26 research outputs found

    Impact of Forecast Errors on Expansion Planning of Power Systems with a Renewables Target

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    This paper analyzes the impact of production forecast errors on the expansion planning of a power system and investigates the influence of market design to facilitate the integration of renewable generation. For this purpose, we propose a stochastic programming modeling framework to determine the expansion plan that minimizes system-wide investment and operating costs, while ensuring a given share of renewable generation in the electricity supply. Unlike existing ones, this framework includes both a day-ahead and a balancing market so as to capture the impact of both production forecasts and the associated prediction errors. Within this framework, we consider two paradigmatic market designs that essentially differ in whether the day-ahead generation schedule and the subsequent balancing re-dispatch are co-optimized or not. The main features and results of the model set-ups are discussed using an illustrative four-node example and a more realistic 24-node case study

    Effects of Risk Aversion on Market Outcomes: A Stochastic Two-Stage Equilibrium Model

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    A robust optimisation approach using CVaR for unit commitment in a market with probabilistic offers

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    The large scale integration of renewable energy sources (RES) challenges power system planners and operators alike as it can potentially introduce the need for costly investments in infrastructure. Furthermore, traditional market clearing mechanisms are no longer optimal due to the stochastic nature of RES. This paper presents a risk-aware market clearing strategy for a network with significant shares of RES.We propose an electricity market that embeds the uncertainty brought by wind power and other stochastic renewable sources by accepting probabilistic offers and use a risk measure defined by conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) to evaluate the risk of high re-dispatching cost due to the mis-estimation of renewable energy. The proposed model is simulated on a 39-bus network, whereby it is shown that significant reductions can be achieved by properly managing the risks of mis-estimation of stochastic generation