13 research outputs found

    Tractable Query Answering and Optimization for Extensions of Weakly-Sticky Datalog+-

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    We consider a semantic class, weakly-chase-sticky (WChS), and a syntactic subclass, jointly-weakly-sticky (JWS), of Datalog+- programs. Both extend that of weakly-sticky (WS) programs, which appear in our applications to data quality. For WChS programs we propose a practical, polynomial-time query answering algorithm (QAA). We establish that the two classes are closed under magic-sets rewritings. As a consequence, QAA can be applied to the optimized programs. QAA takes as inputs the program (including the query) and semantic information about the "finiteness" of predicate positions. For the syntactic subclasses JWS and WS of WChS, this additional information is computable.Comment: To appear in Proc. Alberto Mendelzon WS on Foundations of Data Management (AMW15

    On the k-Boundedness for Existential Rules

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    The chase is a fundamental tool for existential rules. Several chase variants are known, which differ on how they handle redundancies possibly caused by the introduction of nulls. Given a chase variant, the halting problem takes as input a set of existential rules and asks if this set of rules ensures the termination of the chase for any factbase. It is well-known that this problem is undecidable for all known chase variants. The related problem of boundedness asks if a given set of existential rules is bounded, i.e., whether there is a predefined upper bound on the number of (breadth-first) steps of the chase, independently from any factbase. This problem is already undecidable in the specific case of datalog rules. However, knowing that a set of rules is bounded for some chase variant does not help much in practice if the bound is unknown. Hence, in this paper, we investigate the decidability of the k-boundedness problem, which asks whether a given set of rules is bounded by an integer k. We prove that k-boundedness is decidable for three chase variants, namely the oblivious, semi-oblivious and restricted chase.Comment: 20 pages, revised version of the paper published at RuleML+RR 201

    Towards Efficient Reasoning under Guarded-based Disjunctive Existential Rules

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    International audienceThe complete picture of the complexity of answering (unions of) conjunctive queries under the main guarded-based classes of disjunc- tive existential rules has been recently settled. It has been shown that the problem is very hard, namely 2ExpTime-complete, even for fixed sets of rules expressed in lightweight formalisms. This gives rise to the question whether its complexity can be reduced by restricting the query language. Several subclasses of conjunctive queries have been proposed with the aim of reducing the complexity of classical database problems such as query evaluation and query containment. Three of the most prominent subclasses of this kind are queries of bounded hypertree-width, queries of bounded treewidth and acyclic queries. The central objective of the present paper is to understand whether the above query languages have a positive impact on the complexity of query answering under the main guarded-based classes of disjunctive existential rules. We show that (unions of) conjunctive queries of bounded hypertree- width and of bounded treewidth do not reduce the complexity of our problem, even if we focus on predicates of bounded arity, or on fixed sets of disjunctive existential rules. Regarding acyclic queries, although our problem remains 2ExpTime-complete in general, in some relevant set- tings the complexity reduces to ExpTime-complete; in fact, this requires to bound the arity of the predicates, and for some expressive guarded- based formalisms, to fix the set of rules

    Complexity of Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering in Datalog+/- under Cardinality-Based Repairs

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) via the link in this recordQuerying inconsistent ontological knowledge bases is an important problem in practice, for which several inconsistencytolerant query answering semantics have been proposed, including query answering relative to all repairs, relative to the intersection of repairs, and relative to the intersection of closed repairs. In these semantics, one assumes that the input database is erroneous, and the notion of repair describes a maximally consistent subset of the input database, where different notions of maximality (such as subset and cardinality maximality) are considered. In this paper, we give a precise picture of the computational complexity of inconsistencytolerant (Boolean conjunctive) query answering in a wide range of Datalog± languages under the cardinality-based versions of the above three repair semantics.This work was supported by the Alan Turing Institute under the UK EPSRC grant EP/N510129/1, and by the EPSRC grants EP/R013667/1, EP/L012138/1, and EP/M025268/1

    Goal-Driven Query Answering for Existential Rules with Equality

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    Inspired by the magic sets for Datalog, we present a novel goal-driven approach for answering queries over terminating existential rules with equality (aka TGDs and EGDs). Our technique improves the performance of query answering by pruning the consequences that are not relevant for the query. This is challenging in our setting because equalities can potentially affect all predicates in a dataset. We address this problem by combining the existing singularization technique with two new ingredients: an algorithm for identifying the rules relevant to a query and a new magic sets algorithm. We show empirically that our technique can significantly improve the performance of query answering, and that it can mean the difference between answering a query in a few seconds or not being able to process the query at all