5 research outputs found

    Motion analysis in terms of wireless video capsule endoscopy

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    El treball presentat suposa una visi贸 general de l'"Endoscopia amb C脿psula de V铆deo Wireless" i la inspecci贸 de sequ猫ncies de contraccions intestinals amb les 煤ltimes tecnologies de visi贸 per computador. Despr茅s de la observaci贸 preliminar dels fonaments m猫dics requerits, la aplicaci贸 de visi贸 per computador es presenta en aquestos termes. En ess猫ncia, aquest treball prove茂x una exhaustiva selecci贸, descripci贸 i avaluaci贸 de cert conjunt de m猫todes de processament d'imatges respecte a l'an脿lisi de moviment, en el entorn de seq眉猫ncies d'imatges preses amb una c脿psula endosc貌pica. Finalment, es presenta una aplicaci贸 de software per configurar i emprar de forma r脿pida i f脿cil un entorn experimental.El trabajo presentado supone una visi贸n general de la "Endoscopia con C谩psula de Video Wireless" y la inspecci贸n de secuencias de contracciones intestinales con las 煤ltimas tecnolog铆as en visi贸n por computador. Tras la observaci贸n preliminar de los fundamentos m茅dicos requeridos, la aplicaci贸n de visi贸n por computador se presenta en 茅stos t茅rminos. En sustancia, este trabajo provee una exhaustiva selecci贸n, descripci贸n y evaluaci贸n de cierto conjunto de m茅todos de procesamiento de im谩genes con respecto al an谩lisis de movimiento, en el entorno de secuencias de im谩genes tomadas con una c谩psula endosc贸pica. Finalmente, se presenta una aplicaci贸n de software para configurar y usar de forma r谩pida y f谩cil un entorno experimental.The presented work yields a survey of Wireless Video Capsule Endoscopy and the examination of intestinal contraction sequences by the use of state-of-the-art computer vision technologies. After an introductory observation of required medical foundations, the application of computer vision within these terms is pointed out. In essence, this paper provides a comprehensive selection, description and evaluation of a certain set of image processing methods and algorithms with respect to the analysis of motion in an environment of capsule endoscopy image sequences. Finally, a software application for setting up a fast and easy to use experimental environment is presented

    New Techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

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    As result of progress, endoscopy has became more complex, using more sophisticated devices and has claimed a special form. In this moment, the gastroenterologist performing endoscopy has to be an expert in macroscopic view of the lesions in the gut, with good skills for using standard endoscopes, with good experience in ultrasound (for performing endoscopic ultrasound), with pathology experience for confocal examination. It is compulsory to get experience and to have patience and attention for the follow-up of thousands of images transmitted during capsule endoscopy or to have knowledge in physics necessary for autofluorescence imaging endoscopy. Therefore, the idea of an endoscopist has changed. Examinations mentioned need a special formation, a superior level of instruction, accessible to those who have already gained enough experience in basic diagnostic endoscopy. This is the reason for what these new issues of endoscopy are presented in this book of New techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

    Eigenmotion-Based Detection of Intestinal Contractions

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    Abstract. Intestinal contractions are one of the main features for analyzing intestinal motility and detecting different gastrointestinal pathologies. In this paper we propose Eigenmotion-based Contraction Detection (ECD), a novel approach for automatic annotation of intestinal contractions of video capsule endoscopy. Our approach extracts the main motion information of a set of contraction sequences in form of eigenmotions using Principal Component Analysis. Then, it uses a selection of them to represent the high dimension motion data. Finally, this contraction characterization is used to classify the contraction sequences by means of machine learning techniques. The experimental results show that motion information is useful in the contraction detection. Moreover, the proposed automatic method is essential to speed up the costly examination of the video capsule endoscopy.