44 research outputs found

    A comparison of three heuristics to choose the variable ordering for CAD

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    Cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD) is a key tool for problems in real algebraic geometry and beyond. When using CAD there is often a choice over the variable ordering to use, with some problems infeasible in one ordering but simple in another. Here we discuss a recent experiment comparing three heuristics for making this choice on thousands of examples

    Formulating problems for real algebraic geometry

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    We discuss issues of problem formulation for algorithms in real algebraic geometry, focussing on quantifier elimination by cylindrical algebraic decomposition. We recall how the variable ordering used can have a profound effect on both performance and output and summarise what may be done to assist with this choice. We then survey other questions of problem formulation and algorithm optimisation that have become pertinent following advances in CAD theory, including both work that is already published and work that is currently underway. With implementations now in reach of real world applications and new theory meaning algorithms are far more sensitive to the input, our thesis is that intelligently formulating problems for algorithms, and indeed choosing the correct algorithm variant for a problem, is key to improving the practical use of both quantifier elimination and symbolic real algebraic geometry in general.Comment: To be presented at The "Encuentros de \'Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones, EACA 2014" (Meetings on Computer Algebra and Applications) in Barcelon

    An implementation of Sub-CAD in Maple

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    Cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD) is an important tool for the investigation of semi-algebraic sets, with applications in algebraic geometry and beyond. We have previously reported on an implementation of CAD in Maple which offers the original projection and lifting algorithm of Collins along with subsequent improvements. Here we report on new functionality: specifically the ability to build cylindrical algebraic sub-decompositions (sub-CADs) where only certain cells are returned. We have implemented algorithms to return cells of a prescribed dimensions or higher (layered {\scad}s), and an algorithm to return only those cells on which given polynomials are zero (variety {\scad}s). These offer substantial savings in output size and computation time. The code described and an introductory Maple worksheet / pdf demonstrating the full functionality of the package are freely available online at http://opus.bath.ac.uk/43911/.Comment: 9 page

    Choosing a variable ordering for truth-table invariant cylindrical algebraic decomposition by incremental triangular decomposition

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    Cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD) is a key tool for solving problems in real algebraic geometry and beyond. In recent years a new approach has been developed, where regular chains technology is used to first build a decomposition in complex space. We consider the latest variant of this which builds the complex decomposition incrementally by polynomial and produces CADs on whose cells a sequence of formulae are truth-invariant. Like all CAD algorithms the user must provide a variable ordering which can have a profound impact on the tractability of a problem. We evaluate existing heuristics to help with the choice for this algorithm, suggest improvements and then derive a new heuristic more closely aligned with the mechanics of the new algorithm

    Speeding up Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition by Gr\"obner Bases

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    Gr\"obner Bases and Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition are generally thought of as two, rather different, methods of looking at systems of equations and, in the case of Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition, inequalities. However, even for a mixed system of equalities and inequalities, it is possible to apply Gr\"obner bases to the (conjoined) equalities before invoking CAD. We see that this is, quite often but not always, a beneficial preconditioning of the CAD problem. It is also possible to precondition the (conjoined) inequalities with respect to the equalities, and this can also be useful in many cases.Comment: To appear in Proc. CICM 2012, LNCS 736

    Using the distribution of cells by dimension in a cylindrical algebraic decomposition

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    We investigate the distribution of cells by dimension in cylindrical algebraic decompositions (CADs). We find that they follow a standard distribution which seems largely independent of the underlying problem or CAD algorithm used. Rather, the distribution is inherent to the cylindrical structure and determined mostly by the number of variables. This insight is then combined with an algorithm that produces only full-dimensional cells to give an accurate method of predicting the number of cells in a complete CAD. Since constructing only full-dimensional cells is relatively inexpensive (involving no costly algebraic number calculations) this leads to heuristics for helping with various questions of problem formulation for CAD, such as choosing an optimal variable ordering. Our experiments demonstrate that this approach can be highly effective.Comment: 8 page

    Truth Table Invariant Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition by Regular Chains

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    A new algorithm to compute cylindrical algebraic decompositions (CADs) is presented, building on two recent advances. Firstly, the output is truth table invariant (a TTICAD) meaning given formulae have constant truth value on each cell of the decomposition. Secondly, the computation uses regular chains theory to first build a cylindrical decomposition of complex space (CCD) incrementally by polynomial. Significant modification of the regular chains technology was used to achieve the more sophisticated invariance criteria. Experimental results on an implementation in the RegularChains Library for Maple verify that combining these advances gives an algorithm superior to its individual components and competitive with the state of the art

    An implementation of CAD in Maple utilising problem formulation, equational constraints and truth-table invariance

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    Cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD) is an important tool for the investigation of semi-algebraic sets, with applications within algebraic geometry and beyond. We recently reported on a new implementation of CAD in Maple which implemented the original algorithm of Collins and the subsequent improvement to projection by McCallum. Our implementation was in contrast to Maple's in-built CAD command, based on a quite separate theory. Although initially developed as an investigative tool to compare the algorithms, we found and reported that our code offered functionality not currently available in any other existing implementations. One particularly important piece of functionality is the ability to produce order-invariant CADs. This has allowed us to extend the implementation to produce CADs invariant with respect to either equational constraints (ECCADs) or the truth-tables of sequences of formulae (TTICADs). This new functionality is contained in the second release of our code, along with commands to consider problem formulation which can be a major factor in the tractability of a CAD. In the report we describe the new functionality and some theoretical discoveries it prompted. We describe how the CADs produced using equational constraints are able to take advantage of not just improved projection but also improvements in the lifting phase. We also present an extension to the original TTICAD algorithm which increases both the applicability of TTICAD and its relative benefit over other algorithms. The code and an introductory Maple worksheet / pdf demonstrating the full functionality of the package are freely available online.Comment: 12 pages; University of Bath, Dept. Computer Science Technical Report Series, 2013-02, 201

    Applying machine learning to the problem of choosing a heuristic to select the variable ordering for cylindrical algebraic decomposition

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    Cylindrical algebraic decomposition(CAD) is a key tool in computational algebraic geometry, particularly for quantifier elimination over real-closed fields. When using CAD, there is often a choice for the ordering placed on the variables. This can be important, with some problems infeasible with one variable ordering but easy with another. Machine learning is the process of fitting a computer model to a complex function based on properties learned from measured data. In this paper we use machine learning (specifically a support vector machine) to select between heuristics for choosing a variable ordering, outperforming each of the separate heuristics.Comment: 16 page

    A "Piano Movers" Problem Reformulated

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    It has long been known that cylindrical algebraic decompositions (CADs) can in theory be used for robot motion planning. However, in practice even the simplest examples can be too complicated to tackle. We consider in detail a "Piano Mover's Problem" which considers moving an infinitesimally thin piano (or ladder) through a right-angled corridor. Producing a CAD for the original formulation of this problem is still infeasible after 25 years of improvements in both CAD theory and computer hardware. We review some alternative formulations in the literature which use differing levels of geometric analysis before input to a CAD algorithm. Simpler formulations allow CAD to easily address the question of the existence of a path. We provide a new formulation for which both a CAD can be constructed and from which an actual path could be determined if one exists, and analyse the CADs produced using this approach for variations of the problem. This emphasises the importance of the precise formulation of such problems for CAD. We analyse the formulations and their CADs considering a variety of heuristics and general criteria, leading to conclusions about tackling other problems of this form.Comment: 8 pages. Copyright IEEE 201