12 research outputs found

    The importance of information goods abstraction levels for information commerce process models

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    A process model, in the context of e-commerce, is an organized set of activities for the creation, (re-)production, trade and delivery of goods. Electronic commerce studies have created important process models for the trade of physical goods via Internet. These models are not easily suitable for the trade of information goods. Lowly codified information goods are hard to represent unambiguously among trading partners, their property rights are hard to secure, and the determination of volume and price is difficult. Highly codified information goods are easier traded by markets but have varying levels of abstraction that have specific requirements for their process models. This article defines process model requirements for more codified information goods. These requirements have substantial consequences for the realization of information goods business models

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    Customer Relations Management in Information Systems Research

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    Customer Relations Management (CRM) involves attracting and keeping “Economically Valuable” customers while repelling and eliminating “Economically Invaluable” ones. CRM involves changing relationships and improving return-on-investment from customer relationships (ROI-CR.) We are experiencing a shift from a transaction-based economy to a relationship-based one (Keen 1999.) Two important business relationship types exist: those between enterprises and customers; and those between and among enterprises (Kalakota 1996.) This paper addresses the former. However, a there is a significant amount of research into traditional “Market Channels” (See (Bowersox 1990; Ganesan 1994; Syed Saad 1996; Cannon 1999; Geyskens 1999) for examples) as well as into eCommerce (EC) Market Channels (See (Kim 1999; Menon 1999; Son 1999)) Recent and upcoming scholarship and professional activities illustrate the importance the IS Research Community places on CRM. This paper presents a framework for IS CRM Research Topics, a discussion of IS CRM scholarly and professional research directions and activities

    Business process redesign for effective e-commerce processes in the service industry

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    Many companies have found out the hard way that successful e-commerce requires more than a flashy web presence. Existing business processes must be seamlessly integrated with the new, electronic form of interaction with suppliers and customers. Despite this insight, little research has focused on the transformation of doing business to achieve the presumed benefits of e-commerce. This paper gives directions on how processes may be reengineered with this aim, particularly within the service industry. The presented views are based on existing research into Business Process Reengineering best practices. Careful consideration in this paper is given to the description ofthe conceptual background, which is used to classify existing research and to position the contribution of this paper. The guidelines which are discussed are illustrated by process models, represented by UML Activity diagrams

    Difusión de innovaciones en proceso en cibermedios spin-off

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la difusión de innovaciones en proceso al interior de dos cibermedios alternativos que nacen de experiencias académicas. Dicho análisis se hace a la luz del Modelo unificado de la difusión de innovaciones basadas en TIC al interior de organizaciones. Identificadas las organizaciones se realiza un estudio de caso de tipo multicaso. Luego de realizar el análisis se encontraron variadas similitudes en las experiencias de las organizaciones entre las que se destacan la orientación a la utilización de plataformas gratuitas, el aprendizaje a través de la experiencia individual y la facilitación de la apropiación gracias a la posterior construcción colectiva del dominio del artefacto

    Negotiations and interactions in Electronic Markets:proceedings of the Sixth Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets Muenster, Germany, September 19 - 21, 1999

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    The purpose of the paper is to understand from a business point of view, how the move towards interactive television is not limited exclusively to technology valence, but also has a profound impact on the whole system. From the types of offer to modalities of consumption, from technological and productive structures to business models

    Electronic Publishing. Ökonomische Grundlagen des Handels mit Informationsprodukten [online]

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    Modelbased accounting and charging systems for digital products in the e-learning

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    In der Arbeit wurde ein Konzept entwickelt, das eine modellbasierte Betrachtung des Pricings digitaler Produkte ermöglicht