely affect if the site does not meet them. The reprography department site of Publishing and Printing Institute NTUU «KPI» were analyzed by on these grounds. The new specification for website was developed. According to the new specification was developed the design for electronic resources. In order to improve the performance and efficiency of electronic resources made website redesign. The new site reflects the degree of information technology development. CSS3 Media Queries used in this work to made a redesign for specific media screen type. CSS3 can add expressions to media type to check for certain conditions and apply different style sheets. The new site have one style sheet for large displays and a different style sheet specifically for mobile devices. It is quite powerful because it allows you to tailor to different resolutions and devices without changing the content.В работе рассмотрено влияние развития информационных технологий на этапы жизненного цикла электронных ресурсов. Определены этапы жизненного цикла электронного ресурса и признаки, когда инновации отрасли информационных технологий начинают негативно влиять на функционирование ресурса. С целью улучшения эксплуатационных характеристик и эффективности электронного ресурса разработан редизайн сайта. В работе были применены адаптивный программный модуль, позволивший указать таблицу стилей для экранов разной ширины создать кросс-браузерный адаптивный дизай

    Особенности использование технологии виртуальных приборов для построения и управления радиоэлектронными средствами

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    В роботі показана можливість удосконалення процесу побудови та управління радіоелектронними засобами за допомогою приладів багатофункціонального призначення (ПБФП), що використовують віртуальний простір та технологію віртуальних приладів.Purpose. This paper is dedicated to providing the construct process and control electronic equipment by means of multi-purpose devices developed on the basis of modern information technologies that use virtual space and virtual instrumentation technology. The technology of virtual instrument. Technology acquisition and processing of information in the research process allows using virtual space and virtual instrument technology, combining them with real objects using multi-purpose devices (MPD). Designed MPD are software and hardware systems that can perform the function of measuring and electronic device and issue control signals of different shapes and configurations. Especially programming a virtual appliance. Virtual device based on a personal computer and created in software environment LabVIEW, fundamentally changes the technology re-search and management. The practical relevance of LabVIEW using graphical programming combines research programs with the real world, helping engineers and scientists to visualize theoretical concepts and physical objects implementing them in practical projects. Creation virtual booth for the study of electronic means. Simple user interface is created in the environment of LabVIEW. The front panel displays the virtual instrument that recreates the look of a real device. Thus to perform research it is only required computer skills with the ability to read and indications. Conclusions. Built with the help of virtual appliances MPD helps to ensure full implementation of research and design challenges. The skills with modern instrumentation and electronic equipment, modern principles of research were mastered. It allows to study the action of dangerous and harmful factors without contact with them, remotely to monitor and participate in industrial experiments on expensive electronic equipment.В работе показана возможность усовершенствования процесса построения и управления радиоэлектронными средствами с помощью приборов многофункционального назначения (ПМФН), которые используют виртуальное пространство и технологию виртуальных приборов

    NASA Wearable Technology CLUSTER 2013-2014 Report

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    Wearable technology has the potential to revolutionize the way humans interact with one another, with information, and with the electronic systems that surround them. This change can already be seen in the dramatic increase in the availability and use of wearable health and activity monitors. These devices continuously monitor the wearer using on-body sensors and wireless communication. They provide feedback that can be used to improve physical health and performance. Smart watches and head mounted displays are also receiving a great deal of commercial attention, providing immediate access to information via graphical displays, as well as additional sensing features. For the purposes of the Wearable Technology CLUSTER, wearable technology is broadly defined as any electronic sensing, human interfaces, computing, or communication that is mounted on the body. Current commercially available wearable devices primarily house electronics in rigid packaging to provide protection from flexing, moisture, and other contaminants. NASA mentors are interested in this approach, but are also interested in direct integration of electronics into clothing to enable more comfortable systems. For human spaceflight, wearable technology holds a great deal of promise for significantly improving safety, efficiency, autonomy, and research capacity for the crew in space and support personnel on the ground. Specific capabilities of interest include: Continuous biomedical monitoring for research and detection of health problems. Environmental monitoring for individual exposure assessments and alarms. Activity monitoring for responsive robotics and environments. Multi-modal caution and warning using tactile, auditory, and visual alarms. Wireless, hands-free, on-demand voice communication. Mobile, on-demand access to space vehicle and robotic displays and controls. Many technical challenges must be overcome to realize these wearable technology applications. For example, to make a wearable device that is both functional and comfortable for long duration wear, developers must strive to reduce electronic mass and volume while also addressing constraints imposed by the body attachment method. Depending on the application, the device must be placed in a location that the user can see and reach, and that provides the appropriate access to air and the wearer's skin. Limited power is available from body-worn batteries and heat must be managed to prevent discomfort. If the clothing is to be washed, there are additional durability and washability hurdles that traditional electronics are not designed to address. Finally, each specific capability has unique technical challenges that will likely require unique solutions. In addition to the technical challenges, development of wearable devices is made more difficult by the diversity of skills required and the historic lack of collaboration across domains. Wearable technology development requires expertise in textiles engineering, apparel design, software and computer engineering, electronic design and manufacturing, human factors engineering, and application-specific fields such as acoustics, medical devices, and sensing. Knowledge from each of these domains must be integrated to create functional and comfortable devices. For this reason, the diversity of knowledge and experience represented in the Wearable Technology is critical to overcoming the fundamental challenges in the field

