4 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality: Application to In-Vehicle Navigation

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    Even with today’s technically advanced navigation systems, user experience situations where announcements are difficult to understand and misleading. Augmented reality – the integration of computer generated content into the vehicle surrounding – can provide an intuitive and unambiguous way to communicate navigation information; it can even serve as a novel user interface that allows interaction with the surrounding. In this paper, challenges, constraints, and possible solutions for AR in-vehicle applications are discussed. Details of the technical and design decisions of the “first in-vehicle augmented video system” are explained, as well as features and possible future upgrades.   &nbsp

    A dynamic two-dimensional (D2D) weight-based map-matching algorithm

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    Existing map-Matching (MM) algorithms primarily localize positioning fixes along the centerline of a road and have largely ignored road width as an input. Consequently, vehicle lane-level localization, which is essential for stringent Intelligent Transport System (ITS) applications, seems difficult to accomplish, especially with the positioning data from low-cost GPS sensors. This paper aims to address this limitation by developing a new dynamic two-dimensional (D2D) weight-based MM algorithm incorporating dynamic weight coefficients and road width. To enable vehicle lane-level localization, a road segment is virtually expressed as a matrix of homogeneous grids with reference to a road centerline. These grids are then used to map-match positioning fixes as opposed to matching on a road centerline as carried out in traditional MM algorithms. In this developed algorithm, vehicle location identification on a road segment is based on the total weight score which is a function of four different weights: (i) proximity, (ii) kinematic, (iii) turn-intent prediction, and (iv) connectivity. Different parameters representing network complexity and positioning quality are used to assign the relative importance to different weight scores by employing an adaptive regression method. To demonstrate the transferability of the developed algorithm, it was tested by using 5,830 GPS positioning points collected in Nottingham, UK and 7,414 GPS positioning points collected in Mumbai and Pune, India. The developed algorithm, using stand-alone GPS position fixes, identifies the correct links 96.1% (for the Nottingham data) and 98.4% (for the Mumbai-Pune data) of the time. In terms of the correct lane identification, the algorithm was found to provide the accurate matching for 84% (Nottingham) and 79% (Mumbai-Pune) of the fixes obtained by stand-alone GPS. Using the same methodology adopted in this study, the accuracy of the lane identification could further be enhanced if the localization data from additional sensors (e.g. gyroscope) are utilized. ITS industry and vehicle manufacturers can implement this D2D map-matching algorithm for liability critical and in-vehicle information systems and services such as advanced driver assistant systems (ADAS)

    Lane-Precise Localization with Production Vehicle Sensors and Application to Augmented Reality Navigation

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    This works describes an approach to lane-precise localization on current digital maps. A particle filter fuses data from production vehicle sensors, such as GPS, radar, and camera. Performance evaluations on more than 200 km of data show that the proposed algorithm can reliably determine the current lane. Furthermore, a possible architecture for an intuitive route guidance system based on Augmented Reality is proposed together with a lane-change recommendation for unclear situations