4 research outputs found

    Simple cyclic movements as a distinct autism feature - computational approach

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    Diversity of symptoms in autism dictates a broad definition of Autism Spectrum of Disorders(ASD). Each year percentage of children diagnosed with ASD is growing. One common diag-nostic feature in individuals with ASD is the tendency to atypical simple cyclic movements.The motor brain activity seems to generate periodic attractor state that is hard to escape.Despite numerous studies scientists and clinicians do not know exactly if ASD is a result ofa simple but general mechanism, or a complex set of mechanisms, both on neural, molecularand system levels. Simulations using biologically relevant neural network model presentedhere may help to reveal simplest mechanisms that may be responsible for specific behavior.Abnormal neural fatigue mechanisms may be responsible for motor as well as many if notall other symptoms observed in ASD

    Znaczenie Kliniczne Obliczeniowych Modeli M贸zgu W Rehabilitacji Neurologicznej

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    Despite quick development of the newest neurorehabilitation methods and techniques there is a need for experimentally validated models of motor learning, neural control of movements, functional recovery, therapy control strategies.Computational models are perceived as another way for optimization and objectivization of the neurorehabilitation. Fully understanding of the neural repair is needed for simulation of reorganization and remodeling of neural networks as the effect of neurorehabilitation. Better understanding can significantly influence both traditional forms of the therapy (neurosurgery, drug therapy, neurorehabilitation, etc.) and use of the advanced Assitive Technology (AT) solutions, e.g. brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and neuroprostheses [49, 50] or artificial brain stimulation.Pomimo szybkiego rozwoju najnowszych metod i technik rehabilitacyjnych istnieje potrzeba tworzenia eksperymentalnie weryfikowalnych modeli motorycznego uczenia si臋, nerwowej kontroli ruchu, funkcjonalnego powrotu do zdrowia oraz strategii terapeutycznych.Modele obliczeniowe s膮 uwa偶anie za kolejny ze sposob贸w optymalizacji i obiektywizacji rehabilitacji neurologicznej. Pe艂ne zrozumienie naprawy struktur nerwowych wymaga modelowania reorganizacji i przemodelowania sieci neuronowych nast臋puj膮cych w efekcie rehabilitacji neurologicznej. Lepsze zrozumienie ww. proces贸w mo偶e znacz膮co wp艂yn膮膰 zar贸wno na tradycyjne formy terapii (neurochirurgi臋, farmakoterapi臋, rehabilitacj臋 neurologiczn膮 i inne), jak r贸wnie偶 u偶ycie zaawansowanych rozwi膮za艅 technologii wspomagaj膮cych, takich jak interfejsy m贸zg-komputer i neuroprotezy, jak r贸wnie偶 sztucznej stymulacji m贸zgu

    Mapping the Human Brain in Frequency Band Analysis of Brain Cortex Electroencephalographic Activity for Selected Psychiatric Disorders

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    There are still no good quantitative methods to be applied in psychiatric diagnosis. The interview is still the main and most important tool in the psychiatrist work. This paper presents the results of electroencephalographic research with the subjects of a group of 30 patients with psychiatric disorders compared to the control group of healthy volunteers. All subjects were solving working memory task. The digit-span working memory task test was chosen as one of the most popular tasks given to subjects with cognitive dysfunctions, especially for the patients with panic disorders, depression (including the depressive phase of bipolar disorder), phobias, and schizophrenia. Having such cohort of patients some results for the subjects with insomnia and Asperger syndrome are also presented. The cortical activity of their brains was registered by the dense array EEG amplifier. Source localization using the photogrammetry station and the sLORETA algorithm was then performed in five EEG frequency bands. The most active Brodmann Areas are indicated. Methodology for mapping the brain and research protocol are presented. The first results indicate that the presented technique can be useful in finding psychiatric disorder neurophysiological biomarkers. The first attempts were made to associate hyperactivity of selected Brodmann Areas with particular disorders