832 research outputs found

    Knowledge-infused and Consistent Complex Event Processing over Real-time and Persistent Streams

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    Emerging applications in Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) present novel challenges to Big Data platforms for performing online analytics. Ubiquitous sensors from IoT deployments are able to generate data streams at high velocity, that include information from a variety of domains, and accumulate to large volumes on disk. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is recognized as an important real-time computing paradigm for analyzing continuous data streams. However, existing work on CEP is largely limited to relational query processing, exposing two distinctive gaps for query specification and execution: (1) infusing the relational query model with higher level knowledge semantics, and (2) seamless query evaluation across temporal spaces that span past, present and future events. These allow accessible analytics over data streams having properties from different disciplines, and help span the velocity (real-time) and volume (persistent) dimensions. In this article, we introduce a Knowledge-infused CEP (X-CEP) framework that provides domain-aware knowledge query constructs along with temporal operators that allow end-to-end queries to span across real-time and persistent streams. We translate this query model to efficient query execution over online and offline data streams, proposing several optimizations to mitigate the overheads introduced by evaluating semantic predicates and in accessing high-volume historic data streams. The proposed X-CEP query model and execution approaches are implemented in our prototype semantic CEP engine, SCEPter. We validate our query model using domain-aware CEP queries from a real-world Smart Power Grid application, and experimentally analyze the benefits of our optimizations for executing these queries, using event streams from a campus-microgrid IoT deployment.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures, accepted in Future Generation Computer Systems, October 27, 201

    Grid-VirtuE: a layered architecture for grid virtual enterprises

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    A grid virtual enterprise is a community of independent enterprises concerned with a particular sector of the economy. Its members (nodes) are small or medium size enterprises (SME) engaged in bilateral transactions. An important principle of a grid virtual enterprise is the lack of any global "guiding force", with each member of the community making its own independent decisions. In this paper we describe Grid-VirtuE, a three-layer architecture for grid virtual enterprises. The top layer of the architecture, representing its ultimate purpose, is an environment in which grid virtual enterprises can be modeled and implemented. This layer is supported by middleware infrastructure for grids, providing a host of grid services, such as node-to-node communication, bilateral transactions, and data collection. The bottom layer is essentially a distributed data warehouse for storing, sharing and analyzing the large amounts of data generated by the grid. Among other functionalities, the warehouse handles the dissemination of data among the members of the grid; it confronts issues of data magnitude with an aging mechanism that aggregates old data at a lower level of detail; and it incorporates privacy-preserving features that retain the confidentiality of individual members. Warehouse information is also used for data and process mining, aimed at analyzing the behavior of the enterprise, and subsequently inducing evolutionary changes that will improve its performance.A grid virtual enterprise is a community of independent enterprises concerned with a particular sector of the economy. Its members (nodes) are small or medium size enterprises (SME) engaged in bilateral transactions. An important principle of a grid virtual enterprise is the lack of any global "guiding force", with each member of the community making its own independent decisions. In this paper we describe Grid-VirtuE, a three-layer architecture for grid virtual enterprises. The top layer of the architecture, representing its ultimate purpose, is an environment in which grid virtual enterprises can be modeled and implemented. This layer is supported by middleware infrastructure for grids, providing a host of grid services, such as node-to-node communication, bilateral transactions, and data collection. The bottom layer is essentially a distributed data warehouse for storing, sharing and analyzing the large amounts of data generated by the grid. Among other functionalities, the warehouse handles the dissemination of data among the members of the grid; it confronts issues of data magnitude with an aging mechanism that aggregates old data at a lower level of detail; and it incorporates privacy-preserving features that retain the confidentiality of individual members. Warehouse information is also used for data and process mining, aimed at analyzing the behavior of the enterprise, and subsequently inducing evolutionary changes that will improve its performance.Monograph's chapter

    Swarm Based Implementation of a Virtual Distributed Database System in a Sensor Network