    An investigation into cockpit display developments in the general aviation aircraft fleet

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    As we have progressed into the 21st Century, the general aviation (GA) cockpit has been slow to evolve to keep pace with the advances in technology and research that have been applied to the avionics displays for military and civil commercial aviation applications. GA cockpits are just now beginning to reflect the benefits of these advances The increased use of human factors research in the design of GA avionics displays has led to the awareness of the importance of improved information presentation and data cueing As a result, instrument panels are integrating a variety of highly configurable electronic, full-color, hierarchical in design, multifunction displays (MFD) These MFDs are being utilized for inserting a significant increase of coded and processed information into the often display-cluttered aircraft cockpit for use by the GA pilot. MFDs, coded and formatted properly, can aid the GA pilot in an overall increase in situational awareness (SA) of both the aircraft\u27s performance and the surrounding flight environment. In addition, many of these new MFDs have the capability to combine and integrate multiple data inputs onto a single display sometimes referred to as Data Fusion. In a similar vein, as “data fused” MFDs proliferate, the number of single functionality avionics system displays and control boxes can be reduced and replaced by MFD systems with multiple roles and capabilities. This will increase the available instrument panel space for additional or redundant components This thesis will investigate applicable human factors research and see how advanced GA avionics technologies are evolving as a result. This thesis will also discuss systems that should be incorporated in GA aircraft to improve SA for pilots in the GA aircraft sector

    Providers' assessment of a novel interactive health information technology in a pediatric intensive care unit

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    Objective: To explore perceptions of critical care providers about a novel collaborative inpatient health information technology (HIT) in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) setting. Methods: This cross-sectional, concurrent mixed methods study was conducted in the PICU of a large midwestern children's hospital. The technology, the Large Customizable Interactive Monitor (LCIM), is a flat panel touch screen monitor that displays validated patient information from the electronic health record. It does not require a password to login and is available in each patient's room for viewing and interactive use by physicians, nurses, and families. Quantitative data were collected via self-administered, standardized surveys, and qualitative data via in-person, semistructured interviews between January and April 2015. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inductive thematic analysis. Results: The qualitative analysis showed positive impacts of the LCIM on providers' workflow, team interactions, and interactions with families. Providers reported concerns regarding perceived patient information overload and associated anxiety and burden for families. Sixty percent of providers thought that LCIM was useful for their jobs at different levels, and almost 70% of providers reported that LCIM improved information sharing and communication with families. The average overall satisfaction score was 3.4 on a 0 to 6 scale, between "a moderate amount" and "pretty much." Discussion and Conclusion: This study provides new insight into collaborative HIT in the inpatient pediatric setting and demonstrates that using such technology has the potential to improve providers' experiences with families and just-in-time access to EHR information in a format more easily shared with families

    Evaluation Strategy for the Re-Development of the Displays and Visitor Facilities at the Museum and Art Gallery, Kelvingrove

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    Cognitive requirements for primary care providers during the referral process: Information needed from and interactions with an electronic health record system

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    Objectives This study sought to identify and describe the cognitive requirements and associated information needs of referring primary care providers (PCPs) during the referral process as well as characterize referring PCPs’ experiences with current health information technology. Materials and methods We interviewed 62 referring PCPs. Our four-member analysis team used hierarchical task analysis to construct a goal-directed hierarchy. We utilized extensions of the task analysis to describe PCPs’ common experiences with health information technologies throughout the referral process. Results The resultant goal hierarchy includes one main goal (Referral for Additional Care), two sub-goals (Assess Patient’s Condition and Manage Referrals), and four major tasks with respective decisions (What consultation is warranted; What information should I provide; What additional action is needed; and How to integrate specialists’ findings). Approximately 22 information needs were commonly identified and PCPs described their use of various sources - other PCPs, electronic health records, chat software, and paper- to satisfy those information needs. Conclusion Cognitive demand for referring PCPs is high throughout the referral process. They have to search, identify, compose, track, and integrate information across multiple screens, systems, and people. Existing interfaces do not adequately support the communication, information exchange, or care coordination related to the referral process. Results from this study provide an important foundation for developing patient-centered displays that support PCPs’ decision-making process and reduce cognitive challenges