68 research outputs found

    The Use of ICT to support Regional Developments: Contributions from the Bled eConference

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    The Bled eConference quite often gets connected to the notion of eRegion. Therefore in this paper we will have a closer look at how the idea of an eRegion has been addressed by the conference over the past. After briefly looking at the emergence of the term eRegion, we summarize the contribution of the Bled eConference to the field of eRegion in the Research Track as well as in the Business Track. Whereas in the Research Track contributions have focussed mostly on developing existing regions through ICT means, the Business Track activities tackle especially cross-border challenges between regions

    A Study of E-Business/E-Manufacturing Models

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    Traditional business methods are taking a drastic turn and changing to digitized businesses. Information and communication technology is being integrated into orthodox business practices and giving birth to e-business. E-business in turn, is looking up to e-business models for dynamic integration. The e-business concept was first explored. It was broken down into its smaller entities to make for a clearer and better understanding. Components of an electronic business were identified, and e-commerce was understood to be a subset of e-business. It was established that for a business to be e-business enabled, it required information and communication technology (ICT) to be integrated into its brick and mortar business practice. This showed that the e-business concept was not replacing traditional business practices but improving on it. The e-manufacturing business practice was also researched. This practice was found to be in essence e-business, but in the manufacturing context. It showed that e-manufacturing made for a dynamic integration of the complex manufacturing business practice in real-time. It linked shop floors to top floors, as well as all the other areas of the whole manufacturing supply chain. Adequate relevance was established for designing e-business and e-manufacturing models. This was achieved through rigorous literature review as well as a questionnaire survey. A hypothesis design and test based on the literature review was made to ascertain what models are utilized and in what context. Currently used models in different company sectors were discovered, and their subsequent benefits identified. Also reasons behind the adoption of the different models in the firms investigated were identified. Barriers associated with the e-business practice as well as the implementation of an e-business model were also identified. A measurement system was utilized to ascertain if the investigated models met that stated in the literature (i.e. product innovation, infrastructure and the network of partners, customer relation, and finance). This was adopted from that presented in the literature review. Based on the study, a conclusion was drawn and recommendations suggested.

    Elektronische Marktplätze : Formen, Beteiligte, Zutrittsbarrieren

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    Elektronische Marktplätze sind aktuell die wichtigste Form einer neuen Intermediation im elektronischen Wirtschaftsgefüge. Sie entwickeln sich dementsprechend sehr schnell zu den zentralen Handelsplattformen in vielen Bereichen und Branchen. Elektronische Marktplätze stellen eine konkret abgrenzbare, durch Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme geschaffene und durch einen Betreiber initiierte Infrastruktur für das Zusammentreffen von Angebot und Nachfrage dar und unterstützen eine oder mehrere Phasen der Marktransaktion sowie die Bildung eines Marktpreises. Der Geschäftsverkehr auf elektronischen Marktplätzen lässt sich anhand dreier Dimensionen charakterisieren: Den Teilnehmerbeziehungen in Form von B2B-, B2C- oder C2C-Marktplätzen, der sachlichen Gliederung nach branchenbezogenen oder thematischen Marktplätzen sowie dem spezifischen Preisbildungsmechanismus in einem Spektrum zwischen statischer Katalogaggregation, dynamischen Auktionen durch die Marktteilnehmer oder intermediierter Preisbildung bei Börsen. Elektronische Marktplätze können durch Anbieter, Nachfrager oder neutrale Intermediäre betrieben werden, was in der Regel von der Konzentration und relativen Marktmacht der einzelnen Parteien abhängt. Elektronische Marktplätze haben relativ geringe technische und finanzielle Zutrittsbarrieren, doch können rechtliche Fragen, Eigenschaften der angebotenen Güter und insbesondere das Verhalten marktbeherrschender Marktplatzbetreiber oder traditioneller Partner den Zutritt zu den Marktplätzen erheblich behindern

    European Information Technology Observatory 1997

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    Assessing the success and evaluating the benefits of government-sponsored regional internet-trading platforms for small and medium enterprises: A Western Australian perspective

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    The Internet has been viewed as an opportunity for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to efficiently compete in the global arena with their larger counterparts by overcoming distance and size. However, research has shown that actual uptake of Internet e-commerce by SMEs has been lagging behind that of larger companies. Fearing a growing digital divide between large companies and SMEs, some governments have taken specific measures to encourage SME participation in ecommerce. One of the more direct government initiatives to hasten the progression of SMEs on the e-commerce adoption curve is the creation, sponsorship and management of regional Internet trading platforms for these enterprises. Such a move is predicated on the belief that these platforms will offer SMEs a low-cost introduction to participation in Internet trading platforms without the need for significant technology investments, allowing them to reap benefits like lower costs, improved customer service and new levels of innovation through knowledge-sharing

    Der Onlinemarketingmix - Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung von Internetstrategien

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    Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht beschäftigt sich mit der Planung von (operativen) Maßnahmen im Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce, d. h. mit der Umsetzung von Onlinestrategien anhand des Onlinemarketingmix, der aus den fünf Gestaltungsbereichen Produkt, Preis, Platzierung, Promotion und Kommunikation, sowie Prozess besteht. Im Mittelpunkt des Arbeitsberichts stehen der Planungsprozess und die einzelnen Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung, die entsprechend der Unterteilung des Marketingmix strukturiert beschrieben und mit Beispielen unterlegt werden. Dabei werden die vorgestellten E-Commerce-Maßnahmen ausgehend von Methoden und Grundlagen der klassischen BWL motiviert und bewertet. Das in diesem Arbeitsbericht niedergelegte Wissen zur Umsetzung von Onlineanwendungen bildet zugleich die Grundlage für die Bewertung, Evaluation und Verbesserung bestehender Onlineanwendungen. Dabei können die Rubriken des Onlinemarketingmix und die in den fünf Mix-Bereichen vorgestellten Gestaltungsgrundsätze und Maßnahmen zur Ableitung von Evaluationsleitlinien dienen und so Grundlage von Web-Evaluationsprojekten sein. --

    Opera Mundi: a weekly report on the economy of the Common Market. No. 335, December 6 - December 12, 1965.

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    No abstract. Missing page 14 in original