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    The deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in recent military operations has had success in carrying out surveillance and combat missions in sensitive areas. An area of intense research on UAVs has been on controlling a group of small-sized UAVs to carry out reconnaissance missions normally undertaken by large UAVs such as Predator or Global Hawk. A control strategy for coordinating the UAV movements of such a group of UAVs adopts the bio-inspired swarm model to produce autonomous group behavior. This research proposes establishing a distributed database system on a group of swarming UAVs, providing for data storage during a reconnaissance mission. A distributed database system model is simulated treating each UAV as a distributed database site connected by a wireless network. In this model, each UAV carries a sensor and communicates to a command center when queried. Drawing equivalence to a sensor network, the network of UAVs poses as a dynamic ad-hoc sensor network. The distributed database system based on a swarm of UAVs is tested against a set of reconnaissance test suites with respect to evaluating system performance. The design of experiments focuses on the effects of varying the query input and types of swarming UAVs on overall system performance. The results show that the topology of the UAVs has a distinct impact on the output of the sensor database. The experiments measuring system delays also confirm the expectation that in a distributed system, inter-node communication costs outweigh processing costs

    EAGLE—A Scalable Query Processing Engine for Linked Sensor Data

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    Recently, many approaches have been proposed to manage sensor data using semantic web technologies for effective heterogeneous data integration. However, our empirical observations revealed that these solutions primarily focused on semantic relationships and unfortunately paid less attention to spatio–temporal correlations. Most semantic approaches do not have spatio–temporal support. Some of them have attempted to provide full spatio–temporal support, but have poor performance for complex spatio–temporal aggregate queries. In addition, while the volume of sensor data is rapidly growing, the challenge of querying and managing the massive volumes of data generated by sensing devices still remains unsolved. In this article, we introduce EAGLE, a spatio–temporal query engine for querying sensor data based on the linked data model. The ultimate goal of EAGLE is to provide an elastic and scalable system which allows fast searching and analysis with respect to the relationships of space, time and semantics in sensor data. We also extend SPARQL with a set of new query operators in order to support spatio–temporal computing in the linked sensor data context.EC/H2020/732679/EU/ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well/ACTIVAGEEC/H2020/661180/EU/A Scalable and Elastic Platform for Near-Realtime Analytics for The Graph of Everything/SMARTE

    Area Query Processing Based on Gray Code in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Area query processing is significant for various applications of wireless sensor networks since it can request information of particular areas in the monitored environment. Existing query processing techniques cannot solve area queries. Intuitively centralized processing on Base Station can accomplish area queries via collecting information from all sensor nodes. However, this method is not suitable for wireless sensor networks with limited energy since a large amount of energy is wasted for reporting useless data. This motivates us to propose an energy-efficient in-network area query processing scheme. In our scheme, the monitored area is partitioned into grids, and a unique gray code number is used to represent a Grid ID (GID), which is also an effective way to describe an area. Furthermore, a reporting tree is constructed to process area merging and data aggregations. Based on the properties of GIDs, subareas can be merged easily and useless data can be discarded as early as possible to reduce energy consumption. For energy-efficiently answering continuous queries, we also design an incremental update method to continuously generate query results. In essence, all of these strategies are pivots to conserve energy consumption. With a thorough simulation study, it is shown that our scheme is effective and energy-efficient

    Time Series Management Systems:A Survey

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    The collection of time series data increases as more monitoring and automation are being deployed. These deployments range in scale from an Internet of things (IoT) device located in a household to enormous distributed Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) producing large volumes of data at high velocity. To store and analyze these vast amounts of data, specialized Time Series Management Systems (TSMSs) have been developed to overcome the limitations of general purpose Database Management Systems (DBMSs) for times series management. In this paper, we present a thorough analysis and classification of TSMSs developed through academic or industrial research and documented through publications. Our classification is organized into categories based on the architectures observed during our analysis. In addition, we provide an overview of each system with a focus on the motivational use case that drove the development of the system, the functionality for storage and querying of time series a system implements, the components the system is composed of, and the capabilities of each system with regard to Stream Processing and Approximate Query Processing (AQP). Last, we provide a summary of research directions proposed by other researchers in the field and present our vision for a next generation TSMS.Comment: 20 Pages, 15 Figures, 2 Tables, Accepted for publication in IEEE TKD

