2,055 research outputs found

    Study of the Electromagnetic Interference Generated by Wireless Power Transfer Systems

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    This paper presents a study related with measuring of radio frequency emissions. The purpose is to determine the level of interference generated by wireless power transfer equipment in a specific frequency range, and to compare those levels to the existing standards. The technology of wireless power transfer, especially for electric vehicles batteries charging, is rapidly developing in the recent years. An increasing use of this technology in industrial and consumer electronic products has raised concerns about the possible unfavorable health-effects onto the human being. Another concern is raised from the high intensity fields produced by wireless power transfer systems which will generate highly undesired influence on other electrical and electronic equipment. As a protection against the potential health effects, the governments imposed limits on the occupational and general public exposure to the radio frequencies. These limitations are set out in national and international safety guidelines, standards and regulations. The measurement and evaluation of the human exposure to electromagnetic fields are essential to guarantee occupational and general public safety

    Wireless Power Transfer Impact on Data Channel

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    Trabalho apresentado no 23rd International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (Speedam, 2016), 22-24 junho de 2016, Capri, ItáliaThis paper presents measurement results and analysis of the interference produced by the high-power electromagnetic field in a wireless energy transfer system. Through this analysis it is expected to be possible to evaluate the influence of the strong electromagnetic field on the data transmission channel. The wireless power transfer aimed at electric vehicles battery charging receives a great deal of attention in the recent years. However, the performance of those systems depends on the exchange of information between the transmitter and the receiver, e.g. vehicle identification, frequency, required power, payment information. Thus, it is essential to ensure that the electromagnetic interference, generated by the wireless power transfer system will not influence or disrupt the communication between the transmitter and the receiver.N/

    Wireless Power Transfer Techniquies : A Review

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    The invention of various wireless technologies are great revolution in the field of communication. Wireless technology can be used for transmission of electric power wirelessly from one end to other end. This technology will reduce the losses incurred in power transmission through wires. This paper presents the inclusive review and detailed analysis of different techniques used for wireless power transmission. In this paper, we have compared the different techniques of wireless power transmission. Advantages and disadvantages of different techniques are discussed in this paper with the other wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies

    A Review of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer for In‐Motion Electric Vehicles

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    Dynamic wireless power transfer system (DWPT) in urban area ensures an uninterrupted power supply for electric vehicles (EVs), extending or even providing an infinite driving range with significantly reduced battery capacity. The underground power supply network also saves more space and hence is important in urban areas. It must be noted that the railways have become an indispensable form of public transportation to reduce pollution and traffic congestion. In recent years, there has been a consistent increase in the number of high‐speed railways in major cities of China, thereby improving accessibility. Wireless power transfer for train is safer and more robust when compared with conductive power transfer through pantograph mounted on the trains. Direct contact is subject to wear and tear; in particular, the average speed of modern trains has been increasing. When the pressure of pantograph is not sufficient, arcs, variations of the current, and even interruption in power supply may occur. This chapter provides a review of the latest research and development of dynamic wireless power transfer for urban EV and electric train (ET). The following key technology issues have been discussed: (1) power rails and pickups, (2) segmentations and power supply schemes, (3) circuit topologies and dynamic impedance matching, (4) control strategies, and (5) electromagnetic interference

    Wireless Power Transfer

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    Wireless power transfer techniques have been gaining researchers' and industry attention due to the increasing number of battery-powered devices, such as mobile computers, mobile phones, smart devices, intelligent sensors, mainly as a way to replace the standard cable charging, but also for powering battery-less equipment. The storage capacity of batteries is an extremely important element of how a device can be used. If we talk about battery-powered electronic equipment, the autonomy is one factor that may be essential in choosing a device or another, making the solution of remote powering very attractive. A distinction has to be made between the two forms of wireless power transmission, as seen in terms of how the transmitted energy is used at the receiving point: - Transmission of information or data, when it is essential for an amount of energy to reach the receiver to restore the transmitted information; - Transmission of electric energy in the form of electromagnetic field, when the energy transfer efficiency is essential, the power being used to energize the receiving equipment. The second form of energy transfer is the subject of this book

    Three-phase magnetic field tested in wireless power transfer system

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    This paper presents a magnetic field three dimensional mapping produced by a threephase prototype for wireless power transfer. The presented magnetic field mapping is a contribution to improve the design of electric vehicles battery chargers using the wireless power transfer. To collect the magnetic field data, a prototype was built, in order to support the tests. The prototype primary is an electrical three-phase system that allows to be connected electrically and geometrically in star or delta. The losses due to the magnetic field dispersion and the generated interferences in the surrounding equipment or in human body are discussed. The different standards organizations related to electric vehicles battery chargers are presented. Finally the magnetic field influence on the human body is addressed

    Design and integration of a dynamic IPT system for automotive applications

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    Inductive power transmission (IPT) for electric vehicles (EVs) is a promising emergent technology that seems able to improve the electric mobility acceptance. In the last two decades many researchers have proved its feasibility and the possibility to use it to replace the common conductive systems for the charge of the on-board battery. Many efforts are currently aimed to extend the IPT technology towards its use for the charge during the vehicle motion. This application, commonly indicated as dynamic IPT, is aimed to overcome the limit represented by the long stops needed for the recharge introducing also the possibility of reducing the battery capacity installed on vehicle. An IPT system is essentially based on the resonance of two magnetically coupled inductors, the transmitter, placed on or under the ground, and the receiver, placed under the vehicle floor. The typical operating frequency range for the EVs application goes from 20 kHz to approximately 100 kHz. The coupling between the two inductors takes place through a large air-gap, usually about 10-30 cm. This thesis presents the results of the research activities aimed to the creation of a prototype for the dynamic IPT oriented to the private transport. Starting from an analysis of the state of the art and the current research projects on this domain, this work presents the development of a circuit model able to describe the electromagnetic phenomena at the base of the power transfer and the interface with the power electronics. This model provides the information at the base of the design and the implementation of a dedicated low cost-high effciency H-bridge converter for the supply of the transmitter side. A general architecture of the power electronics that manages the receiver side is proposed together with the additional protection circuits. A methodology for the integrated design of the magnetic structure is illustrated covering the aspects of the matching with the power electronics, the integration on an existing vehicle and the installation on the road infrastructure. A series of activities aimed to the implementation of a dedicated test site are presented and discussed. In particular, the activities related to the creation of the electrical infrastructure and the issues and methods for the embedding of the transmitters in the road pavement are presented. The final goal is the creation of a dedicated IPT charging line one hundred meters long. Finally, a methodology for the assessment of the human exposure is presented and applied to the developed solution