20,969 research outputs found

    Understanding Occupational and Skill Demand in New Jersey's Utilities Industry

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    The utilities industry provides essential electricity, gas, water and sewer, and local telephone services to residents and businesses throughout New Jersey. This report summarizes the skill, knowledge, and educational requirements of key occupations in gas, electric, water and sewer, and telephone services. It also identifies strategies for meeting the workforce challenges facing the industry

    The Coming Boom in Computer Loads

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    Computers and other electronic equipment now consume as much electricity as electric steel furnaces, and their growth shows no signs of slowing. Utilities are active participants in the computer revolution. Northeast Utilities, for example, reports that 20% of electricity use in a typical new office building in its service area goes to computers. Given the expected growth in computers and computer loads, this technology deserves greater attention from utility planners and other energy analysts. It is shown that the commercial sector has been the largest contributor to kilowatt-hour (kwh) sales growth and that new uses within the commercial sector have accounted for the biggest portion of this growth. Confirming this conclusion are a 4-year Department of Energy-funded study of the Park Plaza Building office tower and a 1985 study of 181 office buildings by Northwest Utilities. A prospective study suggests that computers could account for as much as 150 billion kwh by the early 1990s

    Siting Power Plants: Recent Experience in California and Best Practices in Other States

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    Compares California's power plant siting with results in other states. Includes interviews with California state agency representatives, developers and process mediators. Part of a series of research reports that examines energy issues facing California

    R&D in China and the implications for industrial restructuring

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    The nation-wide introduction of foreign technology in China has been going on for over 20 years. This paper examines the R&D incentive of the Chinese innovators by analyzing the patent data for the period from 1985 to 1999. The following findings were obtained. First, individual innovators, as opposed to industrial enterprises and research institutes, have been supplying over 70% of all patent applications filed domestically. Second, innovators in China, including the industrial enterprises, have been devoting their R&D resources disproportionately to small innovations, rather than major ones. Third, the large and medium-sized enterprises are not yet the main force for innovation in China. The impacts of industrial structure on R&D incentive are emphasized. Regression analysis for 37 manufacturing industries in China shows that R&D output, measured by the number of patents per firm, is positively related to the eight-firm concentration ratio. I also analyze the microeconomic channels through which the vertical structure of an industry affects firm incentive to absorb imported technologies. “Excessive competition” and a low degree of vertical integration in Chinese industries are major factors leading to small-scale innovation, high propensity to purchase foreign technologies, and low propensity to absorb them. Establishing enterprise groups that are truly subject to market discipline can speed up the “imitation-first-and-then-innovate” process

    Microgrids: Legal and Regulatory Hurdles for a More Resilient Energy Infrastructure

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    Natural disasters and climate change have made it apparent that energy infrastructure needs to be modernized and microgrids are one type of technology that can help the electricity grid become more resilient, reliable, and efficient. Different states have begun developing microgrid pilot projects including California, New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. The City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is the first city to propose implementing “energy districts” of microgrids that will serve as critical infrastructure, in the first phase, and then expand to commercial and community settings. This large project involves many shareholders including public utilities, government agencies, and private entities. Utilizing microgrids on such a large scale raises issues regarding its classification, as energy generation or energy storage, and whether it should be regulated by public utilities, private entities, or municipalities. In a state like Pennsylvania where the energy market has been deregulated, there is strong concern on what the public utilities involvement will be with microgrid projects. This Note focuses on the regulatory issues that are raised with the construction and operation of microgrids at such a large scale in Pittsburgh. It addresses the difficulties that arise when implementing microgrids in a deregulated energy market state such as Pennsylvania, where little to no statutory language exists regarding microgrids. It will give an overview of proposed Pennsylvania legislation that may impact a public utilities’ control over microgrid technology and the benefits and costs when examining the extent of the public utilities’ role regarding ownership and control of microgrids in a deregulated energy market

    Power Sharing: Developing Inter-Provincial Electricity Trade

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    Canada needs a “Made-in-Canada” approach to electricity transmission that better exploits the benefits of east-west power trading. In this study, the author explains how to overcome the impediments to electricity trading that currently exist at provincial borders. To ensure continued access to US markets, most Canadian provinces have complied with US electricity trading rules. But when transplanted in Canada these rules limit provinces with competitive electricity markets, where electricity customers may choose among suppliers (Alberta and Ontario), in sharing the benefits of trade with their neighbouring monopoly utilities (such as in British Columbia, Manitoba, or Quebec). Some provinces rely mostly on hydroelectric generation, while others rely more on fossil or nuclear-fuelled generation. Carr says Canada would benefit from more electricity trading on an east-west axis because the sharing of different forms of electricity generation – and time-zone diversity – would allow better use of each province’s generation capacity. Carr makes several specific recommendations for provincial action. He also recommends the federal government support provincial initiatives in the event of NAFTA challenges.Economic Growth and Innovation, Canada, electricity, inter-provincial trade, NAFTA

    Subject: Groups and Organizations

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    Compiled by Susan LaCette.GroupsandOrganizations.pdf: 992 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    An assessment of skill needs in the gas, water and electricity industries

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