1,094 research outputs found

    Secure Architectures for Mobile Applications

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    The paper presents security issues and architectures for mobile applications and GSM infrastructure. The article also introduces the idea of a new secure architecture for an inter-sector electronic wallet used in payments - STP4EW (Secure Transmission Protocol for Electronic Wallet)secure architecture, m-application, smart-cards, 3G Mobile

    Secure Electronic Cards in Public Services

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    The paper presents the electronic wallet solution implemented within a GSM SIM technology for accessing public services. The solution is implemented in the medical field to provide information on the patient's medical history and payment for private medical services. The security issue is a very important one as the patient's history is confidential and the payment has to be safe.public services, mobile, security, m-application, smart card

    An Overview of the Development Electronic Wallet in Encouraging Economic Growth in the Indonesian Territory

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    This article aims to discuss the problem of a electronic wallet capable of driving economic growth in the territory of Indonesia for businesses and the public. The analytical method used in conducting this research is to use one literature with another literature as a basis for arguing. With the development of digital wallet, it is hoped that it can accelerate economic growth and financial inclusion in Indonesia towards Indonesia with the inclusion of digital technology and is also expected to be able to reduce geographical barriers that can later be eliminated with digital capabilities. So that everyone can easily transaction through an electronic wallet


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    The millennial generation is the future which preferable and fluent with technology sophistication, technology in this paper focuses on payment system through the electronic wallet. The aims of this research have tested the influence of factors based on modified TAM theory. This testing used a regression model which distributed online. The total of the sample that meets the criteria was 210 respondents. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and subjective norm were proven positively influence the intention of using the electronic wallet in an online buying. Perceived ease of use gained the highest impact toward the intention of using electronic wallet than the others factor. Therefore, startup businessman should provide innovation in a payment system which easies to understand so that the customer more interested in using electronic wallet service

    Urgency of Electronic Wallet Regulation in Indonesia

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    The payment system in Indonesia has undergone significant changes to date. Starting from the barter system to the existence of an electronic payment system. This change is caused by the development of technology, which has an impact on changing people's lifestyles. The payment system has been known to the public since 2014 when Bank Indonesia issued the National Non-Cash Movement (GNNT) policy. This policy aims to create a cashless society eco-system while at the same time introducing the advantages of electronic payments to the public. Electronic payments are considered safer, more efficient, and easier to track. However, electronic payments are also inseparable from their shortcomings. The electronic payment system, which is relatively new in Indonesia, will face several problems, especially with the legal system. Until now, there has been no law specifically regulating electronic payment systems, specifically E-wallet. This legal vacuum will cause problems both in terms of security and legal protection for users. This study aims to find out the problems that will arise from the E-wallet and provide solutions to the problems raised from a legal perspective. The research method used is normative juridical, using a conceptual approach and a statutory approach to review E-wallets in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that several problems arise from electronic payments. Therefore, regulations are needed to protect user security, oversee the smooth implementation of E-wallet and maintain Indonesia's economic stability

    Security Aspects of Mobile Based E Wallet

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    An Electronic-wallet(e-wallet) is an electronic application that enables online e-commerce transactions like purchasing goods, paying utility bills, transferring money, booking flight etc. with a financial gadget (credit card/digital currency) using smart phones or computers. Electronic wallet is a very young concept that has taken on consumer psyche rapidly. Post Demonetization resulted in sudden surge in the customer base of e wallet companies. In the current scenario, it is easy for individual to download an e wallet app to make their e-payments conveniently. Since the transactions are done through mobile, it is preferred by most of the people for their online and offline cash transactions. It is gaining the attention due to its unique advantageous features. This paper tries answer for certain queries related to operational procedure of e wallet, kinds of e wallet and concluded with the security issues of e wallet

    Pengaruh Electronic Wallet terhadap Kegiatan Keuangan Indonesia (Perbandingan Aplikasi Electronic Wallet Milik Perusahaan Financial Technology terhadap Aplikasi Electronic Wallet Milik BUMN)

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    This paper aims to describe the effect of changes in the payment system with an electronic wallet to financial activities in Indonesia and to compare the likelihood of losses for the state against transactions using electronic technology companies' electronic wallets to state-owned electronic wallets. The approach to be used is empirical juridical. By using primary data as main data. Based on these data, the analytical method used by processing data, and supported by secondary data through qualitative analysis. Based on the results of this study there are several things, namely, first, the use of electronic wallets has a positive impact in the form of efficiency, and reducing the risk of criminal acts. The risk of the possibility of inflation and rupiah depreciation can only be avoided by following the provisions set by Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority through PBI Number 20/6/2018 regarding Electronic Money. There is a need to increase the ability to compete with SOE electronic wallet applications to minimize the possibility of rupiah depreciation and oversight by financial institutions.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan pengaruh perubahan sistem pembayaran dengan electronic wallet  terhadap kegiatan keuangan di Indonesia serta membandingkan kemungkinan kerugian bagi negara terhadap transaksi menggunakan electronic wallet  milik perusahaan financial technology terhadap electronic wallet milik BUMN. Pendekatan yang akan digunakan adalah yuridis empiris. Dengan menggunakan data primer sebagai data utama. Berdasarkan data tersebut, metode analisis yang digunakan dengan mengolah data, dan didukung dengan data sekunder secara analisis kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini terdapat beberapa hal yaitu, pertama, penggunaan electronic wallett memberikan dampak positif berupa efisiensi, dan pengurangan resiko terjadinya tindak pindana. Resiko kemungkinan terjadinya inflasi serta pengendapan rupiah hanya dapat dihindari dengan mengikuti ketentuan yang telah diatur oleh Bank Indonesia dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan melalui PBI Nomor 20/6/2018 tentang Uang Elektronik. Perlu adanya peningkatan kemampuan bersaing aplikasi electronic wallet milik BUMN guna memperkecil kemungkinan pengendapan rupiah serta pwngawasan lebih oleh lembaga keuangan


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    Abstract:  An electronic wallet is an electronic service to store the data of the payment instrument, such as a payment instrument using the card and/or electronic money, which can also accommodate the funds, to make the payment. The number of similar applications of electronic wallets available in Indonesia leads to confusion of which applications offer many advantages, easy to use and guaranteed transaction security. By using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to conduct research on three popular electronic wallet applications in Indonesia, especially among students, Dana, Go-Pay, and LinkAja. These three electronic wallet applications compare based on pre-defined criteria and sub criteria to be decided by the AHP calculation where Go-Pay is the best E-wallet Application for students to us

    Secure Electronic Cards in Public Services

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    The paper presents the electronic wallet solution implemented within a GSM SIM technology for accessing public services. The solution is implemented in the medical field to provide information on the patient’s medical history and payment for private medical services. The security issue is a very important one as the patient’s history is confidential and the payment has to be safe
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