9 research outputs found

    Matching of complex patterns by energy minimization

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    Two patterns are matched by putting one on top of the other and iteratively moving their individual parts until most of their corresponding parts are aligned. An energy function and a neighborhood of influence are defined for each iteration. Initially, a large neighborhood is used such that the movements result in global features being coarsely aligned. The neighborhood size is gradually reduced in successive iterations so that finer and finer details are aligned. Encouraging results have been obtained when applied to match complex Chinese characters. It has been observed that computation increases with the square of the number of moving parts which is quite favorable compared with other algorithms. The method was applied to the recognition of handwritten Chinese characters. After performing the iterative matching, a set of similarity measures are used to measure the similarity in topological features between the input and template characters. An overall recognition rate of 96.1% is achieved. © 1998 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Exploring the Potential of Wrist-Worn Gesture Sensing

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    This thesis aims to explore the potential of wrist-worn gesture sensing. There has been a large amount of work on gesture recognition in the past utilizing different kinds of sensors. However, gesture sets tested across different work were all different, making it hard to compare them. Also, there has not been enough work on understanding what types of gestures are suitable for wrist-worn devices. Our work addresses these two problems and makes two main contributions compared to previous work: the specification of larger gesture sets, which were verified through an elicitation study generated by combining previous work; and an evaluation of the potential of gesture sensing with wrist-worn sensors. We developed a gesture recognition system, WristRec, which is a low-cost wrist-worn device utilizing bend sensors for gesture recognition. The design of WristRec aims to measure the tendon movement at the wrist while people perform gestures. We conducted a four-part study to verify the validity of the approach and the extent of gestures which can be detected using a wrist-worn system. During the initial stage, we verified the feasibility of WristRec using the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm to perform gesture classification on a group of 5 gestures, the gesture set of the MYO armband. Next, we conducted an elicitation study to understand the trade-offs between hand, wrist, and arm gestures. The study helped us understand the type of gestures which wrist-worn system should be able to recognize. It also served as the base of our gesture set and our evaluation on the gesture sets used in the previous research. To evaluate the overall potential of wrist-worn recognition, we explored the design of hardware to recognize gestures by contrasting an Inertial measurement unit (IMU) only recognizer (the Serendipity system of Wen et al.) with our system. We assessed accuracies on a consensus gesture set and on a 27-gesture referent set, both extracted from the result of our elicitation study. Finally, we discuss the implications of our work both to the comparative evaluation of systems and to the design of enhanced hardware sensing

    Multimodal breast imaging: Registration, visualization, and image synthesis

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    The benefit of registration and fusion of functional images with anatomical images is well appreciated in the advent of combined positron emission tomography and x-ray computed tomography scanners (PET/CT). This is especially true in breast cancer imaging, where modalities such as high-resolution and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and F-18-FDG positron emission tomography (PET) have steadily gained acceptance in addition to x-ray mammography, the primary detection tool. The increased interest in combined PET/MRI images has facilitated the demand for appropriate registration and fusion algorithms. A new approach to MRI-to-PET non-rigid breast image registration was developed and evaluated based on the location of a small number of fiducial skin markers (FSMs) visible in both modalities. The observed FSM displacement vectors between MRI and PET, distributed piecewise linearly over the breast volume, produce a deformed Finite-Element mesh that reasonably approximates non-rigid deformation of the breast tissue between the MRI and PET scans. The method does not require a biomechanical breast tissue model, and is robust and fast. The method was evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively on patients and a deformable breast phantom. The procedure yields quality images with average target registration error (TRE) below 4 mm. The importance of appropriately jointly displaying (i.e. fusing) the registered images has often been neglected and underestimated. A combined MRI/PET image has the benefits of directly showing the spatial relationships between the two modalities, increasing the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of diagnosis. Additional information on morphology and on dynamic behavior of the suspicious lesion can be provided, allowing more accurate lesion localization including mapping of hyper- and hypo-metabolic regions as well as better lesion-boundary definition, improving accuracy when grading the breast cancer and assessing the need for biopsy. Eight promising fusion-for-visualization techniques were evaluated by radiologists from University Hospital, in Syracuse, NY. Preliminary results indicate that the radiologists were better able to perform a series of tasks when reading the fused PET/MRI data sets using color tables generated by a newly developed genetic algorithm, as compared to other commonly used schemes. The lack of a known ground truth hinders the development and evaluation of new algorithms for tasks such as registration and classification. A preliminary mesh-based breast phantom containing 12 distinct tissue classes along with tissue properties necessary for the simulation of dynamic positron emission tomography scans was created. The phantom contains multiple components which can be separately manipulated, utilizing geometric transformations, to represent populations or a single individual being imaged in multiple positions. This phantom will support future multimodal breast imaging work

    High-speed pattern cutting using real-time computer vision techniques

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    This thesis presents a study of computer vision for guiding cutting tools to perform high-speed pattern cutting on deformable materials. Several new concepts on establishing a computer vision system to guide a C02 laser beam to separate lace are presented. The aim of this study is to determine a cutting path on lace in real-time by using computer vision techniques, which is part of an automatic lace separation project. The purpose of this project is to replace the current lace separation process which uses a mechanical knife or scissors. The research on computer vision has concentrated on the following aspects: 1. A weighted incremental tracking algorithm based on a reference map is proposed, examined and implemented. This is essential for tracking an arbitrarily defined path across the surface of a patterned deformable material such as lace. Two methods, a weighting function and infinite impulse response filter, are used to cope with lateral distortions of the input image. Three consecutive map lines matching with one image line is introduced to cope with longitudinal distortion. A software and hardware hybrid approach boosts the tracking speed to hnls that is 2-4 times faster than the current mechanical method. 2. A modified Hough transform and the weighted incremental tracking algorithm to find the start point for tracking are proposed and investigated to enable the tracking to start from the correct position on the map. 3. In order to maintain consistent working conditions for the vision system, the light source, camera threshold and camera scan rate synchronisation with lace movement are studied. Two test rigs combining the vision and cutting system have been built and used to cut lace successfully

    Statistical and image analysis methods and applications

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    Mid-Level Vision and Recognition of Non-Rigid Objects

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    We address mid-level vision for the recognition of non-rigid objects. We align model and image using frame curves - which are object or "figure/ground" skeletons. Frame curves are computed, without discontinuities, using Curved Inertia Frames, a provably global scheme implemented on the Connection Machine, based on: non-cartisean networks; a definition of curved axis of inertia; and a ridge detector. I present evidence against frame alignment in human perception. This suggests: frame curves have a role in figure/ground segregation and in fuzzy boundaries; their outside/near/top/ incoming regions are more salient; and that perception begins by setting a reference frame (prior to early vision), and proceeds by processing convex structures