    WikiSensing: A collaborative sensor management system with trust assessment for big data

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    Big Data for sensor networks and collaborative systems have become ever more important in the digital economy and is a focal point of technological interest while posing many noteworthy challenges. This research addresses some of the challenges in the areas of online collaboration and Big Data for sensor networks. This research demonstrates WikiSensing (www.wikisensing.org), a high performance, heterogeneous, collaborative data cloud for managing and analysis of real-time sensor data. The system is based on the Big Data architecture with comprehensive functionalities for smart city sensor data integration and analysis. The system is fully functional and served as the main data management platform for the 2013 UPLondon Hackathon. This system is unique as it introduced a novel methodology that incorporates online collaboration with sensor data. While there are other platforms available for sensor data management WikiSensing is one of the first platforms that enable online collaboration by providing services to store and query dynamic sensor information without any restriction of the type and format of sensor data. An emerging challenge of collaborative sensor systems is modelling and assessing the trustworthiness of sensors and their measurements. This is with direct relevance to WikiSensing as an open collaborative sensor data management system. Thus if the trustworthiness of the sensor data can be accurately assessed, WikiSensing will be more than just a collaborative data management system for sensor but also a platform that provides information to the users on the validity of its data. Hence this research presents a new generic framework for capturing and analysing sensor trustworthiness considering the different forms of evidence available to the user. It uses an extensible set of metrics that can represent such evidence and use Bayesian analysis to develop a trust classification model. Based on this work there are several publications and others are at the final stage of submission. Further improvement is also planned to make the platform serve as a cloud service accessible to any online user to build up a community of collaborators for smart city research.Open Acces

    Streaming the Web: Reasoning over dynamic data.

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    In the last few years a new research area, called stream reasoning, emerged to bridge the gap between reasoning and stream processing. While current reasoning approaches are designed to work on mainly static data, the Web is, on the other hand, extremely dynamic: information is frequently changed and updated, and new data is continuously generated from a huge number of sources, often at high rate. In other words, fresh information is constantly made available in the form of streams of new data and updates. Despite some promising investigations in the area, stream reasoning is still in its infancy, both from the perspective of models and theories development, and from the perspective of systems and tools design and implementation. The aim of this paper is threefold: (i) we identify the requirements coming from different application scenarios, and we isolate the problems they pose; (ii) we survey existing approaches and proposals in the area of stream reasoning, highlighting their strengths and limitations; (iii) we draw a research agenda to guide the future research and development of stream reasoning. In doing so, we also analyze related research fields to extract algorithms, models, techniques, and solutions that could be useful in the area of stream reasoning. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Explora : interactive querying of multidimensional data in the context of smart cities

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    Citizen engagement is one of the key factors for smart city initiatives to remain sustainable over time. This in turn entails providing citizens and other relevant stakeholders with the latest data and tools that enable them to derive insights that add value to their day-to-day life. The massive volume of data being constantly produced in these smart city environments makes satisfying this requirement particularly challenging. This paper introduces Explora, a generic framework for serving interactive low-latency requests, typical of visual exploratory applications on spatiotemporal data, which leverages the stream processing for deriving-on ingestion time-synopsis data structures that concisely capture the spatial and temporal trends and dynamics of the sensed variables and serve as compacted data sets to provide fast (approximate) answers to visual queries on smart city data. The experimental evaluation conducted on proof-of-concept implementations of Explora, based on traditional database and distributed data processing setups, accounts for a decrease of up to 2 orders of magnitude in query latency compared to queries running on the base raw data at the expense of less than 10% query accuracy and 30% data footprint. The implementation of the framework on real smart city data along with the obtained experimental results prove the feasibility of the proposed approach